50% pregnant women will avoid flu vaccinations this year due to perceived risk

giving birth, birth, childbirth, the truth about giving birthBabies born to women who have flu are four times more likely to be born prematurely and have a low birth weight

The peak season for flu in the UK begins in November and between 2009 and 2012 it was the leading cause of death for women in the UK who died during pregnancy or shortly afterwards. It is estimated that that the flu vaccine (which helps to protect both mother and baby), could have prevented half of these deaths. In a bid to raise awareness of the importance of vaccinating while pregnant, the UK’s leading support resource for mums to be, Emma’s Diary, in conjunction with the Royal College of Midwives (RCM), has surveyed more than 2,600 women about their experience of vaccinations.

The results revealed that 44% (nearly half) avoid vaccinations (including flu) while pregnant, through fear of the health risks to their unborn baby and also risks to their own health.

The study asked women what their reasons were for avoiding vaccinations designed to protect mother and baby, such as flu and whooping cough; worries about health risks to both mother and baby was the number one factor (44%), this was followed by admissions from women about their hectic schedules with many claiming ‘they simply don’t have enough time to have the vaccination’ as being a main reason (16%). A further 11% say they don’t believe in vaccinations and others say they either don’t need it or they believe the vaccination is ineffective. These findings come despite the real risks associated with babies born to women with flu, such as a greater chance of premature birth (being four times more likely), low birth weight and in some cases it can lead to stillbirth or even death in the first week of life.

The research revealed the most pregnant women rely on their midwife to obtain information about vaccinations. As such, midwives across the country are working hard to ensure that pregnant women have access to all of the information they need this season to make more informed decisions about the vaccinations that can protect them and their unborn babies.

Nick Watts, Managing Director at Emma’s Diary said: “Working with the RCM on the pregnancy vaccination research has been hugely beneficial and insightful. We’ve been able to tap into our engaged audience to better understand women’s perceptions of having vaccinations during pregnancy. We are using these findings to help shape new resources that will support pregnant women in making more informed choices on having vaccinations while pregnant now and into the future.”

Mandy Forrester, Head of Quality and Standards at the Royal College of Midwives said: “One of the most important findings to come out of our survey was that pregnant women want and need more time to talk about vaccinations with their midwives before they make a decision. Having that time is so important because there can be misconceptions about some vaccinations and although it is useful to have leaflets and websites to refer to, there is nothing quite like having a real conversation, to talk through any concerns or questions.”

The RCM is working closely with Emma’s Diary to develop new resources to boost awareness of vaccinations in pregnancy, and to share the findings of its survey to pregnant women across the country.

For further information on vaccinations while pregnant please visit: http://www.emmasdiary.co.uk/pregnancy-and-birth/pregnancy/1st-trimester-of-pregnancy/avoiding-pregnancy-risks

Potter’s Herbal Elixir of Echinacea Plus & Kwai Heart + Immune Supplements | Health Review

miranda kerrAs winter comes in colds are inevitable. Echinacea is well known to ward of colds and boost the immune system, but does it really work?

The first thing I have to say about Potter’s Herbals Elixir of Echinacea is how nice it tastes, rare for something that is good for you. I am more used to taking pills but taking the elixir is no problem. I take it three times a day and I don’t get a cold, and feel that I have been given a health boost. In fact when I get more busy and forgot to take it for a while I ended up getting a cold. I start taking the Echinacea again and I immediately feel better. I think it works and I am impressed. It even makes my skin clearer.

I also start taking Kwai Heart+Immune with vitamins A, C and E; 30 tablets RRP £6.12; 100 tablets £16.33; Available from Boots. When I first take it I worry that I will smell of garlic but a friend says I don’t. After I start taking the supplement I feel much more energetic and healthier. The Pills are also easy to swallow.  My skin tone also improves when I am taking the pills. With the Kwai Heart+Immune and Potter’s Herbals Elixir of Echinacea I am all set for winter.

Commenting on Kwai Heart+Immune, independent dietitian Dr Carrie Ruxton says: “It is now well accepted that vitamins A and C and garlic have a vital role in supporting a normal immune function, while vitamin E is a potent antioxidant, helping to protect cells from oxidative stress which leads to cell damage. Human research on garlic shows that it is antimicrobial and can reduce levels of harmful bacteria and viruses which cause disease.”

The immune system as you know is crucial to help prevent colds/flu/virues and potentillay fatal illnesses. New research by the Henry Potter Advisory Committee also reveals that nearly half of 2,000 respondents in survey (46.4%) believe that they appear physically less attractive when their immune system is lower, with nearly one quarter (23.9%) stating that you could tell how good someone’s immune system is from their skin tone.


New stats also revealed that:

  • Worryingly almost three quarter’s (73.9%) of those researched (out of 2,000 respondents) did not know that our immune system is capable of distinguishing foreign bacteria, fungi or viruses, thereby preventing cellular damage.
  • Nearly one third (30.9%), incorrectly believe that vitamin C will ward off a cold, with more women believing this than men (35.3% vs 26%).
  • When it comes to symptoms of a poorly functioning immune system, the most commonly cited symptom was tiredness (61.2%). Over one third of people (38%) commented that they thought their immune system was lowered when they felt physically weak, or when they caught a cold (37.9%) or a virus (37.1%).

Potter’s Herbals Elixir of Echinacea Plus – contains a unique formula of the highest quality Echinacea angustifolia, wild indigo and fumitory. RRP £10.16, available in Boots nationwide. Potter’s Herbal remedies also include cold and flu relief products, as well as sleep aids, and stress releif aids. The whole range are licensed herbal medicines – celebrating 200 years this year.

World class immunologist and medical herbalist Dr Serene Foster says “It is encouraging to see effective herbals available over the counter. The cold and Flu season costs the nation a lot in terms of lost days at school, work, and while on holiday. Now we can all benefit from good mixtures which address all aspects of colds. When Potters Herbal Elixir of Echinacea Plus is taken at the first sign of a cold, it will support and balance your immune system to reduce the symptoms and shorten the time you suffer a cold and make you feel better faster.”


Man-flu: fact or fiction? The Real Truth.

by registered dietician Nigel Denby

Medical Tests say that very high does of Vitamin C are best avoided as they can cause stomach upsets and kidney stones.

Is there really a strain of flu to which men are more vulnerable? Or, is ‘man-flu’ simply about blokes being less able to tolerate the symptoms of the common cold?

It’s long been a subject of debate, but partners of man-flu sufferers will doubtless be familiar with the inability to cope and function when the dreaded lurgy strikes.

The scientific community is as unsure about the validity of man-flu as the rest of us. In 2009, a study claimed to prove beyond doubt that man-flu was a real phenomenon. However, after closer analysis, it was criticised as being irrelevant because the researchers were looking at mice not humans, and bacterial infections rather than the viral infections which cause flu.

Other researchers from Cambridge University suggested in 2010 that flu symptoms could be more common and virulent in men than women because of a reduced male immune system. This theory was backed up by another study from the University of Queensland which in 2011 reported that in order to ensure the survival of the species, women’s immune systems were more robust than men’s, making men more susceptible to flu. However, despite these theories, according to the Office for National Statistics, women take twice as many sick days than men. So, the jury is clearly still out.

With winter fast approaching, man-flu, or indeed any other type, is on the horizon. So what can you do to prevent it or speed up recovery if you’re unlucky enough to be struck down?

COLDS versus
Comes on gradually
Sneezing, blocked up nose
Mild temperature changes
Lasts up to a week
3-4 day recovery period
Does not lead to serious complications

Strikes suddenly
Impossible to get out of bed
Fevers, chills, aching muscles, fatigue, headaches, sore throat
Can last for up to 10 days
2-3 week recovery period
Can lead to bronchitis or pneumonia

The power of the immune system Flu and colds are caused by viruses. This means antibiotics are ineffective when it comes to treating them. A strong immune system is the cornerstone of warding off viral infections and the best ways to keep this in tip top condition are:
Feed it the nutrients it needs

Support the immune system year round with probiotics like Actimel, targeting the body’s natural defences

Limit undue strain on the immune system from stress, late nights, smoking, excessive alcohol and poor hygiene

Garlic contains allicin which is believed to boost immunity

Omega-3 fatty acids from oily fish and flax seeds helps cells in the respiratory system fight infection

Vitamin A is found in yellow and orange vegetables like sweet potatoes, peppers and carrots
Lean meats and particularly offal like liver or kidneys contain nucleotides needed for the repair of cells and for the production of immune cells

Zinc found in shell fish and whole grain cereals is needed for a robust immune system

Your digestive system plays a vital role in your body’s natural defences. Up to 70% of your immune system is thought to be controlled by the gut and the balance of good and bad bacteria in the gut is an important factor for immunity

A daily probiotic, designed to support your body’s natural defences is an easy, effective way to stay in tip top condition throughout the winter

Poor personal hygiene means your immune system is bombarded with harmful germs, bacteria and viruses, and less able to fight off cold and flu viruses when they come along

Hand washing is one of the most effective ways to reduce the number of attacks on your immune system, especially after using the bathroom, coughing, sneezing and before and after preparing food

Speeding up recovery

No matter how well you look after your immune system, you’re
likely to pick up a cold or flu. Here are some tips for getting rid of
a cold sooner:

Garlic is a proven antibacterial and decongestant, add
garlic to soups, pasta sauces and casseroles

Thyme and eucalyptus oils may help to clear congestion,
add drops to boiling water and inhale

Ginger and chilies are stimulating spices which can act as

Echinacea is thought to stimulate the immune system

Zinc lozenges may also help to halt a cold, possibly by
destroying the virus

Photo by Sarihuella

Angelina Jolie's Directorial Debut, Trailer Released.

If there was an award for over-achieving Angelina Jolie would definitely win it, an Oscar winning actor, six children, Brad Pitt on her arm, and an activist.

Layed up with flu for a few days and quarantined from her children, she banged out the script for ‘In the Land of Blood and Honey’, her directorial debut. A women of substance, Jolie’s debut is a political film about the war in Bosnia. It looks amazing, and we can’t wait to see it. Check it out below.

In the Land of Blood and Honey opens on Dec. 23.

How To Treat A Cold

Aaachoo! Most of us will have a cold this winter, but do you know how to treat it?

NHS Choices reveals some of the myths around treating a cold and offers advice on how to
get well quickly

According to NHS Choices, on average an adult can expect to catch a cold between two and four times a year, with more people suffering during the winter months. But do you know how best to treat a cold?

Myths about cures for the common cold:
· Vitamin C – according to NHS Choices, one in three people believe that Vitamin C can help cure a cold. In fact, research has shown that Vitamin C doesn’t prevent or cure a cold.
· Echinacea – many think that Echinacea can be used to prevent a cold or treat one, but research has shown that there is no proof of this being the case.
· Over the counter medicines for colds – over the counter medicines do not cure a cold. The usual ingredients are painkillers and decongestants, which only help manage the symptoms.

In reality, the best thing you can do if you do get a cold this winter is to rest, eat well, avoid stress and keep hydrated. As most colds are caused by viruses, you don’t need antibiotics to help treat it.

Dr. Knut Schroeder, GP, says: “Many people will catch a cold this year – but there really isn’t any miracle cure out there. A balanced diet and regular exercise can help you to stay healthy. But, if you are to catch a cold then my advice is to try and stay warm, drink plenty of fluids and to eat plenty of fruit and vegetables. All this can help your body naturally fight the cold virus.”

For more information on surviving colds this winter visit, www.nhs.uk/livewell/coldsandflu.