In an astonishingly versatile career that has lasted nearly two decades, British filmmaker Michael Winterbottom has turned his hand to an astonishing amount of challenging and diverse output. His work has strayed from fiction to factual, between comedy and drama and from light froth to storms of controversy. His new film marks the fourth collaboration …
Tag: cinematographer
Dec 06
Vanessa Bailey & Richard Perryman on Three Days Film | Film interview
When I interviewed Vanessa Bailey and Richard Perryman about their new film, Three Days, we had so much fun and laughed so hard. Vanessa has co-written and is starring in the age gap romance alongside Richard who is fresh out of drama school. Vanessa is beautiful and talented but doesn’t seem to know it, as …
Jul 29
New Film 'Bubbles' Paves Way For Women In Film
Following on from Bridesmaids, a new film written and directed by women, lead role is a women and a high proportion of women on the crew. The shape of things to come? Let’s hope. Here is all you need to know about Bubbles. The Director Leyla Pope comes from a professional background in communications working …