Tag: Distilled

Christmas Cocktails  ft. The London Essence Company

One month to go, ho ho ho… so to open our first installation of our Christmas Cocktail guide we are featuring two Low-Cal cocktails kindly provided by The London Essence Company.  Kicking off with a relatively healthy start, *wink, The London Essence Company have created some easy and elegant cocktails all under 100 calories. Winning.  …

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Adnams Copper House Distilled Gin Review

Named “Best Gin in the World” at last year’s IWSC awards, add ice, some lime and a good amount of tonic for something quite close to heaven. From the famed Southwold brewer Adnams. This is a barley spirit with a base of juniper. Incredible, just incredible. More aromatic and fragrant than most gins. You make …

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Frost Magazine