Tag: Dr Carrie Ruxton

Domination of Screens Taking Its Toll On Children’s Reading, Learning And Behaviour

At Frost we are great believers in the value of reading, as you will have notices from the number of books we review. So, it’s no surprise to know that new research has revealed that a book at bedtime can boost a child’s brain power, accelerate academic achievement and reduce the risk of behavioural problems.   …

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Interesting, And Not Just For Children

Should I re-think my snacks perhaps? New research by Fruit Bowl, the brains and creators behind the leading brand in dried fruit snacks for kids, found that more than half (52%) of Britain’s four to 12-year-olds are often tired after school, with a quarter of parents reporting their child had difficulty concentrating when they got …

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The Hidden Health Risks of a Nutrient Gap: Should You Be Taking Vitamins?

Late November I attended a very interesting event at The Ivy, Mind The Nutrient Gap: Hidden Health Risks. Apart from having lots of fun chatting to amazing journalists and eating an extraordinary lunch (I would not have expected anything less), I found out some interesting facts. many of which I found shocking. Leading dietitian Dr Carrie …

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Risk of heart disease reduced when saturated fats are replaced with unsaturated fats.

The Fat Information Service reveals the facts behind the headlines…   Fatty acids continue to be the subject of ongoing academic research and media attention. In this bulletin, brought to you by the experts behind The Fat Information Service (FIS), we discuss some recent findings regarding different types of fat and risk of heart disease. …

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Potter’s Herbal Elixir of Echinacea Plus & Kwai Heart + Immune Supplements | Health Review

As winter comes in colds are inevitable. Echinacea is well known to ward of colds and boost the immune system, but does it really work? The first thing I have to say about Potter’s Herbals Elixir of Echinacea is how nice it tastes, rare for something that is good for you. I am more used …

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