Tag: Coalition

Exclusive Paddy Ashdown Interview ‘I Am Devoted To The Liberal Democrats’

Here is part three of our exclusive Paddy Ashdown interview. Take a look at part one and two. That’s a good answer. In your diaries you are clear about how close you were to Labour before and after the ’97 election, and that PR was the price of coalition. Given that the Lib Dems eventually …

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Exclusive: Paddy Ashdown On Clegg, The Tories, The Liberal Democrats & The NHS

Part two of our Interview with Paddy Ashdown. Here he talks about politics. Part three will be up tomorrow. Let us know what you think. Part one, where he talks about writing and his books,  is here. Do you mind if I ask you some political questions as well? No, go on. Would you prefer …

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The Budget: to progressive what Kim Jong-il is to moderate {Carl Packman}

We’ve had the first budget by the new coalition government, called out by a small boy, nervously looking down at his sheet, behind him a Prime Minister with a face so red backbenchers thought it was daytime (it was daytime, but they didn’t know it was daytime by any other measure than David Cameron’s face, …

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Is it Bromance; Carl on the Coalition {Politics}

Since the first press release by Nick Clegg and David Cameron on Wednesday, it has dawned on the media that any coalition conflict in the near future is unlikely to come from these guys, and their so-called ‘love-in‘. Tweedledum and Tweedledee; Ant and Dec; these are just some of the names to appear on the …

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