Marion and Bob went shopping at the weekend for garden trellis etc. which they have found perfectly camouflaged the graffiti on the walls – problem solved. Though it was not for want of trying, as the council lads tried very hard to remove it but it had been there for so long it just didn’t want to budge.
As always, Monday at the Columbia Community Association centre hit the ground running – well, perhaps a poor choice of words as the first meeting was with Helen to discuss arranging some armchair yoga. Helen delivers “Gentle Years Yoga” for those people who have difficulty with floor exercise. ‘That describes me,’ Marion says, because once she gets down – there she must stay.
More plants were re-potted and a new hanging basket erected, it is looking so nice, which is calming, thank heavens, since Marion’s laptop has had a prolonged hissy fit and , as I write, on its way to Laptop Hospital. Doctor IT reckons the dear old thing needs a good overhaul (the laptop, not Marion – heaven forbid – though they both suffer from the same malady, Frost Magazine feels ) as they are both trying to solve too many things at the same time, which is at the bottom of it, Doctor IT suspects. Marion is inconsolable, as she misses her like crazy.
Fortunately Marion’s grandson bestowed another laptop on her before he went off to Texas, but she confesses, ‘It’s not easy getting used to new fangled stuff.’
Wednesday brought a lot of forms to sign, etc. in relation to the lease alongside the usual classes. Andrew from MBC delivered two boxes of pottery the children made earlier, which they have one week to collect as Marion and Bob need the centre spic and span for the grand opening on the 28th of the month
Belle dropped in with another bag of hats knitted by the ladies from Plain n Purl, Sister Mary will be delighted. Andy has agreed to collect them Thursday afternoon. Marion has written a note ‘to self’ to remember to ask Sister to take a photograph of her beloved Seafarers wearing these beautiful knitted hats. Margaret and her team make notes to self. Lots of them. Some work, some don’t.
Marion was so pleased to see Simon from SCC who popped in to take photographs of a few snagging issues, then they had the most enjoyable visit from Margaret (editor of Frost Magazine) and Dick who came bearing gifts. ‘They are so kind to us.’ Marion says. ‘We do wish they lived closer, as our chin wags are precious.’
Margaret feels the same, though Thirsk is only a quick whizz up the A1.
Marion is now on a mission to find a local maker of balloon arches for our grand opening, any assistance would be gratefully accepted. Pauline has offered to source the Prosecco 25% off at Sainsbury’s. Mind you that’s when you buy 6 bottles. So a quick calculation was carried out, and it was decided that quite a number of bottles will be required. ‘How can we not, as one must raise a glass on such a day of celebration of community.‘ Well quite.
Bingo day took place as usual, and so too, the eating of home made cake, made by the lovely Linda. As Marion has said in the past, ‘It would be so very rude to refuse.‘
Now to the Sponsored walk: Aimee Greens dancers will be doing a 5k walk on the afternoon of the 22 July, walking from Seaburn to South Shields. These wonderful little troopers have no funding and need to generate funds for expenses for the dancers upcoming dance festivals. Anyone can donate through the CCA centre, and do remember, every donation helps.
Food has been ordered for the Friday coffee morning and a sneaky mouth watering cheesecake. The hamper has also been prepared, and looks great when you think it’s a £1 stake. ( Marion does ask that the winner returns the basket for next time).
Final words from our Marion:
‘Thunder storms due for the week end but hey ho we here in good old Brady Square have learned to dance in the rain. If you can do this my friends, you can withstand any storm.’
Information: Columbia Community Association Columbia uk Community Forum
Memories of Brady Square