Tag: fade

Purepotions Scar Oil Review

Rosehip oil has been known to heal scars and stretchmarks for a long time now. Its celebrity fans include Gwyneth Paltrow, Victoria Beckham and Rosie Huntington-Whitely. Supermodel Miranda Kerr says: “Rosehip is full of antioxidants and really works to rejuvenate the skin.”  She is not wrong. With that in mine we tried Scar Oil with Rosehip 50ml, £18.99 from …

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Secret Saviours Review: Does It Prevent Stretchmarks? UPDATED

There are a lot of horrible things that come with pregnancy: nausea, sickness, rib pain, exhaustion, but most of these are not permanent. Unlike stretchmarks. These horrible little things take ages to fade and become silvery lines. You can get them for a few reasons and men get them too. To start off our new …

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Remescar Review: Does It Get Rid of Stretchmarks?

Apparently a huge number of men are suffering from stretch marks as they try to get buff Hollywood bodies in the gym.   30% of customers buying anti-stretch mark products are now male and experts say demand is being driven by men in their mid-30’s ‘pumping iron’ causing their muscles to grow too rapidly for their …

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