Here is part three of our exclusive Paddy Ashdown interview. Take a look at part one and two. That’s a good answer. In your diaries you are clear about how close you were to Labour before and after the ’97 election, and that PR was the price of coalition. Given that the Lib Dems eventually …
Tag: best advice
May 23
Birth Made Easy Book Review
I have previously interviewed Paola Bagnall. She had a lot of great things to say about giving birth. Now, let’s get down to the book. The book has a great overview of pregnancy, both Pre and Post. It also comes with a free self hypnosis CD. For those interested in hypnobirthing (and there are rumours …
May 20
Interview with Birth Made Easy Author Paola Bagnall
For our readers who are mothers-to-be we interviewed Paola Bagnall, author of Birth Made Easy. The book review is here. In the meantime enjoy the interview and please comment your thoughts below. Thank you. I really liked how the book had advice on every aspect of pregnancy and birth. What is the biggest gem you …