From a Muffin Top to a Skinny Muffin

From a Muffin Top to a Skinny Muffin

By Alison Clark, independent nutritionist and spokesperson for Europe’s no 1 healthy eating plan,,gives advice on how to get rid of a muffin top.

What is a muffin top?

According to the Oxford Dictionary a muffin top is “a roll of fat visible above the top of a pair of women’s tight-fitting low-waisted trousers”. You might also call it spare tyre, love handles or back roll but either way, what most of us want to know is why is it there and how can we get rid of it?

In some cases, the only risk from the over spilling of flesh above the waistline is one of sinning against fashion. However, for many more this excess fat could be a sign of central obesity, indicating a real risk to future health.

As we are often reminded, being overweight is bad for your health. What many people don’t realise is that carrying extra fat around the middle of your body can put you at an even higher risk. This is because there are two types of fat with different characteristics: the fat carried under the skin, called subcutaneous, and the fat stored around the tummy surrounding the organs, which is called visceral fat. Visceral fat is the most dangerous, significantly increasing your risk of type 2 diabetes, heart disease and high blood pressure.

How do I know if I am at risk?

Get to know your body! Apple shaped people store more fat around the middle than pear shaped. It’s a good idea to make a habit of measuring your waist circumference – see the table below for the key limits.

Increased risk

Very high risk


80 cm or more

88 cm or more


94 cm or more

102 cm or more

To measure your waist accurately, use a soft tape measure and aim for halfway between your hip bone and your lowest rib. If you’re not sure, measure just above your belly button – the important thing is to always measure the same place so that you can keep track of any changes.

What can I do about it?

The only way to reduce fat is to lose weight! The best way to do this is with a combination of a balanced diet and regular exercise and the good news is that shrinking that muffin top won’t be the only benefit of adopting a healthier lifestyle.

Eat plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables, aim for at least five different ones every day to ensure that your body gets all the vitamins, minerals and fibre it needs. If you prefer a little help and want to go on a diet, try a high protein diet such as, they have revered engineered foods normally associated with high carbs into high protein such as bread, pasta and risotto. Base your meals on wholegrain starchy carbohydrates to make sure that you have plenty of energy throughout the day. Include lean meat and fish and try some alternative protein sources for a change such as pulses and eggs.. Make sure you also include low fat dairy products in your meals to get the calcium your bones need. Avoid fatty, sugary, fried and salty foods and drink plenty of water.

Finally, in order to have a healthy lifestyle and lose the love handles, you will need to exercise. Although targeting your stomach with sit ups or crunches will help to tone the muscles in that area, it will not specifically reduce abdominal fat – you need to lose weight from your whole body. Start with 30 minutes a day or moderate activity and build up from there. If you are not sure then speak to a personal trainer or gym staff who will be able to advise you on the best exercises for you.

Staying Motivated When Dieting


By Alison Clark, independent nutritionist and spokesperson for Europe’s no 1 healthy eating plan,

The New Year is a great time to set positive goals and make resolutions, and many of us use this time as an opportunity to try and embrace a healthier lifestyle. Making these plans is the easy part but sticking to them can be more difficult! Follow these tips to stay motivated and make 2012 the year that you achieve your health goals.

1. Team up

Changing old habits that may have been ingrained for ten or twenty years can be hard and having the support of friends and colleagues will help you to stay focused.

* Share tips and test new recipes with friends, family and colleagues. Online communities can be hugely helpful here, Eurodiet has a Facebook community.

2. Get organised

Try to plan ahead, jot down which ingredients and products you need. This will make it easier for you to stick to your eating plan and less likely to pick up unhealthy options when you are on the go.

* Try cooking larger amounts and freezing portions for the days when you don’t have enough time to cook.

3. Clean out your cupboards

Having tempting foods in the house or in your desk will make it much more difficult for you to resist eating them.

* Give away any post-celebration goodies which are still lurking around the house – if they are not there you won’t be able to eat them!

4.Don’t be defeated on ‘Difficult days’

It is normal to have days where you find it more difficult to stick to your resolutions. The important thing is not to let these days get you down and stop you from continuing with your good work – draw a line and stay positive. It’s what you do most of the time that counts!

* If you have a sweet craving try one of the low calorie sweet options available on the eating plan – like gooey vanilla caramel chocolate bars or apple crumble.

5.Identify your triggers

Next time you have a hard time resisting a second helping or you skip an exercise class, think about why it happened. Try to identify the feelings that triggered your behaviour, for example hunger, fatigue or stress. How could you change the outcome next time?

* Control your hunger by eating regular meals and ensure you have enough protein in your diet. Protein is essential for sending signals to the brain to say, “Thank you, I’m full”. Introduce healthy snacks if needed like cereal bars or fruit.

6.Make it fun!

Write a list of milestones you expect to pass on your journey towards your final goal and find ways to reward yourself as you reach each one. This will encourage you to stay on track and make the challenge more enjoyable too!

* Treat yourself to a massage, enjoy a spa day, take a new class, buy a new dress, try a new sport.

* Stay positive!