Tag: donations


charity, charity donations, how to give to charity, charity shops, open, what charity shops are open?,

POST AND DONATE: BRITISH HEART FOUNDATION LAUNCHES FREE POSTAL DONATION SERVICE  ~ Charity retailer calls on the nation to donate pre-loved goods without hitting the high street ~         This June the British Heart Foundation (BHF) is launching a new post to donate service, making it even easier for the public to give their decluttered …

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From a Mother to Another Is Collecting Again To Reduce Clothes Waste & Help Syrian Refugees

Frost loves the From a Mother to Another initiative and is proud to support it again this year.  From a Mother to Another, the initiative from JoJo Maman Bébé, starts collecting again on 22nd Feb 2017. The aim; to reduce the shocking levels of clothing waste that end up in a landfill whilst helping those in …

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How To Make Money Blogging Part 1

The Ultimate Guide To Becoming a Successful Blogger , blogging, blogs, how to be a successful blogger, blogger, blogging, Catherine Balavage

So here it is. Number one in how to make money blogging, or with your website or online magazine. It is possible to make money blogging, but you need the knowledge and you also have to work hard. The nature of making money blogging is that you never know how much money you will earn …

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Words For The Wounded Writing Prize

Frost Magazine has came across a very worthy charity thanks to Jane Cable: Words For The Wounded was launched by Margaret Graham, an author at Random House. Margaret said; “I launched the charity Words for the Wounded  last year and we raise money via writing competitions and donations to help in the recovery of our …

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Frost Magazine