Tag: F. Scott Fitzgerald

Breaking The Bank & Busting a Myth

(Image: http://www.vixendivorcee.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/04/casino-de-monte-carlo-gambling.jpg ) Breaking the bank at Monte Carlo is something we all dream of at least once in a while. It represents a wonderfully luxuriant fantasy that draws on the unmistakable glamour of the Principality along with the fairytale simplicity of a life transformed by nothing more than the turn of a card. The …

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Famous People Who Didn’t Go To University

I have a confession to make. I find the whole snobbish going to university thing stupid. If you want to actually study something or be a doctor, then obviously go and reach your potential, but one of the things I find most stupid about social pressure is that everyone should go to university. At least …

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Read Up On The Great Gatsby: Great Gatsby Reading List

The Great Gatsby has been released and the roaring 1920s are back in fashion in a big way. We have a reading list for you from the lovely people at Kobo   Has Baz Luhrmann stayed true to the book?  To find out if he has captured the essence of the novel it might be …

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Frost Magazine