CurraNZ Supplement Review | Health

We are on a major health kick here at Frost and always looking for the next health trend.

Fitness supplements are always big news, anything that makes the body work a bit better or the skin looking healthier.

So we tried new natural supplement, CurraNZ, which is made from 100% concentrated New Zealand blackcurrant powder, which have been proven to benefit those who regularly exercise. The berries have anti-inflammatory properties as well as promoting circulation and reducing lactic acid build-up, allowing people to train harder for longer. It also reportedly dramatically reduces menopausal flushes.

Taken in capsule form, the supplement is an easy way of ingesting extra goodness without making food taste funky as some other fruit & veg powders do! As a superfood, New Zealand blackcurrants are also incredibly high in antioxidants with 100mg of fresh fruit providing 12,881 ORAC, compared to blueberries 6,341 and green tea 1,500. The product costs £29 for a month’s supply (30 capsules) and is available online at It is also vegan friendly.

What did we think? First of all, it didn’t taste horrible, which is always good. We tried a month’s supply and by the end our skin was definitely improved, we were slimmer (we did use it when exercising but it seemed to make weight loss happen faster) and we definitely think it helped with lactic acid build up as we took the supplement just before we worked out. By the end we were actually glowing.

We are definitely fans of CurraNZ. We think it certainly has health benefits.