LighterLife Fast Review: The Easy Way To Do The 5:2 Diet?

The 5:2 diet really took off last year and is still huge. If you have been living under a rock and don’t know what it is: you eat normally for 5 days a week and then the other two days you fast, having 500 calories if you are female, or 600 if you are male. It sounds better than most diets and you get to eat what you want (within reason) the other five days. What makes it hard though is finding something low-calorie to eat on the fasting days. Enter LighterLife Fast, which we got sent to review recently. It is a new product from Superdrug that makes the 5:2 diet easier. On your fasting days you just have four packets of the LighterLife Fast foodpacks.

5.2dietfood 5-2diet

They are not only convenient but they also make sure you get all of your nutrients while you fast. They are very handy and you can pop them into the microwave, or on a hob, which I prefer. We got sent two different bars, two shakes (chocolate and strawberry), porridge, vegetable soup, pasta carbonara and spaghetti bolognese flavoured meals. Note that I said ‘flavoured’ these are mostly dehydrated meals that you add water too.


LighterLife Fasting has a number of things going for it: no cooking, no counting calories and you get 100% of the recommended daily allowance (RDA) of vitamins and minerals, along with good amounts of protein and fibre. The taste lets it down a little but it is what you would expect, ranging from okay to edible depending on personal preference.


More importantly, do they work? Well, yes. Our reviewer lost about a pound a week. They are a good diet aid, and good for people who are busy too, making the 5:2 diet manageable and without compromising on getting all of your nutrients. It doesn’t taste nice and you will yearn for real food, but it makes things easier. Available from Superdrug.


What do you think?



Romance In Modern Age: 52% of Women Would Contribute To Engagement Ring

The New Engagement Etiquette in the Age of Equality

TV diamond expert, Vashi Dominguez, Founder and CEO of reports that in a recent survey, over 50 percent of women admit they would make a contribution to their engagement ring to ensure they got the ring of their dreams. 52 percent of women answered that ‘yes, I would probably consider [contributing to my engagement ring]’ or ‘yes, I would definitely consider it as it would mean I could have the style and size I want.’ A further 7 percent of women surveyed had already contributed to their engagement ring. The statistics also reveal that a quarter of women surveyed would partake in subtle hinting, such as comments to their partner when walking past jewellery stores, to ensure they received the engagement ring they wanted.


Pear Cut 0.6 Carat D/VS1 18k Yellow Gold Diamond Engagement Ring | £1,899

The financial crisis of the late 2000s caused employment rates for men aged 25-44 in the UK to decrease by 3.2 percent. The employment rate of women in the same age range dropped by a lesser 0.7 percent. Consequentially, more couples now share the cost of living; large expense items such as a new car, holidays or an engagement ring are now more likely to be a shared expense. Couples’ finances in general are now so interlinked prior to engagement that an even higher percentage of women could be contributing to their ring subtlety through linked finances.

The survey results also strongly suggest that engagements in the UK are planned (more frequently than being spontaneous) due to men’s financial circumstances and budget constraints. However, a relatively large proportion of men did not plan romance around the planned engagement – this is according to 24 percent of women who revealed their partner did not plan anything specific for their engagement, with another 13 percent of women stating that their partner did not get down on one knee.

In light of the survey results, anticipates a growing number of sales will be a result of joint decisions made by a couple. Post-survey, Dominguez stated: “These results represent a welcome shift in the way couples approach engagement now. The team and I notice more women being involved in the process compared to previous generations. Traditionally, men were the breadwinners and often as a result, the decision makers. However, we’re beginning to experience a new engagement etiquette. Our male customers are relying on their partner’s input too, whether it be financially or at least from an aesthetic point of view. Not only this, now is receiving an increasing proportion of business from female customers.”

Vashi Dominguez continued, “women know what they want and our survey shows they’re not afraid to contribute to ensure they get what they want!”

1000 women aged 20-50 were surveyed UK-wide.

Source re survey: Census Wide on behalf of

Source re recession: The Labour Force Survey from 2007 Q1 – 2007 Q4