My Story [DONOVAN]


What made you decide to be a comedian and where was your worst ever gig

Danny Cardiff

Hi Danny,

I started when I was 10! I was a very angry child and needed a source to vent that anger. I used to deliver TVs with my granddad’s friend but there was interference. So I stumbled along a working mens club in Swansea called ‘Penlan Anti-Social Club‘.

Every Wednesday I would perform 10 mins of shouting at the audience…and they loved it. Once they put me on as headliner to a racist ventriloquist and his pet duck Dingo McNeil.

I finally got enough cash to rent a small flat across the road which I shared it with my girlfriend at the time; A pole dancer called Crystal Cleavage. I was 12.

My big break didn’t come till I was 16 I went to watch Bobby Davro at the Grand Theatre Swansea. Half way through the first half his left leg suddenly fell off, the audience had no idea he was an amputee! He had kept it from the lime light all those years. He was too embarrassed to go back on, so, sensing a stampede of angry fans about to occur I ran onto the stage and started singing the theme from the Andrew LLoyd Webber musical Whistle Down the Wind. The audience stopped in amazement, they sat back down in cannon, I had them in the palm of my hand…Davro winked at me from the wings and said “your doing good kid” I shouted back “Fuck off you one legged liar” Davro became my mentor we toured together…him in the shadows keeping out of the public eye and me getting the laughs. But In 2007 I got a phone call “I’m leaving you….I have been approached by Eastenders” He said nervously.

I told him he Was a C*NT!! and If he took it I never wanted to see him or his stump again…he took it. ….where is he now eh? Crying somewhere that’s where.

There is my story, who cares what you think.