Tag: casting director

Interview With casting director, coach, actress & founder of Sound Advice Kate McClanaghan

Interview With casting director, coach, actress & founder of Sound Advice Kate McClanahan voice over work

1. Tell us a bit about yourself.  I’m a seasoned casting director, producer, coach, actress and founder of SOUND ADVICE, a unique, one-stop option for unparalleled voice over coaching, and exceptional demo production for all skill and experience levels. I had been a freelance producer since I was 19 years old, producing commercials for Coca-Cola, …

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Is Acting Training Worth It?

acting, acting advice, acting book, how to be a successful actor, actorpreneur, auditions, castings, casting breakdown, how to be an actor,

To train or not to train, that is the question. To paraphrase some little known writer, ahem. It is a debate that has raged on. The truth is, there is no easy answer. Frankly, studying at Cambridge will get you noticed but training at some random never-heard-of polytechnic won’t do you much good. In a …

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Emma Dyson Interview: Acting Advice From Spotlight’s Career Expert

acting, acting advice, acting book, how to be a successful actor, actorpreneur, auditions, castings, casting breakdown, how to be an actor,

I interviewed a lot of great casting directors, actors, directors and experts in the acting industry for my book How To Be a Successful Actor: Becoming an Actorpreneur. One of those interviews was with Emma Dyson who gives actors career advice for Spotlight, the main casting site for actors and casting directors. Spotlight is also the …

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Actresses Deserve Much More Than Being ‘The Girl’ And a Naked One At That

In my other life as an actress I have noticed a worrying trend. Well, I say ‘trend’ but actually it has been going on for years: female parts in films were the character has no name and is called ‘The girl’. The girl is usually the only female part in the film and will also …

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Five Mistakes Actors Make That Stop Them Getting Work

acting, acting advice, how to be an actor, how to be a successful actor, hollywood, castings, auditions, casting directors.

Getting work as an actor is hard. With long periods of unemployment and vast competition. This was the main reason I wrote my book How To Be a Successful Actor: Becoming An Actorpreneur. The odds are not good but you can tip them in your favour. You can make your own work, work on your …

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Vanessa Bailey & Richard Perryman on Three Days Film | Film interview

When I interviewed Vanessa Bailey and Richard Perryman about their new film, Three Days, we had so much fun and laughed so hard. Vanessa has co-written and is starring in the age gap romance alongside Richard who is fresh out of drama school. Vanessa is beautiful and talented but doesn’t seem to know it, as …

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Jane Frisby On ‘The Fighter’s Ballad’ | Film Interviews

Jane Frisby is without a doubt one of the nicest people in the film industry. I met up with her to discuss a superb film she had just produced –  ‘The Fighter’s Ballad‘. We had a brilliant chat and anyone who wants to work in film can learn something by listening to her advice. Frost: …

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Miki Yamashita On Acting | Frost Interviews

What made you go into acting? I think I was interested in the arts and performing even before I was aware of it. My mother says that as a child, I danced and sang around the house so much that she put me in lessons as soon as I was old enough, because she wanted …

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Frost Magazine