Tag: aging

How to Avoid Sun Damage.

We all know that sun damage is the biggest cause of premature ageing… … So why is it that even celebrities like Simon Cowell and Kim Kardashian are being caught short..? And it’s not just celebrities who are affected. In a recent survey by sensitive skin experts Eau Thermale Avène, 55% of us in the …

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Jennifer Aniston developed an attitude with age

Jennifer Aniston has developed a “f**k it attitude”. The 42-year-old star – who is currently dating ‘Your Highness’ actor Justin Theroux – admits she has become more comfortable with herself as she has grown older because she was a lot more “controlled” when she was younger. She said: “Getting older, you get more comfortable in …

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Nancy Dell'Olio Turns 50

IT’S TIME TO PUT SAGA IN THE OLD FOLKS’ HOME Nancy Dell’Olio leads launch of high50 – targeting new generation of fiftysomethings London, 7th June 2011: high50 (say ‘five-oh’), an online community with cutting edge editorial for people who believe life really begins at 50 – launches with a lead column by Nancy Dell’olio on …

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Frost Magazine