Tag: agent

Interview With The Commuter Author Emma Curtis

I finished reading The Commuter in a day. I raced through it. It’s a brilliant domestic thriller which had me hooked from the very first page. Here’s my interview with Emma. The Commuter is your seventh novel. How does that feel? It’s a huge achievement. It feels like a huge achievement! I started writing, submitting …

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How I got a Literary Agent.

In January this year one of the most amazing things happened to me: I got a literary agent. Having an agent was always something beyond my wildest dreams, more than that, my agent is the amazing Susan Yearwood. Champagne popping time indeed. I spent the months in the run up to Christmas researching agents and sending …

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Meet Gillian Holmes – Literary Editor

Gillian Holmes   Frost is delighted that Gillian Holmes of the editing house, The Editor, will, over the next few weeks, advise Frost’s readers on writing successful first chapters, and that tricky beast the synopsis.   The timing is particularly apt because the charity Words for the Wounded (sponsored by Frost Magazine) has launched its 2016 Independent Author Book Award  for self published …

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Rose McGowan Fired By Agent For Calling Out Hollywood Sexism

Rose McGowan has been fired by her agent for pointing out how sexist a casting was. The casting was for an Adam Sandler movie she auditioned for. The script notes stated “push-up bras encouraged,” and the name of the male lead rhymed with “Madam Panhandler.” The Charmed star tweeted: casting note that came w/script I …

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Vanessa Bailey & Richard Perryman on Three Days Film | Film interview

When I interviewed Vanessa Bailey and Richard Perryman about their new film, Three Days, we had so much fun and laughed so hard. Vanessa has co-written and is starring in the age gap romance alongside Richard who is fresh out of drama school. Vanessa is beautiful and talented but doesn’t seem to know it, as …

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