Are You Suffering From Depression?

Most worrying fact of the day: Depression affects 1 in 6 people. Mental Health is now no longer something people have to be ashamed about. Even Glamour launched a Hey, It’s OK campaign and Frankie from The Saturdays talked openly about her depression.

According to Beth Murphy, of mental health charity, Mind, one in four people will suffer from a mental health issue at some point in their life. Depression occurs in 10% of the population at any one time.

Are you depressed?
Lack of confidence
Feeling tired, irritable and tearful.
Problems with sleeping and your memory.
Negative thoughts.
Feeling of guilt or worthlessness.
Changes in appetite.
No longer being interested in thing you once liked.
Being self-critical
Losing interest in people and things.

Every one gets down from time to time, it is when it is continuous that you should seek help.

How to help yourself.
The National Institute of Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE) say that the diagnosis for mild depression is diet, exercise, lifestyle changes and a talking therapy. Anti depressants are a last resort and you don’t have to worry about a diagnosis of depression being on your medical records, this is private and confidential. Your doctor will not tell anyone else.
Tell someone you are depressed. Don’t keep it all in.
Talk. It’s a cliche but it does help to talk. Try cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT)
Get some fresh air.
Exercise. There is strong evidence that exercise improves mood. It also improves sleep, anxiety and stress.
Alternative remedies. Try St John’s Wort.
Antidepressants. If you are worried they are addictive, don’t. They are not.

For more help and advice
Samaritans 08457 90 90 90 (Hmm, the Samaritans is an 0845 number, not impressed)