Bust Boredom Online

The Christmas season is a wonderful time, families and friends coming together to kick back, relax and enjoy a little time away from the daily grind, celebrating the end of another year. Naturally this was all a lot of fun, though looking past the enormous amounts of food and frivolity, the post-Christmas period can be a rather tedious experience. Bank balances have been drained, the hangover from the season’s parties just doesn’t seem to want to lift, and as such we’re stuck inside, boredom easily setting in. Luckily however, there is one thing that can satiate our desire to actually do something, a cheap, fun, endlessly enjoyable resource; the internet!

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Shopping online is a great way to while away those boring moments, and has long been one of the most popular ways for people to get hold of their favourite wares, and for good reason. There’s hundreds of deals out there, and online retailers are well known for regularly releasing huge numbers of discounts in order to entice wily shoppers. Take, for instance, poster site AllPosters. This site regularly has sales, so if you’re thinking of changing the flavour of your home you should definitely spend an hour or so scrolling through the millions of images on offer.


If your bank balance isn’t up to the task of funding a little online shopping, then injecting some excitement into your post-Christmas period is easy- indulge in a spot of gaming! We’re not talking board games- we want to reduce the levels of stress, after all- but online games. Gaming site Betsson’s selection of titles is very large indeed. With slots, poker, blackjack and plenty of themed games including Game Of Thrones, you’ll have no excuse to go bored this January! If that doesn’t tickle your fancy then there are heaps of apps, downloads and console games that will similarly shield you from the ravages of boredom! Kongregate has a huge number of browser games, many of which are in complete 3D, and if you enjoy the MMO experience, Planetside 2, a first person shooter that hosts literally hundreds of players in battles could be a great way to pass the time!


January doesn’t have to be all about relaxation, and if you’ve got a rather large amount of free time until you get back to work then now is a great time to get planning for the year ahead. Been putting off researching that career or education move you’ve been hankering for? Crack out the laptop and get looking- you won’t regret it when you’re sitting pretty in February, all plans having been set into motion.


If none of the above has done enough to beat back banality, then there are still better things to do than pointlessly surfing clickbait sites. Instead, sign up to a site like stumbleupon! On these kinds of sites you can choose a number of interests which the website then uses to come up with fun, interesting and thought-provoking content for your consumption. You’ll never be bored again!




Staving Off Boredom During Winter

Winter can be a rather tedious, bleak time of the year; freezing cold winds and bitter rains mean that many will be trapped indoors throughout winter, unable to enjoy the pursuits they otherwise would be able to enjoy during the rest of the year. If you’re stuck inside, the prospect of boredom is always just around the corner, and if you just don’t know what to do with your time when the snow is blowing outside, here are a few fun things you can occupy yourself with until the spring thaw occurs!

winter in St Pauls

Reading is always a great way to spend the time during winter. Curling up in front of the fire whilst surrounded by blankets and pillows, indulging your bookish side, reading can be a heck of a lot of fun. Either get some ebooks via a device like Amazon’s Kindle, or make your way through those bookcases worth of paperbacks you purchased or were given but never had the time to read in the more pleasant months.

Cooking is also a safe way to beat back boredom, and will do wonders for your culinary prowess. Rustling up a hearty stew or casserole can be a heck of a lot of fun, and whilst recipes are often useful, it’s always nice to deviate slightly away from the prescribed cookery formula, putting your own flair on your favourite dish. What’s even better is that whilst you slave away over that hot stove, you’ll actually be warm!

With so many devices, smart phones, tablets and laptops around nowadays, games are a great way to spend a few hours. If you have a games console, think about getting an RPG game such as Skyrim; whilst it pours it down outside you can live the life of a fantasy hero for a few hours, exploring dungeons, fighting dragons and generally having a great time! Online games are also great fun; Casino.betway.com is a fun site that allows users to play classic casino games such as roulette, poker and blackjack. You’ll even have the chance to win a little money- great if you need a little extra cash over the Christmas period.

Perhaps not as exciting as video games, but just as engrossing, board games are a fun, traditional way to pass time throughout the snowy season. Pop into the loft and dust off those old copies of Risk, Scrabble, Monopoly and Pictionary, invite round some friends, crack open a bottle of something tasty and enjoy a lovely, chatty night in together!