Tag: changing

PacaPod Hastings Parenting Bag Review

Some parenting bags look awful, others are just not that functional. When we reviewed the PacaPod Hastings Parenting Bag we were very impressed. It has different removable sections for each aspect of parenting: feeding, changing and a mat. Even more impressive, it even has space for the ol’ parents things. The hastings is even better because …

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Jacqueline Waggett PacaPod Founder Interview

We interviewed Jacqueline Waggett, founder of the amazing PacaPod changing bags. A must for all parents. How did you come up with idea of the PacaPod? I never even had a baby bag, I created a mock-up first PacaPod with different bags inside and thought this was a really good solution to getting out the …

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Who To Notify When You Move House

Moving house is stressful at the best of times, so here is Frost’s guide to who to notify when you move. Friends and Family. TV Licence. Your TV licence only covers you at your current address and won’t move with you automatically. Update it at tvlicensing.co.uk or by post. Driving Licence. Update it online at …

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Frost Magazine