Tag: Elixir

Frost Loves Spanish Skincare brand Sepai

sepia , beauty, reviews

With the last couple days highlighting that summer is nearly upon us, many of us realise that after the year we’ve had, our skin needs some TLC. Spanish skincare brand, Sepai delivers ultra-performing, customisable skincare that mimics the effect of a personal trainer for your skin, with the ultimate concoction to condition your body. This bodycare cocktail …

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Potter’s Herbal Elixir of Echinacea Plus & Kwai Heart + Immune Supplements | Health Review

As winter comes in colds are inevitable. Echinacea is well known to ward of colds and boost the immune system, but does it really work? The first thing I have to say about Potter’s Herbals Elixir of Echinacea is how nice it tastes, rare for something that is good for you. I am more used …

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