Tag: australian

Australian Fitness Expert Shares Top 10 Takeaways From Over 100 Celebrity and Model Diets and Workouts

fitness expert, fitness and diet tips, lose weight,

Australian personal trainer and nutritionist Rachael Attard is sharing the most coveted secrets from celebrities and models – the exercise and diet plans that are responsible for their amazing figures. The influential fitness expert has gathered and studied the workout and diet regimens of more than 100 celebrities and models, and is now sharing her top …

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Sukin – Australian natural skincare

The Frost team like this skincare product: formulated in Australia, Sukin is a natural beauty brand offering a range of luxurious yet affordable products crafted using ingredients that are the best nature has to offer. Sukin focus on perfecting formulas that contain active botanicals and essential oils carefully selected to restore the natural vitality and …

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Alfresco Dining Helped Along by Hardy’s Wines By Margaret Graham

wine, wine review, shiraz, alcohol

Thank heavens Thomas Hardy travelled from Devon to the south of Australia in 1850, because, within a short while, he began to work with John Reynell, South Australia’s first winemaker and learned the skills of winemaking. Soon Thomas had moved on to become his own master, beginning within a long blink of an eye to …

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New Beauty Launch: What Skin Needs Skincare Range Review

New Beauty Launch: What Skin Needs Skincare Range Review

All the way from Australia is a new skincare range: What Skin Needs. What Skin Needs is a range of natural products that provide effective solutions to certain skin problems. This range is good for those with sensitive and problem skin. The active ingredient they use in the range is Plantolin, a patent-protected active plant …

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Slim Fruits Luscious Peach Melba And Rhubarb & Strawberry Review

These great sweets are an export from Australia and I am now completely addicted to them. Slim Fruits come in two flavours; Luscious Peach Melba and Luscious Rhubarb and Strawberry. They’re only two calories a pop and packed with the same fibre content as six slices of wholemeal bread – minus the carbohydrates and fat – …

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Is This The Best Women’s Magazine Cover Ever? We Think So

The Australian Women’s Weekly has trumped every other women’s magazine cover by featuring Turia Pitt as it’s cover star. 26-year-old Pitt was running a marathon three years ago when she was caught in a bushfire and was left with scars over 65 per cent of her body. Pitt said: “I feel humbled, For me it …

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The Sunday Reeds | Music Profile

The Jesus and Mary Chain Meets Marianne Faithful: It’s Australia’s The Sunday Reeds. Their new EP ‘Amour Tragique’ on Heartgun Records   Release Date: 1st August 2014 Format: Digital Download    L-R: Jeremy Russell, Romana Ashton and Drew Jones.  Photo by Rex Francis       The Sunday Reeds, named after Melbourne’s celebrated patron of the arts Sunday …

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Nikki Gemmell Interview | Books

Nikki Gemmell is a talented Australian author, best known for writing the best-selling erotic trilogy The Bride Stripped Bare, With My Body and I Take You. She has recently released her first children’s book, The Kensington Reptilarium. Scarily talented and productive, it was an honour to interview her.   You have written eight novels and …

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