Tag: Dr Patricia Thompson

Sun Damage – Short-Term and Long-Term Effects By Dr Kathleen Thompson

Last time we discussed sunburn and sunscreens. But what if, despite all efforts, you get sunburned? First reduce inflammation. Take anti-inflammatories (eg ibuprofen) and apply bland moisturisers. Cool the affected skin with wet cloths, and keep hydrated.  (Pure) aloe vera may help. Vitamin E may reduce on-going skin-cell damage, which can continue even after sun-exposure. …

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Sun Protection – Should We or Shouldn’t We? By Dr Patricia Thompson

Each summer, work-weary, sun-starved Brits look forward to baking under a hot foreign sun, wearing nothing but a piece of lycra or two, and a thin layer of suncream. But what are the facts about sunburn and sunscreens? Sunburn has two components: The initial ‘burn’ is unpleasant enough, but the long term damage is more …

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Meningitis By Dr Patricia Thompson

A new vaccine, for Meningococcus B, will soon be available for babies. What, another vaccine? Do we really need it? I would say – absolutely yes. Meningococcus causes meningitis, and blood infection (septicaemia) – sometimes leading to limb amputation or brain damage. Approximately 1:10 people affected die. As a paediatrician, I’ve seen healthy children become …

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An Aspirin a Day Keeps Big C Away? By Dr Patricia Thompson

Daily aspirin and cancer has been in the news again. So what does it all mean? People have been investigating whether aspirin protects us against cancer for many years. The first few study results were confusing – some showed a beneficial effect – others didn’t. This is the problem – you often don’t get a …

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Early Miscarriage by Dr Patricia Thompson

A miscarried pregnancy can be a devastating experience. The woman has already experienced pregnancy – nausea, swollen, tender breasts, just ‘feeling pregnant’.  The couple are sharing a cosy, exciting secret – visualising their anticipated offspring, they may well have chosen some names. Then, abruptly, hopes are shattered. It can happen in several ways – sometimes …

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