Will The Royal Baby Be Elizabeth III?

Will the Royal Baby be Elizabeth III? Duchess and Duke of CambridgeAfter months of royal baby speculation, it appears the nation believes the new royal arrival will be a girl named Elizabeth born on the 7th July.

These predictions came out top in a poll of nearly 4,000 fellow expectant mums who were asked to guess the sex, name and the date the royal baby would arrive on parenting website Bounty.com.

Despite recent rumours of Harry letting it slip that the royal couple are expecting a boy and Kate buying a blue Bugaboo pram, two thirds still believe the new arrival will be a princess.

And when it comes to naming their firstborn, most think the couple will be ‘keeping it in the family’ with Elizabeth the most popular choice, closely followed by Diana, Victoria and Alexandra.

These echo the recent ‘Royal Baby Odds’ released by Ladbrokes, which favour Kate giving birth to a girl at 2-5 with the same names as front-runners at 6-1.

Lisa Penney, spokesmum for Bounty.com, whose ‘Royal Baby Guesser’ competition is asking new mums and pregnant women to cast their predictions for the royal baby. “Everyone loves a royal baby and as speculation reaches fever pitch we thought it would be fun to ask our members for their own predictions,” says Lisa.

“The results show even though Kate and Wills are seen as modern, contemporary royals, people still think they will plump for a traditional royal name.”

When it comes to boys names, George – most widely rumoured to be favoured by the couple for a son – comes out on top, followed by James, Henry and Edward.

Interestingly, it seems new mums are already taking name inspiration from the royals with Bounty Parenting Club’s most recent baby names report revealing both George and James were among the top ten names given to baby boys by new parents in April.

However, the ‘most likely for a princess’ girls names have some catching up to do with Elizabeth the 42nd most popular name given to baby girls in April, Alexandra the 69th, whilst Diana just makes the top 100 at 84th.

And despite recent reports of a ‘family friend’ letting it slip that the baby is due on 13th July, 7th July came out top as the date believed most likely for the baby making its arrival, followed by the 17th and the 14th July.

Lisa continues: “Our records show that year after year parents continue to be influenced by popular culture and celebrity, so it’s highly likely that whatever name the royal couple go for they’ll be setting a baby-naming trend for the future.

“And it does seem that even rumours surrounding the possible name they’ll go for are enough to inspire new parents. Our latest baby data shows sharp increases since the beginning of the year for Diana (up 200%), Elizabeth (up 22%) and George (up 10%), leaping up seven places to become the eighth most popular name for baby boys in the UK.”

There is still time to take part in bounty.com’s ‘royal baby guesser’ competition for your chance to win a ‘Princess for a Day’ experience worth £1,000. Visit http://www.bounty.com/royal-baby/royal-baby-competition to case your own predictions.


1.      Elizabeth

2.      Diana

3.      Victoria

4.      Alexandra

5.      Charlotte

6.      Sophia

7.      Emily

8.      Mary

9.      Grace

10.    Olivia



1.      George

2.      James

3.      Henry

4.      Edward

5.      Charles

6.      William

7.      Philip

8.      Alexander

9.      Arthur

10.    Richard



1.      7th July

2.      17th July

3.      14th July

4.      15th July

5.      6th July

6.      12th July

7.      16th July

8.      10th July

9.      5th July

10.    3rd July

What do you think the royal baby will be called?


The Princess and The Pranayama By Cheryl MacDonald

prince william turns 30. Kate middletonBy Cheryl MacDonald BA Hons E-RPYT, Perinatal Yoga teacher and Childbirth educator


The now glowing Kate Middleton, Duchess of Cambridge has given up her punishing exercise routine in wake of her pregnancy and is now practising yoga to help ensure a natural, drug free birth for the pending heir to the throne.

Why yoga during pregnancy?

Yoga is being hailed as THE form of exercise of pregnant women everywhere, allowing mother to remain fit and flexible while building a strong mind and body to prepare for childbirth. The focus of yoga during pregnancy works on relaxed stretching (asanas), yogic breathing (or pranayama) and deep relaxation or savasana. Yoga during pregnancy and also post-partum with baby can decrease the incidence of antenatal depression and has been proven to actively encourage mum and baby bonding, even while in utero.


Where do I start with prenatal yoga?

I highly recommend if you are completely new to yoga, then you should join a special prenatal yoga class with a properly qualified perinatal yoga teacher (200 hour yoga teaching qualification with specialist perinatal yoga training a minimum.) If you are a yoga newbie and do wish to practice yoga in the first trimester, look towards relaxing poses and deep breathing, focusing on meeting and getting to know your baby.


Five safe yoga postures for pregnancy

Here are some easy to try yoga postures to try at home. Remember that unless you are an experienced yoga practitioner with an existing practice, you should not undertake yoga until 14-16 weeks gestation.


Cat Curls (Bidalasana): Bidalasana helps relieve lower back pain and to release the length of the spine, a common problem during pregnancy.

– Get down on your hands and knees with hands placed directly under shoulders and knees under the hips.

– Inhale and lift your heart, stretch back through your tail and concave your spine.

– Exhale and roll your spine, lowering the head, pressing through the hands back to straight back.


Cat Curls in pregnancy differ from your normal cat curl as we don’t curl the abdomen towards the floor, after curling up we simply return to flat back or table top.  Repeat following your breath – Inhale as your curl the spine up and exhale back to flat back.


Childs Pose (Balasana):

– From any kneeling position, sit your tail back toward your heels.

– Take the knees as far apart as you need to to make your bump comfortable.

– Sit back as far as is comfortable and rest your head toward the mat. If you can’t reach your head to the mat, rest your chin on your hands.  You can stack your fists and rest your forehead there or use a block if you can’t quite get down. Otherwise, you can stretch your arms out long in front of you and lower your head all the way to the mat.


Avoid balasana if suffering from sciatica.


Bound Angle Pose (Baddha Konasana): Baddha Konasana is a classic pregnancy yoga posture and is excellent for helping to open up the hips and pelvis in preparation for birth. This is a posture that be practised at night while reading a book or watching TV and is especially important for the later stages of pregnancy in the third trimester.


– Sit on your mat with the soles of the feet together.

– Bring your heels as close to the groin as possible and pull the shoulder back and down away from the ears to straighten the spine.

– Hold the feet with the hands and (with a straight spine) begin to gently bend forwards from the hips – only as much as is comfortable – please do not squish your baby!

– Remember to breathe in and out through the nose.


Downward Facing Dog (AdhoMukkhaSvanasana):  Downward dog can be practised with feet wider apart than normal to accommodate your bump, although ideally no further apart than hip width.

– Push into the palms of the hands and pull up on the hip bones.

– When and if ready, takes the heels to the mat. It’s fine to keep the knees bent when pregnant and focus on stretch from hands to hips, lengthening the back.


Only hold any inversion for 5 seconds during pregnancy and if you feel dizzy or nauseous at all, come back down onto the mat and into child pose and relax.


Yoga Squats (Malasana): Squats are great for building strength and stamina during pregnancy and in preparation for birth. Many women like to squat while birthing. As you get bigger in pregnancy, use props such as blocks, bolsters or a rolled up blanket to rest your bottom on. Focus on relaxing and letting your breath drop deeply into your belly.


– Stand facing the back of a chair with your feet slightly wider than hip-width apart, toes pointed outward.

– Squat toward the floor as though you were going to sit down in a chair.

– Contract the abdominal muscles, lift your chest, and pull the shoulders back and down. Most of your weight should be toward your heels. This can be done against the wall for support.


Remember to avoid wide legged postures if suffering from pelvic girdle pain or PSD.


Cheryl MacDonald is the founder of YogaBellies which specializes in perinatal yoga and natural birth preparation. She created the Birth ROCKS natural birth preparation method and has trained over 70 YogaBellies teachers across the world and has been working with birthing women for almost ten years. She is mother of one lovely three year old buy and lives with her husband in the west end of Glasgow.


What To Bet On In 2013



Now that we know the world did not end and we are post the potential apocalypse, the prospect of a new year brings a satisfying dollop of uncertainty and mystery surrounding life’s important matters. Who will judge next year’s X-Factor? Will there even be an X-Factor next year? What colour hat will the queen wear at Ascot? What colour hair will the new royal be blessed with?


While 2013 is somewhat lacking in the trouser department compared to the major sporting, political and cultural events we’ve been spoilt with recently, there’s still plenty of going-on’s to get your knickers in a twist.


Whether you fancy a flutter, or just have lots of space to fill in between Christmas and New Year,  Paddy Power has given Frost a guide to nearly everything and anything that may or may not happen in 2013.




Forget 2012 and the Olympics, Ryder Cup and Jubilee, 2013 is all about Kate, Wills and the little‘en. If you can think of it, we’ll take bets on it.  Victoria is the current joint 5/1 favourite name having started life at a lofty 20/1. George leads the way for boys ahead of 50/1 Paddy.


Royal Baby Name5/1 Elizabeth

5/1 Victoria

8/1 George

9/1 Diana


10/1 Mary

16/1 David

50/1 Paddy

500/1 Britney


Hair colour 13/8 Brown

2/1 Blond

2/1 Black

6/1 Ginger


Multiple birth 6/1 Twins

50/1 Triplets

1000/1 Quads or more





The Oscars race is well and truly on. For about five minutes it looked like ‘Argo’ had Best Picture all sewn up, cruising to the finish on strong reviews and decent box office. However, with a lap still to go, Affleck’s thriller looks to have peaked too soon and run out of puff with ‘Les Misérables’, ‘Lincoln’ and ‘Zero Dark Thirty’ now looking unbeatable for Best Motion Picture. Meanwhile staying on planet movie, Paddy Power has tipped the Hobbit to be the highest grossing movie of 2013.


Best Picture 5/4 Lincoln

2/1 Les Miserables

3/1 Zero Dark Thirty

9/2 Argo

14/1 Silver Linings Playbook


Best Actress4/9 Jennifer Lawrence

9/4 Jessica Chastain

12/1 Emmanuelle Riva

20/1 Helen Mirren

40/1 Judi Dench

Best Actor 2/7 Daniel Day Lewis

6/1 Denzel Washington

7/1 Hugh Jackman

40/1 Anthony Hopkins

100/1 Daniel Craig

Best Director13/10 Steven Spielberg

15/8 Argo

5/2 Kathryn Bigelow

8/1 Tom Hooper

33/1 Peter Jackson

Top grossing Movie of 20132/5       The Hobbit: The Desolation Of Smaug

9/4       Man Of Steel

12/1      Iron Man 3

16/1      Jack The Giant Slayer

20/1      The Hunger Games: Catching Fire



Maybe the Mayans were onto something after all. Forget a plague of cancers, super volcanoes or dark comets laying waste to everything on earth, 2013 could be the year in which we’re paralysed by a catastrophic solar flare causing blackouts and global chaos. The once-in-a-century disaster could see power grids crash, communication systems collapse, planes grounded, food supplies hit and the internet shut down.


1/25 UK national grid to blackout for a day or more

5/6 UK citizens to see a bright red haze

5/1 cost of solar flare damage to exceed $1 trillion

16/1 that we will see the biggest solar flare / geomagnetic storm on record

33/1 World debt to be wiped out




Cameron’s coalition looks to be weakening by the day. With a general election to start thinking about and the Lib Dems languishing behind UKIP in the polls, Paddy Power’s 4/1 for the coalition to split in 2013 could prove a juicy punt.  Meanwhile money continues to trickle in on whether 2013 will be the year for Julian Assange to have a change of scenery, 11/8 says he’ll still be holed up at the Ecuadorian Embassy in 2014 and it’s 100/1 for him to escape via jetpack.


UK Politics – 201310/3 Any of the main three leaders to leave their post

4/1 Coalition to break up

4/1 General Election to be held

8/1 UK Referendum on EU Membership

Negative growth in Q1 or Q22/7 Yes

9/4 No


EU – 20139/4 Any country to leave the Euro

9/4 Any country to leave the EU

16/1 Euro to cease to be a currency

Julian Assange – Method to leave Embassy11/8 UK police car

4/1 helicopter

6/1 Diplomatic bag

25/1 Hot air balloon



US politics poses two big questions for 2013. Will the economy suffer negative growth? Help yourself to odds of 2/1 for yes and a safer 1/3 for no. And will Wintour descend upon the UK in 2013? She is just edging behind favourite Matthew Barzun in the betting for the next US Ambassador to the UK.


Fiscal CliffWill there be a quarter of negative growth in 2013?

2/1       Yes

1/3       No


Next US Ambassador to UK10/11    Matthew Barzun

3/2       Anna Wintour

6/1       Marc Lasry


2014 Mid Term Elections: Control of House of Representatives

2/5       Republican

7/4       Democrat


 Control of Senate

5/6       Republican

5/6       Democrat




Given world events in 2012 – continued tensions across the Middle East, financial crisis in the Eurozone and economic stagnation in the West – you can bet your bottom dollar the price of gold will continue to rise as investors seek a safe haven for their hard earned cash. How high is anyone’s guess. Paddy Power is offering 5/6 the price of gold will exceed $1750 by the end of 2013. Meanwhile we’re offering 9/2 for the price of gold to hit the magic mark of $2000 any time throughout the year.


Price of gold at year end 5/6 Under $1750

5/6 Over $1750

Golden Year 9/2 Price of gold to hit $2000 any time in 2013 Price of oil at year end 4/5 Under $105

10/11 $105 or over (Brent Crude)




Whilst England fight the Aussies to retain the Ashes urn next summer, another national treasure may be lost to the convicts as Liz Hurley and Shane Warne head up the betting for our ‘First to get married’ market at evens.


First to get married1/1       Liz Hurley & Shane Warne

7/4       Kate Winslet & Ned Rocknroll

6/1       Eva Mendes & Ryan Gosling

8/1       Kristen Stewart & Robert Pattinson

10/1      Nicole Scherzinger & Lewis Hamilton

40/1      Taylor Swift & Harry Styles


First to announce they are having a baby11/10    Zara Phillips & Mike Tindall

7/1       Kate Moss & Jamie Hince

7/1       Justin Timberlake & Jessica Biel

9/1       Angelina Jolie & Brad Pitt

10/1      Frank Lampard & Christine Bleakley

10/1      Holly Willoughby & Dan Baldwin


First to split3/1       Kim Kardashian & Kanye West

4/1       Jennifer Aniston & Justin Theroux

5/1       Liz Hurley & Shane Warne

6/1       Kate Winslet & Ned Rocknroll

6/1       Kristen Stewart & Robert Pattinson

10/1      Justin Timberlake & Jessica Biel



The UK is renowned for its unpredictable weather, and 2013 is set to be no different. Strangely, next summer is as likely to be the wettest on record as it is the driest, with both available to back at 6/1. Those dreaming of soaking up the rays on their local beach rather than the water on their kitchen floor can take 8/1 that next summer will be the hottest on record.


8/1       Hottest on record in UK

6/1       Driest on record in UK

6/1       Wettest on record in UK

9/1       Coldest on record in UK



Having inexplicably voted for Tulisa Contostavlos in 2012, the FHM readers are once again being entrusted to choose the magazine’s Sexist Woman for 2013. Mila Kunis is the strong favourite at 5/2 whilst you can get 16/1 that Helen Flanagan’s ball-chewing jungle experience earns her the crown.


5/2       Mila Kunis

8/1       Kate Upton

8/1       Jennifer Lawrence

14/1      Nicole Scherzinger




In the fickle world of TV, Simon Cowell may bring himself back into the UK X Factor fold in 2013. The race to be the next host of Strictly Come Dancing appears to be a two-way battle between Anton Du Beke at 13/8 and Vernon Kay at 15/8.


Next Host Of Strictly Come Dancing13/8      Anton Du Beke

15/8      Vernon Kay

9/2       John Barrowman

7/1       Graham Norton

16/1      Ben Shepherd


Who will be on the 2013 X-Factor judges’ panel?1/3       Louis Walsh

2/5       Tulisa Contostavlos

2/5       Nicole Scherzinger

2/3       Gary Barlow

8/11     Simon Cowell

8/1       Cheryl Cole


Royal Advert For a Royal Baby.

Are the Duke and Duchess already looking for childcare? Frost found this royal advert interesting.

Leading childcare search site Findababysitter.com attracts over 200k monthly visits, 2,100 daily log-ins, and over 10k childcare professionals’ profiles are viewed daily. But one recent advert that was posted has caused a right royal stir.


The advert was posted by a user registered as Kate C. – an alias the Duchess of Cambridge is said to use – it reads:

Soon-to-be first-time parents searching for the perfect nanny to extend the love and normality of an everyday family home.

The right nanny will be fluent in several languages of the British Commonwealth, confident in the public eye, and willing to travel regularly.

He or she must have excellent posture, grace, poise and perfect diction. A driving licence is not necessary, as a chauffeur will be provided. A love of dogs is beneficial, and exquisite taste in baby clothes is ideal to ensure the new arrival is as stylish as mummy.

The ideal candidate will also possess a classical education, including Greek and Latin, competency in two instruments, be passionate about croquet, polo, and be interested in art history and antiques. Experience dealing with spoilt first children would be helpful. Confidentiality is essential. Only candidates of the highest calibre will be considered.


Findababysitter.com has also experience an influx of carers coming online to optimise their profiles, making them fit for the royal job. During the 24 hours after the royal announcement went public, the childcare search site has experienced hundreds of childcare professionals updating their profiles and they expect to see an influx of updated profiles over the coming weeks.



Kate’s Royal Morning Sickness explained and top tips on keeping nausea at bay

Following the news that The Duchess of Cambridge has been hospitalized due to severe morning sickness (otherwise known as Hyperemesis Gravidarum), we enlist the help of the UK’s leading women’s health expert and nutritionist Dr Marilyn Glenville PhD and Russell Bowman, expert nutritionist at The Nutri Centre to shed light on this rare condition and give us their top tips on keeping morning sickness at bay

In the first three months of pregnancy, more than 90% of expectant mothers will suffer some level of morning sickness – which despite its name, doesn’t occur only in the morning.

So what are the causes?

‘Morning sickness is due to the changes in the female sex hormones oestrogen and progesterone which women experience early in pregnancy’, Russell Bouwman, Nutritionist, The Nutri Centre.

What are the symptoms?

Symptoms of morning sickness don’t just include nauseas and sickness.  Marilyn says ‘Symptoms can include cramps, heart-burn, cravings, intense hunger, a metallic taste in your mouth and feeling of weakness and tiredness. Morning sickness may also be related to the increased sensitivity to odours that pregnant women experience, which can trigger nausea. Unfortunately this is all just part of being pregnant, and your doctor won’t be able to prescribe you anything to relieve the symptoms, which are usually confined to the first trimester of pregnancy.  But its not all bad news, according to a study by the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development in the USA, women who vomit during pregnancy are more likely to carry all the way to term and deliver healthier babies’

The Royal Sickness

Kate Middleton is suffering from Hyperemesis Gravidarum, an acute and potentially dangerous form of morning sickness.  For most women, the symptoms of morning sickness are mild to moderate but for an unlucky few, (on average 1 in 50 expectant mothers), morning sickness occurs in its most severe form.  ‘If you suffer from this condition, you may vomit so much that you are unable to keep any food or drink down and hospitalization may be necessary in order to be intravenously fed fluids.  This condition can also be dangerous for you and your baby, so if you’re vomiting so much that you can’t eat or drink, it’s essential that you consult your doctor immediately’ warns Marilyn.


Mother Nature to the Rescue –

9 natural remedies to help you achieve a morning sickness-free 9 months

Apple Cider Vinegar – ‘Apple cider vinegar is pH neutral, so it can help settle the stomach acid which causes nausea. Add 2 tsp of apple cider vinegar to a cup of warm water first thing in the morning to help keep nausea at bay’ advises Marilyn. Try Higher Nature’s Organic Apple Cider Vinegar, £6.50 from www.nutrientre.com.

Almonds – ‘Almonds are a great source of protein and calcium, both of which can settle your stomach.’  Take Marilyn’s sickness-busting tip and soak 10 almonds (unroasted) over-night, peel off the skins in the morning before eating.

Water – drinking water is essential to compensate for the fluids lost during vomiting.  Marilyn suggests you ‘keep a pint of mineral water by your bed with the juice of half a lemon and a pinch of salt.  The lemon juice makes the water more alkaline and this seems to settle he stomach.’

Vitamin B6 – Some experts believe morning sickness is caused by high levels of oestrogen in the system.  Marilyn explains ‘oestrogen can build up when the liver isn’t efficiently flushing away the excess. ‘Vitamin B6 can help clear away excess toxins by optimising liver function.’ BioCare’s Vitamin B6 is a water soluble B vitamin which is yeast free and suitable for vegans. Biocare’s Vitamin B6 is £8.80 for a 2 months supply and is available from www.biocare.co.uk.

Ginger – Ginger supplements have been proven to ease nausea by helping food to pass more rapidly through the digestive system, as well as reducing the stimulation to the part of the brain that prompts a burst of nausea or vomiting. Russell says ‘Ginger can be helpful in preventing nausea and morning sickness, and research suggests that it can be effective. Ginger contains many active ingredients including phenols, which can improve gastroduodenal motility and reduce the sensations that cause nausea’. Ginger can affect certain heart and blood medications, so speak to your GP if you are taking these’.  Russell recommends:

Ginger People’s Ginger Chews Original, £1.55 from www.nutricentre.com. Containing fresh ginger this is a handy remedy to keep in your handbag on the go or by your bed ready to take first thing in the morning.

BioCare’s Gingerdophilus (Ginger and Probiotic Combination), £20.40 for a months supply from www.biocare.co.uk.  This product combines powdered ginger with the benefit of probiotics, which can assist in digestive complaints as well as the nausea associated with morning sickness. 3 capsules provides 900mg of ginger which can be effective for short term use (4-5 days at a time).

Lemon therapy – ‘Lemon juice can help to relieve nausea, even by just inhaling its fragrance. Cut a lemon in half and rub the juice on your hands, then hold your hands to your face and take a deep breath whenever you feel nauseous.’ advises Marilyn. To replenish fluids try Pukka’s Lemon Green Tea, a light blend of smooth green tea with a subtle twist of Sicilian lemon and fragrant lemon verbana. Available from www.pukkaherbs.com for £2.25

Homeopathy – Marilyn advises you take the most appropriate in a 30c potency, 4 times a day for 3 days:

Arsenicum – is best if you have a sense of constant nausea, some vomiting and if you feel exhausted or faint.

Ipecac – for morning sickness that isn’t relieved by either vomiting or stress

Nux vomica – if you feel nauseous, but better if you actually vomit

Sepia – if you feel constantly nauseous, but a little better if you eat little and often.

Acupressure – One study showed a 60% improvement in morning sickness in women who used acupressure.  The acupressure point for nausea is at the base of your wrist, about 5cm fro the crease of your wrist on the inside of your rm.  Press on this point for several seconds each time you feel nausea coming on.  Alternatively you can buy acupressure bands to do this job for you.

Aromatherapy – Try putting a few drops each of rosewood and lavender essential oils onto a tissue or handkerchief and inhale during the day.


Russell Bouwman gives us his top tips on avoiding morning sickness

  • Become a protein grazer – Eat small, frequent meals and snacks throughout the day so your stomach is not too empty or too full at once. Research suggests that high-protein foods were more likely to ease symptoms.
  • Snack attack – keep simple snacks such as ginger biscuits or crackers by your bed. When you first wake up, eat a small amount and then rest for a while longer before getting up. Snacking may also help you feel better if you wake up nauseated in the middle of the night.
  • Take it slow – Getting up slowly in the morning, by sitting on the bed for a few minutes rather than jumping right up may also be helpful.
  • Smell the roses, or not – Try to avoid foods and smells that trigger your nausea. Due to your heightened sense of smell, you may find that certain foods that you enjoyed before you fell pregnant may make you feel queasy now. If so, you could try sticking to more bland smelling or tasting foods for the short term.

Dr Marilyn Glenville PhD is the UK’s leading nutritionist specialising in women’s health. She is the author of 10 internationally bestselling books, including the recently re-launched Getting Pregnant Faster and The Natural Health Bible for Women. Marilyn practices in her clinics in Tunbridge Wells (Kent), St John’s Wood (London), Kensington (London) and Rathmines (Dublin). For more information on specific health problems see Dr Glenville’s website www.marilynglenville.com.


The Most Searched 2012


who did brits search for in 2012?



Bing UK searches show 2012 was a year in which Britons clamoured to see more (literally) of their favourite people than ever before. The search engine today releases its most-searched lists, based on the aggregation of billions of search queries conducted by Brits on Bing.com this year.


Singer Tulisa Contostavlos shows she has the X Factor as the UK’s most searched person in 2012, beating 2011 winner Justin Bieber, who dropped to fifth place this year. And while Tulisa’s singing career and role as X Factor judge no doubt inspired many of these searches, the leak of a certain video in March might also have played a part.


It was also a big year for 2012’s second-most-searched person, Kate Middleton, with not just the Royal Wedding but some unauthorised holiday snaps sending people online in their droves to find out more. Prince Harry also got people searching after his right royal Vegas antics. The third in line to the throne was the UK’s sixth most-searched person, behind Cheryl Cole, the late Whitney Houston and Justin Bieber.


Robert Pattinson, Rihanna, Kim Kardashian and disgraced TV presenter Jimmy Savile round out the top 10.


In the afterglow of the Games, it’s to be expected that Olympics and London 2012 were the most-searched events of 2012, with Olympians leading the most-searched sports stars list. Gold-winning cyclist and Strictly Come Dancing star Victoria Pendleton raced to the top, followed by sprinter Usain Bolt and gold medallist tennis star Andy Murray. Stricken footballer Fabrice Muamba was the fourth most searched sportsperson, with heptathlete Jessica Ennis in fifth place.


Most-searched celebrity couple Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart kept Britons guessing with their on-again, off-again romance this year, but their new movie, Twilight Breaking Dawn Part 2, could only muster fifth place in the most-searched movies list, with the top spot taken out by The Avengers. EastEnders beat out reality TV rivals Big Brother and X Factor to become 2012’s most searched TV show.


Bing UK Director of Search Dave Coplin says: “Every year, the Bing search results give us a unique insight into what and who is top of mind for Brits. It’s always fascinating to see which celebrities have had the biggest impact on Britons throughout the year, and of course it’s no surprise to see that the 2012 Olympics and Olympians have captured our hearts and minds after such a golden summer.”


See below for more fascinating insights into what Brits searched for – from fashion to Facebook to food to festivals – this year on Bing.com.


2012’s most searched people
1.       Tulisa Contostavlos

2.       Kate Middleton

3.       Cheryl Cole

4.       Whitney Houston

5.       Justin Bieber

6.       Prince Harry

7.       Robert Pattinson

8.       Rihanna

9.       Kim Kardashian

10.   Jimmy Savile


2011 results1.       Justin Bieber

2.       Kim Kardashian

3.       Lady Gaga

4.       Jennifer Aniston

5.       Pippa Middleton

6.       Katy Perry

7.       Kate Middleton

8.       Tulisa Contostavlos

9.       Scarlett Johansson

10.   Angelina Jolie


2012’s most searched sports stars1.       Victoria Pendleton

2.       Usain Bolt

3.       Andy Murray

4.       Fabrice Muamba

5.       Jessica Ennis

6.       Tom Daley

7.       Cristiano Ronaldo

8.       Lance Armstrong

9.       David Beckham

10.   Mo Farah


2011 results1.       David Beckham

2.       Ryan Giggs

3.       Lewis Hamilton

4.       Andy Murray

5.       Maria Sharapova

6.       Wayne Rooney

7.       Cristiano Ronaldo

8.       Usain Bolt

9.       Jessica Ennis

10.   Jenson Button

2012’s most searched events

1.       Olympics

2.       London 2012

3.       Euro 2012

4.       Diamond Jubilee

5.       Paralympics

6.       Wimbledon

7.       Tour de France

8.       Hurricane Sandy

9.       US election

10.   Leveson Inquiry


2012’s most searched movies

1.       The Avengers

2.       The Hunger Games

3.       Prometheus

4.       Skyfall

5.       Twilight Breaking Dawn II

6.       Dark Knight Rises

7.       The Amazing Spiderman

8.       Snow White & The Huntsman

9.       Taken 2

10.   The Dictator


2012’s most searched TV shows

1.       EastEnders

2.       Big Brother

3.       X Factor

4.       Doctor Who

5.       Coronation Street

6.       Strictly Come Dancing

7.       The Only Way Is Essex

8.       Celebrity Big Brother

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Jessica Ennis, Andy Murray Make Who’s Who

Who’s Who in 2013?

The new edition of Who’s Who is out with some exciting new entries. Including some of Britain’s brightest athletes.

The 165th edition of Who’s Who brings together over 33,000 autobiographical entries from people of, influence and interest in every area of public life. Featuring just over 1,000 entries new for this edition, Who’s Who 2013, published on 3rd December 2012, celebrates the achievements of British Society. An invaluable research tool and a unique way of measuring social change, it is the longest established and most comprehensive general biographical reference book. An invitation to appear in Who’s Who recognises lasting distinction and influence. An entry in Who’s Who is for life.

Preface by Arianna Huffington

Arianna Huffington, President and Editor-in-Chief at the Huffington Post Media Group, is a new biographee for the 2013 edition. She has written this year’s foreword, in which she considers the ways in which technology is rapidly transforming the media.

Olympic Idols

Included for the first time in the 2013 edition is Heptathlon darling, Jessica Ennis, who won gold at the 2012 Olympic Games. At just 26 years old, her impressive resume includes an Olympic gold, two World Championship medals, two World Indoor Championship medals, a European Championship medal and a Commonwealth Games medal.

Double Olympic gold medallist, Mo Farah makes a welcome entry this year, as does professional tennis player and Olympic gold medallist Andy Murray. Born in 1987, Murray is the youngest non-hereditary new entrant.


Presenter and journalist, Gabby Logan is a new addition to Who’s Who 2013. She represented Wales in rhythmic gymnastics at the 1990 Commonwealth Games, before carving out a career in broadcast where she recently presented at the 2012 London Olympic Games.

Included in the 2013 edition is author and Times columnist Caitlin Moran, who was named Critic of the Year and Interviewer of the Year at the 2011 British Press Awards. She lists her recreations as ‘hair biggening, cava, eyeliner, The Struggle’.

Comedian and songwriter Tim Minchin, who composed the music for Matilda the Musical is included in Who’s Who for the first time, as is fellow comedian Richard Ayoade. Richard starred in The IT Crowd and has directed music videos for the Arctic Monkeys and Super Furry Animals, amongst others.

Cooking Sensations

Two star Michelin chef, Michael Caines is a new biographee for the 2013 edition. Head Chef at Gidleigh Park in Devon and Bath Priory, Michael appeared in Celebrity Masterchef 2011 and is one of Britain’s most acclaimed chefs. He is joined by Nathan Outlaw, another South West based chef, who enjoys ‘collecting cookery books’. Star Wars fan Nathan is a two star Michelin chef who has two restaurants at the St Enodoc Hotel, in Cornwall.

Family Connections

The Mayor of London Boris Johnson’s brother Leo, Partner of PricewaterhouseCoopers Sustainability and Climate Change and sister Rachel, Editor-in-Chief of The Lady, are new names for 2013. Boris, another brother Joseph and father Stanley are already in Who’s Who making them one of the most successful families in the yearbook.

Another well-connected new entrant is Rachel Wolf, Director of the New Schools Network, who began her career as a researcher for Boris Johnson and whose mother and father are both already in Who’s Who.

Trivial Pursuits?

Lord Haskins, former Chairman of Northern Foods and Express Dairies plc, has updated his recreations to include ‘only-in-emergency harvest tractor-driver’, while Zai Bennett, Controller of BBC 3, and a new entrant for the 2013 edition, reveals his pastimes to include ‘impersonating primates for baby daughter’.

Writer and broadcaster on architecture and design, Thomas Dyckhoff’s recreations include ‘gluttony, staring out of the window, butchery and pie-making’ and Antonia Romeo, Director General of Transforming Justice at the Ministry of Justice, enjoys ‘Star Wars, Lego’. Host of Radio 2’s The Art Show, Claudia Winkleman, is another welcome addition to the 2013 edition. She lists her recreations as ‘sleeping, cuddling and bothering the children’.

Who’s Who in Numbers

4.5 tonnes – the weight of Who’s Who if all the UK’s inhabitants were in it (the weight of an Asian elephant!). It would be 94 metres thick, which is the height of the O2.

6th – where Who’s Who would have come in the medal table if it had been a team at the London Olympics (12 golds, 4 silvers)

80 – the number of jumbo jets it would take to transport everyone in Who’s Who

91 – the age of the oldest new entrant in Who’s Who 2013, Professor Yoichiro Nambu, Emeritus Professor at the University of Chicago

Who’s Who 2013

Published by A&C Black, 3rd December 2012

Hardback £235.00

Print-and-online edition £325.00 (available from Oxford University Press, visit www.ukwhoswho.com

HRH The Duchess of Cambridge unveils Natural History Museum Treasures

Her Royal Highness The Duchess of Cambridge was guest of honour at the grand opening of the Natural History Museum’s new Treasures gallery this evening. Treasures displays 22 of the most extraordinary specimens that have ever been on show at the Museum, and opens 30 November to the public.

The Duchess, who wore a green Mulberry dress for the evening, commented:

‘The Natural History Museum has a very special place in the heart of this nation. William and I are just two of millions of people who have passed through these doors, and marvelled at the spectacular wonders of the natural world, housed in this beautiful gallery. I care passionately about what this museum stands for.  Being here tonight, seeing some of nature’s finest treasures, reminds me just how precious and awe inspiring the natural world is. That is why the opening of Treasures is so incredibly exciting.  If it were ever needed, there is now even more reason to visit this wonderful museum.’

The Duchess met curators and viewed four star specimens in detail:

  • Archaeopteryx fossil – the most valuable fossil in the Museum’s collection, this 47-million-year-old rock slab contains the remains of the earliest known bird. With its combination of bird and dinosaur characteristics, it is a famous snapshot of evolution in action.
  • Audubon’s The Birds of America – the world’s most expensive book and one of the best-known natural history books ever produced. It was first published in double elephant folio size between 1827 and 1838 and is famous for its stunning life-size illustrations of birds.exquisite glass models of marine life
  • Charles Darwin’s pigeons – Darwin’s pigeons provided him with the crucial evidence for the theory of evolution by natural selection. He bred them in his garden as an experiment and donated these fancy breeds of rock dove to the Museum in 1867
  • Wold Cottage meteorite – earliest surviving meteorite seen to land in the UK. The rock formed during the birth of the solar system, 4.6 billion years ago, and was seen to fall near Wold Cottage, Yorkshire, in 1795, confirming the extra-terrestrial origins of meteorites.

Each of the 22 objects have been hand-picked by Museum scientists for the fascinating story it has to tell and all objects represent an important part of the Museum’s scientific, historical, social and cultural worth.

Treasures in the Cadogan gallery is free to visit, giving a snapshot of the vast collections in a short space of time. It is located in the upper mezzanine floor of the awe-inspiring Central Hall, overlooking the iconic Diplodocus.

Dr Michael Dixon, Director of the Natural History Museum said;

‘We are thrilled Her Royal Highness joined us to celebrate the opening of Treasures. We hope that she is the first of many visitors to discover everything the Museum represents in this special gallery.’