Make It Happen! Get Healthy and Join Us On Pinterest

January is full of promises of better health habits, but as the year goes on, resolve weakens and more help is usually needed. So I have made a Pinterest board full of inspiration. Join me on Pinterest and make your own #bootsmakeithappen board. Boots will be choosing the best one and will put it on their Facebook page.


According to new research, more than three quarters (84%) of us are feeling positive about achieving our health and beauty goals throughout 2013. That’s why Boots has launched Let’s Make It Happen – to encourage people to take action on their health and beauty goals. The initiative basically looks at what can we change in our lives this year – whether that’s stopping smoking, going to the gym more regularly, having more body confidence etc.  Boots’ Let’s Make it Happen tells you what you need to achieve these health and beauty goals, including products and service support. All the information is available in The Feel Good Forum on Mumsnet.

I have been walking, eating less meat and drinking lots of water. I have also been taking a multivitamin. What have you been doing?

Get pinning and have fun.


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Interview with Birth Made Easy Author Paola Bagnall

birth made easyFor our readers who are mothers-to-be we interviewed Paola Bagnall, author of Birth Made Easy. The book review is here. In the meantime enjoy the interview and please comment your thoughts below. Thank you.

I really liked how the book had advice on every aspect of pregnancy and birth. What is the biggest gem you can give to mothers-to-be?


To look forward to the birth with excitement and to work with your intuition and trust that your body is designed to give birth, which it is.


The book is big on relaxation, is this the most important thing when giving birth? How does one achieve this?


Yes relaxation is very important. The late Dr Grantley Dick-Read (1890 – 1959) visited a woman giving birth at her home in Whitechapel in London.  She declined his offer of chloroform, and gave birth without undue problem.  After the delivery, he asked her why she did not want chloroform and she replied, “It didn’t hurt.  It wasn’t meant to, was it?”.  Dr Dick-Reid actually said then that relaxation is the key to a good birth and in his book, Childbirth without Fear, he returned to women their rightful gift of a truly natural birth.


Today we are told that giving birth is painful and so many people believe this.  TV programmes like One Born Every Minute also reinforce this.  When you are relaxed you cannot feel fear and this is what hypnobirthing is all about.


Relaxation is achieved by visualisation of a favourite place, the use of colours, focusing on the breath and self-hypnosis – all of which are described in the book.  When you are relaxed your body opens up easily and so the baby flows out.


What was your own experience of pregnancy and giving birth like?


I have two sons and I gave birth to both naturally and relatively easily. The first one took six hours and the second eleven hours.  I am a biologist as well as a hypnotherapist and so I knew that my body could do this and also I was very excited about the process and looking forward to the experience.


When I gave birth 39 years ago we were given Pethidine automatically to help with the contractions.  I hated this as it caused me to hallucinate!  I wish I knew then what I know now about self-hypnosis as I would have been much more in control than I was.  Even so both my births were empowering experiences!


The book is about giving birth naturally. Do you think a natural birth is better?


If you can give birth naturally, I personally feel this is best because it should be a magical, empowering experience, where you are in control.  A natural birth also prevents the side effects of intervention and chemical drugs.


When someone has a headache or a medical procedure they generally use painkiller, why not do so when giving birth? It is the only medical thing that some people do without the help of painkillers. How is it different?


I’d just like to say that birth is not a medical thing!  It is a natural process and as such is not meant to hurt.  It is the medics in fact who have made it painful.


All pain is subjective and different for different people. If you think ‘pain’ then you get ‘pain’.  I feel contractions are different from ‘pain’.  They are intense pressure, good pressure, as they result in the birth of your baby.  I have suffered pain far worse than my contractions.  So think ‘good contractions’ and this alters your mind-set.


Of course using painkillers (epidural) may be what some people want and that is OK.

My book does not suggest that you have to have a natural birth.  This is a choice that the mum-to-be must make.  I simply suggest ways to achieve that goal.


Do you think the power of the mind can control the body?


Most definitely! We have the expression “mind over matter”.  We have the most amazing resource in our unconscious minds that most of us do not tap into.  By using positive affirmations and self-hypnosis we can use this innate ability we all have to make changes in ourselves for the better.


I got into hypnotherapy as I had a very painful shoulder injury that the medical profession could not help me with.  I learned to tap into this inner power and heal my shoulder using self-hypnosis. This is what showed me how useful self-hypnosis could be in giving birth. And why I created my own Inner Power Hypnobirthing.


Will everyone be able to achieve a natural birth?


A natural birth may not happen for everyone, as things just do happen which make it not possible.  If the baby is breach, or with complete placenta previa, where the placenta covers the exit for the baby, or if the baby is distressed in any way, then a C-Section has to be done in the best interests of the mother and baby.  However, hypnobirthing helps you to remain calm and in control in such situations.


Do you think you can get back into shape easily after giving birth as long as you work hard?


Yes, I do, though this is easier for some people than others.  Part of my hypnobirthing package is to help mums get back to their pre-pregnancy weight, shape and dimensions.  Simple exercises as shown in my book and a sensible diet help to achieve this.


Tell us about the self-hypnosis CD.


The self-hypnosis CD is to be listened to on a daily basis prior to the birth.  It uses visualisation, colour and positive affirmations to programme the unconscious mind to have a natural childbirth.  It is a bit like putting a program into a computer.  When you hit ‘play’ the program starts.  So the trigger for my CD is the first contraction, or the waters breaking, and then the entire program goes into effect almost automatically.  The CD takes you through pregnancy, the three stages of birth, healing up after the birth, bonding with the baby, breast-feeding easily (if you choose to do this) and getting your figure back.


What is the best advice you have for women giving birth?


Getting yourself into a positive frame of mind using hypnobirthing and start this as early as you can in your pregnancy so you have a beneficial expectation and you look forward to the birth with joyful anticipation.

Thank you Paola.

Birth Made Easy – The positive and enjoyable way to have a baby easily and naturally using self-hypnosis


7 in 10 women would do same as Angelina Jolie

Angelina Jolie has breasts removed. Almost seven out of every ten women say they would undergo a preventive double mastectomy if tests indicated they were at a high risk of breast cancer 

A new YouGov poll finds that nearly seven in 10 women in Britain would have a double mastectomy if genetic tests suggested they had a very high chance of developing breast cancer.

On Tuesday, Hollywood actress Angelina Jolie announced in a widely reported editorial for the New York Times titled “My Medical Choice” that she had undergone a double mastectomy as a preventive measure against breast cancer. Jolie said that doctors estimated that she “had an 87 percent risk of breast cancer and a 50 percent risk of ovarian cancer” due to a “faulty” gene, BRCA1, which increases cancer risk.

68% of women say they would have all natural breast tissue removed and replaced with implants if genetic tests suggested a very high probability of developing breast cancer.

The YouGov survey also found that in identical proportions British women and men would undergo preventive surgery if tests suggested they were at a very high risk of a particular cancer. 70% of Britons say they would in principle undergo surgery to prevent the development of a cancer if tests suggested there was a very high chance of it developing, including 70% of men and 70% of women.

Asked if they would have genetic tests to screen for susceptibility towards particular types of cancer, and 64% of British adults say they would, including 62% of women and 66% of men.

One in five (21%) worry that there is a type of cancer they are particularly susceptible to because of family medical history.

Your Ultimate Festival Survival Guide

festivalstyleFrom a field in the West Country to the Nevada desert, festivals are sexy! Mud, hot pants, sun, hot pants, alcohol, hot pants.  The pressure to appeal to the opposite sex is on.  Here’s our hedonistic health kit with everything you need to make you cleaner, safer, pain-free and altogether hotter this festival season!

Talking dirty

When you are jumping up and down to your favourite band in the middle of a muddy field, oral hygiene will be the last thing on your mind. If you know that the excitement of live music will be enough for you to forget the toothbrush then why not try Oraldiet. Oraldiet is an innovative oral probiotic lozenge that contains the probiotic lactobacillus reuteri. The formulation binds to your saliva and therefore stays in the mouth – allowing you to feel fresh for longer. The presence of aloe vera gel ensures that your mouth flora kept healthy at all times, leaving you to concentrate on more important things – like which stage to visit. Oraldiet is available from £6.35 for 30 lozenges.

Best foot forward

Plastic wellies may be great for trudging through muddy fields, but they can cause your tootsies to sweat and smell.  If your wellies are causing a stink, try using a good foot deodorant such as Carnation Footcare’s Cool Foot spray to keep feet dry, clean and sweat-free; the perfect remedy after a day’s hard welly-wearing. Carnation Footcare’s Cool Foot spray is available from £3.83.


Keep it clean

A combination of dancing, lack of showers and mud means one thing: sweat! Make sure you are the last one dancing with Thursday Plantation’s Tea Tree Deodorant. The 100% Tea Tree formulation will keep you feeling fresh and clean throughout the whole day whilst the aloe vera extract will sooth your skin during the sweatiest of musical moments. It’s also organic and aluminum free, meaning you’ll be feeling at one with nature whilst shaking your body to the beat. Thursday Plantation’s Tea Tree Deodorant is available from £4.95 for 60ml.

Get water savvy

Shona Wilkinson, Head Nutritionist at The Nutri Centre,, recommends drinking plenty of water throughout the day ‘to help maintain energy levels, a clear head, and because dehydration will only worsen the effects of any alcohol you drink later on.  If the weather’s hot and sunny and you’re sweating a lot, you’ll also be losing vital salts and minerals.  Try adding an electrolyte solution to your water to maintain the correct levels. Elete Electrolyte water, £5.52 from makes 10 litres of hydration liquid, is 100% natural and is taste and calorie-free.’’


Angelina Jolie: “I have had a double mastectomy”.

Angelina Jolie bravely had both of her healthy breasts removed in February, and had reconstructive surgery in April, after finding out she had an 87% risk of contracting breast cancer. Jolie found out she carried the BRCA1 cancer gene. Jolie lost her mother, Marcheline Bertrand to ovarian cancer when Marcheline was only 56. She also revealed she has a 50% chance of contracting ovarian cancer. She said:

‘Only a fraction of breast cancers result from an inherited gene mutation. Those with a defect in BRCA1 have a 65% risk of getting it, on average. Once I knew that this was my reality, I decided to be proactive and to minimize the risk as much I could, I made a decision to have a preventive double mastectomy.’

Angelina Jolie has breasts removed. I started with the breasts, as my risk of breast cancer is higher than my risk of ovarian cancer, and the surgery is more complex.’

‘I choose not to keep my story private because there are many women who do not know that they might be living under the shadow of cancer,’ she continued. ‘It is my hope that they, too, will be will able to get gene tested, and that if they have a high risk they, too, will know that they have strong options.

‘Life comes with many challenges. The ones that should not scare us are the ones we can take on and take control of.’

Jolie worked during her treatment, speaking out about violence against women and children at the G8 summit in London last month.

In the article entitled My Medical Choice for the New York Times she praised the support of her fiance, Brad Pitt, and their children Maddox, 11, Pax, nine, Zahara, eight, Shiloh, six, and four-year-old twins Knox and Vivienne, saying: ‘We knew this was the right thing to do for our family and that it would bring us closer. And it has.’

Living Gluten-Free | Book Review

livingglutenfreeGluten-Free is the new food trend. And while living gluten-free used to be extremely difficult it has gradually gotten better. The need has met the demand. Gluten-free is now widely available and common in the mainstream media. Living Gluten-free is getting easier but it still has it’s challenges. Can these book help? Let’s find out.

Living gluten-free for dummies is a comprehensive guide to eating gluten-free. It talks you through the medical benefits of eating gluten-free, has almost 100 great recipes, and give you guidance on reading food labels.

The book also has great advice on coeliac disease, tells you about tests and lets you know what misdiagnoses you should look out for. Chapter 3 even has an entire chapter on coeliac disease. I don’t have coeliac disease but it would be a great resource for those who do. In fact 10p from every sale of the book goes to Coeliac UK.

The lists of food with and without gluten is also handy. As is the chapter on making sure food is gluten-free. There is also a table on shopping on a budget. This book is a really good resource on buying, eating and cooking gluten-free food. It certainly makes a daunting task much easier and tastier. The recipes are good. There is something there for everyone and not a horrible, cardboard-tasting meal in sight. For those who miss pasta or bread, there are even recipes to make your own. There is also a good amount of dessert recipes. Yum.

If you love eating out or are away from home a lot there is also a chapter to make sure you don’t fall off the wagon. For those with kids, there is a chapter on raising children gluten-free too.

Living Gluten-Free For Dummies

One Month Supply of Krill Oil to Giveaway

Krill-Oil-3D-EverestNutrition-400x400For those of you who haven’t heard yet, Krill Oil is the new obsession of health and beauty writers. According to some it is even better than Omega 3 and deals with inflammation. We have one month supply to give to one lucky reader thanks to Everest Nutrition. Read on for the health benefits and how to enter.

Krill Oil Benefits

Clinical data has shown Krill Oil seems to possess numerous benefits and has the ability to: protect your heart, lower your cholesterol, fight PMS symptoms, combat inflammation, optimize your brain’s capabilities, fight aging AND boost your overall health and wellbeing!

These days we’re all well aware of the importance of including Omega 3 fatty acids into our diets. Everest Nutrition Krill Oil is a fantastic source of Omega 3s, especially EPA and DHA benefits, the two essential fatty acids the body needs to maintain excellent health.

Everest Nutrition Krill Oil goes above and beyond what you would find in any Omega 3 supplement — even when put up against the highest grade fish oil supplement!

Our Krill Oil contains a rich supply of astaxanthin, a red pigment found in aquatic livestock such as krill, shrimp, lobster, mussel, crab and other seafood sources. Astaxanthin is known as a very powerful anti oxidant which can help rid the body of free radicals that contribute to various diseases and illnesses. Astaxanthin is also known for its anti-aging capabilities.

Even better. krill oil’s Omega 3 structure is linked together in a different form compared to fish oil. The essential fatty acids in fish oil are made up in triglyceride form, whereas krill oil is linked together in form – the same structure as the fat cells in the human body! This makes absorption of Omega 3s faster and easier.

To win follow @Frostmag on Twitter and Tweet, ‘I want to win with @Frostmag’ or like us on Facebook.  Alternatively, sign up to our newsletter. Competition will end May 31st 2013.


How Socialised Medicine May Affect Nursing Jobs in the U.S.

imagesWith health care reform a major, continuing topic of debate, anyone who wears nurse scrubs is no doubt concerned about the future of their profession. The suggestion of socialized medicine and the variable permutations of it already implemented in other countries beg the question of how such an enormous change would affect nursing jobs.

There are only hypothetical answers, since any model that can be studied, such as those in Britain, Australia, Canada, and France would be significantly different than anything employed in the U.S. The word “socialized” confuses the question, bringing up concerns of threats to capitalism. The Obama administration is looking for reforms in health care, not to change the American economic philosophy, and socialism isn’t remotely what the end product will be.

What has become apparent is that the current system fails to guarantee all the medical needs of the population, but as of now, no other system currently in operation anywhere in the world can suffice. Nurses and everyone else in healthcare in the United States also understand that capitalism also produces the incentives for competition to perform the best service possible.

One of the concerns of nurses in America is that cost reductions from healthcare will dramatically cut their salaries since labor is the largest part of health expenses. The American Journal of Nursing claims there are many avenues for cutting costs without decreasing nursing pay including decreasing insurance company profits, tort reform for malpractice claims, and smaller corporate profits.

Whatever else is on the horizon, the U.S. Department of Labor gives a good job outlook for nursing; by 2020, jobs for RNs are expected to have increased by 26% since 2010, better than average for every occupation. This growth is due to expanded preventative care, projected advancements in medical technology, and the enormous baby-boomer population that will be requiring more healthcare services because they’re remaining active and living longer. So far, expectations are for 711,900 new positions for RN’s with associate degrees between 2010 and 2020.

On the All Nurses forum, a Canadian RN who has worn nurse scrubs for fifteen years of experience in their healthcare system, proffers that in America, it will be doctors rather than nurses whose salaries and fees would be regulated, and that the earning for nurses would not be greatly affected.

She is quick to point out that her wage is anything but Socialist, as she makes a commensurate amount to American nurses, as well as evening, night, and weekend premiums. In addition, 75% of her vision and dental care, life and disability insurance, RRSP and pension contributions, and other extended healthcare benefits are paid by her employer. She also reports that she does not work for the government, but for the local health region in which her hospital is located.

One thing that may be in the offing for nurses is a slightly increased workload. Healthcare professionals in Quebec recorded that income controls did negatively impact the work incentives of general practitioners, who spent on an average of 11 percent less time with their patients, shortening their working year by two-and-a-half weeks. Those in nurse scrubs, on the other hand, were still fairly paid but also took up some of the slack for the doctors, an inequity that still seeks a solution by the Canadian healthcare system.