Some bad news on the equality front: a third of working women have experienced discrimination and harassment in the workplace, according to research. They’ve been spoken over or had opinions dismissed in meetings, received unwelcome comments on their appearance or clothing and been called “woman” and “clever girl”. The poll of 2,000 working women revealed …
Tag: discrimination
Sep 25
Mothers Face Employment Struggles After Having Children
New mothers are reluctant to return to work after having a child, with new statistics revealing that 28 per cent did not go back to their previous employer and only 6% felt the desire to start their own business (6%). The research comes from a brand new study conducted on behalf of Diddi Dance, a …
Sep 09
Nearly Half of Working Mums Would Consider Sharing Parental Leave
Some 44% of working mums would consider sharing their maternity leave with their partner, according to annual survey. The number of women who would consider sharing their leave when the new shared parenting legislation comes in next year has risen by 3% since last year and may in part be due to a rising number …
Aug 19
Nearly Half of Men Feel Under Pressure To Juggle a Career With Children
Dads left out in the cold: one in five fathers would like more time off work to bond with their children Nearly half (42%) of men feel under pressure to juggle a career with having children Almost half of fathers (46%) don’t think their workplaces offer enough flexibility to adequately juggle childcare with work Much …