Carnation Bunion Pads & Bunion Protector Review

Bunions. They are awful and painful. Even the gorgeous 37-year-old Amal Clooney suffers from them and Nigella Lawson had hers removed from both feet. What exactly are they? Carnation let us know.

A bunion is an inflamed fluid-filled bursa formed on the side of the foot. The joint protrudes because the toe is bent away at an angle, pushing into the other toes and causing them to bend unnaturally.

Sometimes the second toe is forced over the big toe leading to the toes being crammed together and subsequently, as a result of the pressure, to the formation of corns and callouses.


Identifying bunions by appearance and symptom:

A bunion forms on the side of the foot at the base of the big toe.


Bent toes and bunions can run in families but are often caused by defective or ill-fitting footwear.
In early teens, bones are soft and still developing and can mould to the shape of the footwear worn.
Socks that are too tight or too small, pointed shoes and high heels which cram the toes into the front of the shoe will cause permanent distortion if maintained while the feet develop.
A bunion forms on the joint as an attempt to protect against pressure.

Wearing a bunion pad or shield which fits the contour of the joint will relieve pressure on the bunion, as will wide fitting shoes. In a small number of extreme cases, surgery can be performed, which involves straightening the toe by removing parts of the deviated bones.

Carnation Bunion Pads are shaped to fit around the bunion and are made from felt, which spreads the load to give maximum comfort.

Carnation Gel Bunion Protectors are made from soft, flexible gel with a toe loop to help positioning over the bunion. They can be washed for repeated use.


Carnation Bunion Pads

Carnation Bunion Pads
Traditional, cost effective felt pads proven to relieve the pain caused by bunions

Shaped to fit around the bunion
Made from felt, which spreads the load to give maximum comfort
Hypoallergenic adhesive
Carnation Bunion Pads are available in packs of 4

We reviewed them and they work. Brilliant things.

bunionprotectorand bunion pads review

Carnation Gel Bunion Protector

Long lasting, cost effective protection to relieve the pain caused by bunions. Ideal for chronic sufferers

Soft, flexible gel contains mineral oil to moisturise and help soften the skin
Slim design fits easily into the shoe
Toe loop to help positioning on the bunion
Long life – can be washed and re-used

This is brilliant and is also reusable so saves you money longer term. Great cushioning that relieves the pain. Full marks.


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