Frost Magazine’s Diet Books Special

bellyfatdietWant to get the weight off or even just get healthy? Well Frost Magazine has the answer. A diet book special. Read on….

Living Paleo For Dummies, by Melissa Joulwan and Dr. Kellyann Petrucci.

Some people might not know what living Paleo means but basically it is the caveman diet. It is big on meat but nothing that our ancestors would not have eaten. Which means no sweets, diary, legumes, grains, gluten, sugar, potatoes, processed food and to go easy on the alcohol. While a vegetarian could do the Paleo diet, I reckon it wouldn’t be easy. Although the book does give you information on how to do so. The Paleo diet is mostly meat, fish, fowl, eggs and vegetables.

The first chapter tells you all about Paleo. It is a lifestyle, not just a diet. It tells you the science behind Paleo and why you should adopt the Paleo way. It is very interesting and they certainly do present their case. We do eat a lot of things our ancestors would never have heard of.

The book has a 30 day reset program. The authors bill this as the ultimate health plan. One that will not only help you lose weight, but will also make you healthier and stop you getting ill and aging badly. It informs you on what will be happening to your body during the reset program and how to cope. The book lets you know how to stock your kitchen. It certainly covers everything and makes living a Paleo lifestyle easy as long as you have the willpower.

The book also covers sleep, supplements and sunshine. It even tells you about your home and what toxins you should avoid.

Of course the book also has over 40 recipes and step-by-step exercises. Potential pitfalls are covered too. This is a very good informative book. Worth a read if you want to know more about the Paleo diet.

The Paleo movement is one of today’s hottest diet and healthy-eating approaches. The paleo diet is about using natural foods to achieve great health and a perfect physique. Published in January 2013, Living Paleo For Dummies gives readers a fun and practical guide for adopting paleo diet principles into their daily lives. Offering more than 40 recipes for all meals of the day, and providing tips for getting around common roadblocks such as eating out, this essential guide to adopting a primal diet also provides the latest, cutting edge research from genetics, biochemistry, and anthropology to help readers look, feel, and perform their best.


Acid Alkaline Diet For Dummies, by Julie Wilkinson

The whole acid/alkaline thing is something I have always been interested in. Occasionally I would get indigestion or acid reflux and I knew this meant I was not eating properly. In fact acid reflux is widely known to cause esophageal cancer so the need to get my body more alkaline was strong.

Like all of the diet books, the diet is written about in detail. What it entails, what it can do for you, the information on acids and alkaline and handy information boxes on a variety of things from the top ten reasons to pay attention to your diet to how long the digestion process takes.

Any diet can seem scary and too difficult but the acid/alkaline diet makes things easier by letting you follow an 80/20 rule. This means your food should be 80 per cent alkaline and 20 per cent acid-forming. And unlike the Paleo diet, the acid/alkaline diet tells you to limit the meat you eat, and to stay clear of red meat.

For inspiration the book also goes through the different systems in the body (digestive, muscular) and tells you what happens to each with an acid-forming diet. To be honest it really does make you think. The human body was never supposed to be acidic. The food we eat makes it so.

This book will be great for the results-driven. The author tells you how to check your PH balance and monitor your progress. You can even test the water in your area. The tests in this book are excellent. It tells you how to test your pulse, your body fat, your calorie needs: the list goes on.

It takes you through your food cupboards and tells you what to buy. Of course it also has a lot of delicious recipes and an exercise program. It has a section on overcoming PH obstacles and helps you eat well when out and about. All of the books do this but to be honest if you are going to the expense of eating out I think you should take a day off from your diet and eat whatever you want.

I loved this book. I have recommended it to my friends and family. I will do the same to you.

The acid alkaline diet is designed to restore the pH balance in our bodies. To keep healthy, the body needs balanced quantities of alkaline and acid substances, and a simple change in our diets to achieve this important acid-alkaline balance can result in a vast improvement in our overall health. Acid Alkaline Diet for Dummies will show readers how to restore the necessary pH balance and live a healthier life, covering areas including: Symptoms of a high acid diet; Foods to avoid; Foods that have a high alkaline quality;  and how to lose weight, prevent illness and increase energy. It also contains a month’s worth of grocery lists for items to have on hand and over 40 healthy recipes to help balance pH, making it easier to follow the acid alkaline diet


Belly Fat Diet For Dummies, by Erin Palinski-Wade

The main complaint with most of my friends is belly fat. Even if you are slim you can still get that little bit of fat that just won’t go away. So I was quite excited to review the belly fat diet book.

The book starts of with telling you about belly fat, what it is and what it can do to your health. It has tests and information to identify your body type to start you off. The great thing about this diet is that it tells you what to eat to lose the belly fat. Okay it also has a list of things you shouldn’t eat but the good list has enough delicious stuff to keep you going. Not only that but it also has the portion sizes which I find especially handy.

This book is great. It it has three different plans, which are different for men and women. The turbocharged plans are from level 1 to level 3. The step-by-step exercises are well laid out and there is also over 40 recipes. To help you along after you get started it also tells you how to overcome potential pitfalls and has a belly fat maintenance plan.

All in all an excellent book. For anyone who wants to get rid of their belly fat I would highly recommend it.

Including a proven 7-day quick-start programme, a no-gym fitness plan and a month’s worth of shopping lists and recipes, this recently published title gives readers the information they need to help them lose unwanted weight around the middle.

So which book is best? It is too hard to say as each diet would be best for different people. Each book is great and really gets to the nitty gritty of each diet. I would say you should look at your individual needs. For those with belly fat, the Belly Fat Diet would obviously benefit, if you want to go back to a more natural way of living and eat meat, the Paleo diet would suit you. If your PH balance is out of whack the Acid Alkaline diet will get you back on track. Of course you could try all of the diets and at Frost that is what we will be doing.

Are you on a diet? Let us know what diet you are doing and the results you are getting. We could write about you in a future article.



Running a Marathon For Dummies | Book Review

runningamarathonMarathons are hugely popular now. It seems everyone I know is doing one. Although I have yet to join in, this book has made me feel inspired. Unfortunately injuries are rife as people underestimate just how hard it is. Enter Running A Marathon For Dummies. An incredibly informative book which covers everything you could possibly want to know about running a marathon.

What I found particularly interesting was chapter three: Understanding the Physiology of Marathon Running. It tells you all about your heart and what happens when you are running. How the heart pushes blood through your body and how your muscles carry you 26.2 miles. (the length of a marathon) It is completely fascinating and essential knowledge for those serious about running.

The book also has brilliant tests like the one to tell you how high your arch is. It gives you recommendations on what gear to buy. It also tells you how to stay strong and healthy. This book will hopefully make any injuries less common, in fact an entire chapter is dedicated to recognising and avoiding common injuries and also has the treatments in case the worst happens. You will also be educated about your body and what it goes through. It has a good amount of exercises with a step-by-step guide on how to do them.

It also helps you train with running drills, the tools to help you create your own training preparation and it also gives you training programmes. An excellent book for everyone from the beginner to the more experienced. Jason Karp really knows his stuff. I loved this book. An excellent guide.

Running a Marathon For Dummies by Jason Karp,

With record numbers participating in marathons worldwide, whether you are a beginner or an experienced runner, this title provides tips and techniques to help improve stamina, speed and overall health. Taking the reader all the way from sitting on the couch through to their first marathon and beyond, it also contains advice for practiced marathoners as to how to continue improving performance.

Understanding IBS

flickr-3705507804-hdWhat is it?

Dr. Wendy Denning, GP and one of Tatler’s top 150 private doctors for the last three years, explains: “Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) is a sporadic and unpredictable disruption of the digestive system. Everyone suffers the odd upset, but if you regularly experience painful abdominal spasms, bloating, or attacks of constipation or diarrhoea, then you could be suffering from IBS.”



Dr. Denning, says: “Doctors are not exactly sure what causes IBS, and symptoms can vary in type, frequency and severity from person to person. However the condition can be painful, embarrassing and inconvenient to deal with. IBS occurs when the nerves and muscles of the bowel are not working properly. The bowel can become extra sensitive to pain and easily or frequently upset, and, unfortunately, IBS is a chronic condition – often recurring after long periods of calm.”



  • Abdominal pain and cramping – often relieved by emptying your bowels
  • A change in your bowel habits – such a diarrhoea, constipation, or both
  • Bloating and swelling of your abdomen
  • Excessive wind
  • An urgent need to go to the toilet
  • A feeling that you need to open your bowels even if you have just been to the toilet
  • A feeling you have not fully emptied your bowels
  • Passing mucus from your bottom



  • IBS affects 15-20% of the population, particularly women aged 20-4
  • 25-50% of all hospital gastroenterology appointments are for IBS
  • Studies have shown that approximately 2/3 of IBS patients have at least one food intolerance and some have multiple intolerances
  • Over 50% of those surveyed* had missed work with almost one quarter of 24-34 year olds taking over a month off
  • 43% reported their IBS impacted their confidence, with 24-34 year olds most severely affected (46%), and well over 1/3 (38%) reported low mood
  • 1 in 10 said that their condition had significantly impacted their love life



  • The YorkTest IBS Diet Programme includes analysis reaction to more than 158 different food and drink ingredients. The new programme is specifically designed for IBS sufferers because it provides a personalised list of suitable low FODMAP foods which take into account your food and drink intolerances, the low FODMAP diet has been shown to be effective in reducing IBS symptoms.
  • Eliminate foods that patients are intolerant to
  • Probiotics
  • Eight glasses of water per day
  • Advice on eating + / – digestive enzymes
  • Stress reduction
  • Exercise
  • Glutamine
  • Fish oils
  • Cut down on FODMAP foods


*OnePoll survey of 1,000 IBS sufferers

Peter Dinklage joins Cruelty Free International to call for US ban on animal testing


Peter Dinklage is photographed for Cruelty Free International, sending an appeal across the U.S. to support the global organization committed to ending cosmetic tests on animals


Following Europe’s cosmetics animal test ban in March, Emmy and Golden Globe award winning actor Peter Dinklage has become an ambassador for Cruelty Free International to call for an end to cosmetics tests on animals in the USA, as part of the non-profit’s mission to end product testing on animals worldwide.
Peter Dinklage, known for his show-stealing role as Tyrion Lannister in Game of Thrones states: “I am so pleased to support Cruelty Free International and be part of the global campaign to end cosmetics tests on animals. It is unacceptable that animals continue to suffer around the world, including the United States of America, for the sake of beauty. I appeal to the USA to follow the European Union’s lead and end animal testing for cosmetics.”

Peter posed in a Cruelty Free International t-shirt to raise awareness of the continued cruel use of animals to test everyday beauty products and toiletries from soap to toothpaste.


Peter Dinklage joins Cruelty Free International celebrity supporters Joss Stone and Global Ambassador Ricky Gervais, who starred in a video launching the global organization last year


Animal tests involve rabbits, guinea pigs, mice and rats who can be injected, gassed, force-fed and killed for cosmetics. Animal tests for new cosmetics are now banned in the European Union and in March, new animal tests for every cosmetic product to be sold in Europe were also brought to an end. This significant historical milestone was achieved after over twenty years of campaigning by Cruelty Free International’s founding organization, the BUAV.


Peter Dinklage and Cruelty Free International are joining forces to bring about a ban in the U.S., following Europe’s lead and moving the U.S. off the global list of countries that still allow animals to be used in painful and fatal test to develop beauty products.

New Study finds that Potassium decreases chance of a stroke

Good news for those worried about strokes, According to a new study from the BMJ (British Medical Journal), people who have a high potassium intake have a 24 per cent reduced risk of a stroke. The study highlighted the positive health benefits that increased potassium can have on an individual. Eating potassium rich foods such as bananas and nuts and seeds can reduce blood pressure in people with hypertension without having an adverse effect on the renal function in adults.

The recommended daily allowance of potassium currently stands at 3,500mg per day which can be gained from a balanced diet, although increasingly busy lives means that this is not always possible.

Nature’s Plus Potassium capsules are a simple and convenient way to reap the health benefits of potassium. Being yeast free and vegetarian means that they are suitable for everyone to take and with a concentration of 99mg per capsule, they are the perfect way to top up your potassium levels.


Mark Anthony’s Quick 5 Minute Workouts: Get a Better Body

free workout videosCelebrity trainer Mark Anthony has created some quick 5 minute workouts that you can do when you wake up in the morning – one for arms, one for legs and one for stomach.

Florida grapefruit teamed up with Mark in an attempt to get the nation starting their day the Florida way, these quick workouts can be done first thing in the morning. Enjoy.

Back Exercise

Abs Exercise

Chest Exercise

The Princess and The Pranayama By Cheryl MacDonald

prince william turns 30. Kate middletonBy Cheryl MacDonald BA Hons E-RPYT, Perinatal Yoga teacher and Childbirth educator


The now glowing Kate Middleton, Duchess of Cambridge has given up her punishing exercise routine in wake of her pregnancy and is now practising yoga to help ensure a natural, drug free birth for the pending heir to the throne.

Why yoga during pregnancy?

Yoga is being hailed as THE form of exercise of pregnant women everywhere, allowing mother to remain fit and flexible while building a strong mind and body to prepare for childbirth. The focus of yoga during pregnancy works on relaxed stretching (asanas), yogic breathing (or pranayama) and deep relaxation or savasana. Yoga during pregnancy and also post-partum with baby can decrease the incidence of antenatal depression and has been proven to actively encourage mum and baby bonding, even while in utero.


Where do I start with prenatal yoga?

I highly recommend if you are completely new to yoga, then you should join a special prenatal yoga class with a properly qualified perinatal yoga teacher (200 hour yoga teaching qualification with specialist perinatal yoga training a minimum.) If you are a yoga newbie and do wish to practice yoga in the first trimester, look towards relaxing poses and deep breathing, focusing on meeting and getting to know your baby.


Five safe yoga postures for pregnancy

Here are some easy to try yoga postures to try at home. Remember that unless you are an experienced yoga practitioner with an existing practice, you should not undertake yoga until 14-16 weeks gestation.


Cat Curls (Bidalasana): Bidalasana helps relieve lower back pain and to release the length of the spine, a common problem during pregnancy.

– Get down on your hands and knees with hands placed directly under shoulders and knees under the hips.

– Inhale and lift your heart, stretch back through your tail and concave your spine.

– Exhale and roll your spine, lowering the head, pressing through the hands back to straight back.


Cat Curls in pregnancy differ from your normal cat curl as we don’t curl the abdomen towards the floor, after curling up we simply return to flat back or table top.  Repeat following your breath – Inhale as your curl the spine up and exhale back to flat back.


Childs Pose (Balasana):

– From any kneeling position, sit your tail back toward your heels.

– Take the knees as far apart as you need to to make your bump comfortable.

– Sit back as far as is comfortable and rest your head toward the mat. If you can’t reach your head to the mat, rest your chin on your hands.  You can stack your fists and rest your forehead there or use a block if you can’t quite get down. Otherwise, you can stretch your arms out long in front of you and lower your head all the way to the mat.


Avoid balasana if suffering from sciatica.


Bound Angle Pose (Baddha Konasana): Baddha Konasana is a classic pregnancy yoga posture and is excellent for helping to open up the hips and pelvis in preparation for birth. This is a posture that be practised at night while reading a book or watching TV and is especially important for the later stages of pregnancy in the third trimester.


– Sit on your mat with the soles of the feet together.

– Bring your heels as close to the groin as possible and pull the shoulder back and down away from the ears to straighten the spine.

– Hold the feet with the hands and (with a straight spine) begin to gently bend forwards from the hips – only as much as is comfortable – please do not squish your baby!

– Remember to breathe in and out through the nose.


Downward Facing Dog (AdhoMukkhaSvanasana):  Downward dog can be practised with feet wider apart than normal to accommodate your bump, although ideally no further apart than hip width.

– Push into the palms of the hands and pull up on the hip bones.

– When and if ready, takes the heels to the mat. It’s fine to keep the knees bent when pregnant and focus on stretch from hands to hips, lengthening the back.


Only hold any inversion for 5 seconds during pregnancy and if you feel dizzy or nauseous at all, come back down onto the mat and into child pose and relax.


Yoga Squats (Malasana): Squats are great for building strength and stamina during pregnancy and in preparation for birth. Many women like to squat while birthing. As you get bigger in pregnancy, use props such as blocks, bolsters or a rolled up blanket to rest your bottom on. Focus on relaxing and letting your breath drop deeply into your belly.


– Stand facing the back of a chair with your feet slightly wider than hip-width apart, toes pointed outward.

– Squat toward the floor as though you were going to sit down in a chair.

– Contract the abdominal muscles, lift your chest, and pull the shoulders back and down. Most of your weight should be toward your heels. This can be done against the wall for support.


Remember to avoid wide legged postures if suffering from pelvic girdle pain or PSD.


Cheryl MacDonald is the founder of YogaBellies which specializes in perinatal yoga and natural birth preparation. She created the Birth ROCKS natural birth preparation method and has trained over 70 YogaBellies teachers across the world and has been working with birthing women for almost ten years. She is mother of one lovely three year old buy and lives with her husband in the west end of Glasgow.


Unleash The Power Of The Female Brain | Book Review

Unleash the power of the female brainThe brain is probably the most underrated organ and the one that is most taken advantage of. Yet everything we do affects our brain.

Renowned neuropsychiatrist and best selling author Dr Daniel G. Amen has written a comprehensive guide to the female brain. The amount of stuff I learned was amazing. The book says that all is needed is 12 hours to a radical new you, and I agree with their claim. I have already made changes in my life because of this book.

Dr Amen has based this breakthrough guide on research from his clinical practice. The book has pictures of brain scans throughout. These brain scans are ‘before’ and ‘after’, like make-overs for the brain. The book is a health guide that every women should read because, as Dr Amen says, “success in everything you do starts with a healthy brain.”

Dr Amen also talks you through harnessing the strengths of the female brain and overcoming the vulnerabilities. He tells you what to eat, and what not to, how to control your cravings, how to sooth your brain and even how to prepare for pregnancy and raising your children in a brain-healthy way.

This book put my diet under the microscope and made me realise that all of the stress I have been under, and my habit of craving junk food is stopping me achieving my full potential. Although sometimes Dr Amen came across as (only slightly) preachy. No one can be a saint all the time and I still believe that a little bit of what you fancy won’t do you any harm. Despite this I could rave on and on about the book, but I won’t; I will just say that it is a must read. I will be reading it again. It certainly did change my life and make me appreciate my brain.

Unleash the Power of the Female Brain: Supercharging yours for better health, energy, mood, focus and sex

This is how the book breaks down:

1. FALL IN LOVE WITH YOUR FEMALE BRAIN: Care About Your Brain More than Any Other Body Part
Hour 1 Exercise – Boost brain envy – Hang anchor images of why you want to have a healthier brain

2. HARNESS THE UNIQUE STRENGTHS OF THE FEMALE BRAIN: Use Your Intuition, Collaboration, Empathy, Self-Control, and a Little Worry to Give Yourself a Great Advantage
Hour 2 Exercise – Recruit Your Team and Make Your Worries Work for You – this is what I would call a form of the Serenity Prayer which is a consistent go-to in my life

3. ADOPT THE AMEN CLINICS’ METHOD FOR OPTIMIZING THE FEMALE BRAIN:: Know Your Brain, Important Numbers, and the Four Circles for Ultimate Success
Hour 3 Exercise – Get Assessed: CBC and on Amen’s website (SPECT optional)

Part One: Balance Estrogen, Progesterone, and Testosterone
Part Two: Balance Thyroid, Cortisol, DHEA, and Insulin
Hour 4 Exercise – Take the Hormone Questionnaires and Inventory Your Healthy and Unhealthy Hormone Habits

5. FEED THE FEMALE BRAIN: Flatten Your Tummy and Boost Brain Reserves by Healing Your Gut and Eating Brain-Healthy Superfoods – Treat Food as a Drug because it is one
Hour 5 Exercise – Provide Therapy for your Kitchen (Food/Diet)

6. SOOTHE THE FEMALE BRAIN: Put an End to Anxiety, Worry, Depression, and Perfectionism
Hour 6 Exercise – Get ANT Therapy and Answer the Work’s Four Questions

7. GET CONTROL OF THE FEMALE BRAIN: Conquer Cravings, Weight Issues, and Addictions
Hour 7 Exercise – Embrace Your Failures (Turn bad days into good data)

8. UNDERSTAND ADD AND THE FEMALE BRAIN: Learn to Treat the Hyperactive “Boys'” Condition That Ruins Female Lives
Hour 8 Exercise – Know Your Focus and Energy Robbers and Boosters

9. BE BEAUTIFUL ON THE INSIDE AND OUT: Learn Strategies to Help Your Brain and Body Look Amazing – Stop the Negative Chatter and Make a Plan to Look and Feel Amazing
Hour 9 Exercise – Get a Massage and Enjoy a Sauna

10. UNDERSTAND SEX AND THE FEMALE BRAIN: Optimize Your Brain for Greater Pleasure, Deeper Relationships, and Lasting Love
Hour 10 Exercise – Be the Director of Your Pleasure

11. GET YOUR BRAIN READY FOR BABIES AND CARING FOR THEIR BRAINS ONCE THEY’RE HERE: Prepare for Pregnancy – and Unleash the Power of Your Daughters’ Brains
Hour 11 Exercise – Indulge in Special Time

12. CHANGE YOUR FEMALE BRAIN, CHANGE THE WORLD: Realize That It’s Not About You – It’s About Generations of You
Hour 12 Exercise – Create Your Own Genius Network