Twice as many mums want baby girls over boys 39% of mums wish for girls compared to just 18% for boys – but dads are three times more likely to want sons Four in five mums say a gender preference is normal – but still taboo to talk about A quarter admit to …
Tag: founder
Sep 14
Interview With casting director, coach, actress & founder of Sound Advice Kate McClanaghan
1. Tell us a bit about yourself. I’m a seasoned casting director, producer, coach, actress and founder of SOUND ADVICE, a unique, one-stop option for unparalleled voice over coaching, and exceptional demo production for all skill and experience levels. I had been a freelance producer since I was 19 years old, producing commercials for Coca-Cola, …
Jun 06
Words for the Wounded Independent Author Book Award By WforW Founder Margaret Graham
The Independent Author Book Award has been a revelation. There are just so many good writers out there, which made our task hugely enjoyable, if difficult. At last we decided on commended, highly commended, and then – the three winners. In the end, our decision was unanimous. Great books all three winners. Thank you all …
Nov 07
PacaPod Hastings Parenting Bag Review
Some parenting bags look awful, others are just not that functional. When we reviewed the PacaPod Hastings Parenting Bag we were very impressed. It has different removable sections for each aspect of parenting: feeding, changing and a mat. Even more impressive, it even has space for the ol’ parents things. The hastings is even better because …
Oct 28
Jacqueline Waggett PacaPod Founder Interview
We interviewed Jacqueline Waggett, founder of the amazing PacaPod changing bags. A must for all parents. How did you come up with idea of the PacaPod? I never even had a baby bag, I created a mock-up first PacaPod with different bags inside and thought this was a really good solution to getting out the …
Sep 09
Nearly Half of Working Mums Would Consider Sharing Parental Leave
Some 44% of working mums would consider sharing their maternity leave with their partner, according to annual survey. The number of women who would consider sharing their leave when the new shared parenting legislation comes in next year has risen by 3% since last year and may in part be due to a rising number …
Jul 15
5 Ways to Keep Your Willpower in Tip-Tip Condition
By Dr Sally Norton. Weight Loss Surgeon, Health Expert, Founder of “If something is going to work, it has to be easy to sustain. In other words, you don’t need much willpower to make it happen and to keep it up for good. We all know that our self-discipline can flag when we are …
May 13
Top Tips For a Skin-Friendly Summer
Amanda Elias, beauty expert and founder of Bravura London has her top tips for a skin-friendly Summer. 1 – The first thing you want to think about is sun protection; the sun is the main cause of premature ageing which can leave your skin dull, dry, wrinkled and with hyperpigmentation (brown spots). Protect all exposed …