· A pioneering, awards-driven campaign launched by Festival of The Girl for young girls to celebrate each other and aspire to be future leaders
· Builds girls’ self-esteem and confidence to use their voices
· A great summer holiday activity for girls to nominate a special girl in their lives

The team behind the ground-breaking Festival of the Girl have launched their inaugural awards-driven campaign which will shine a light on the importance of girls supporting girls and celebrating each other’s achievements.
Why are these awards important, why do we still need to be building girls’ self-esteem and confidence, and why do we want to encourage girls to use their voices and support one another?
1. In a time when society still reinforce gender stereotypes and female rivalry (think Swift vs Beyonce narratives), when ‘mean girl’ behaviour is normalised with responses like ‘girls will be girls’, these awards aim to help build self-esteem and confidence with the next generation of girls
2. Just 15% of UK girls believe politicians act in their best interest with almost half of UK girls (47%) having lost trust in them over the last three years. Now with the largest (40%) proportion of female MPs in the UK government and a potential female US president, we need to change this trajectory and see girls celebrating each other, and the leadership and change girls and women can create
3. In the lead up to the 2024 General Election 20% of women didn’t feel inspired to vote or believe they had a voice in the election, so we need to build the agency and confidence in our future women voters
The awards campaign invites girls aged 7-11, with the help of their parents and carers, to nominate a special girl in their life for one of the following awards:
Who has inspired you recently? Who do you know that did something brave?
Maybe they stood up for someone else, maybe they’ve had to overcome something really difficult, or maybe they’ve simply worked incredibly hard at something and it has felt inspiring to you.
Who is your very best friend, or has shown amazing friendship to someone else you know?
Maybe they’ve spent loads of time helping their friends, or supporting them in some way. Or they might have been thoughtful about how to cheer someone up when they’ve been having a hard time.
Who has made a difference in your school or community? Who has created a change that really mattered?
Maybe they campaigned for something they believed in, and got the decision makers to really listen. Maybe they got lots of other people interested in a problem they wanted to solve and you all worked together on it, joining in with their idea and making things happen.
The Awards Ceremony, sponsored by V2 Studios, will take place at the Festival of The Girl 2024 on Saturday 5th October at the Business Design Centre, Islington, London. With an incredible panel of judges, beautiful awards and exciting presenters, it will be a truly inspiring event.