Hello there from the trenches of working motherhood. I am a freelance writer and editor with two children under three. Today I feel faintly refreshed after having a few hours sleep last night. I get asked a lot what it is like being a freelance writing mother so I want to take you through my …
Tag: freelance
Sep 07
Diary of a Freelance Working Mother: On Busybodies
It was Jean Paul Sartre who said that hell is other people, but he did not get it quite right. What he should have said was that hell is other people and their opinions. Now if they can keep those opinions to themselves then it is happiness all-round. I spend large parts of my day not pointing …
Aug 22
The Diary of a Freelance Working Mother
Hello Frost readers. Many of you will know me quite well, others will be be thinking, ‘Why is the woman being so arrogant to think that we know who she is?’ And you may have a point, so let me introduce myself properly: I am the editor and founder of Frost Magazine. I am also …
Aug 23
MumsThread: On The Importance of Work When You Become a Mother
Out of all of the truisms, few are more true as when you choose a job, you choose a lifestyle. This was never more true when I first became an actor many moons ago (at one point I had three survival jobs. A day one, an evening one and a weekend one), or when I had a corporate job …
Jan 05
The Ultimate Guide To Becoming a Successful Blogger by Catherine Balavage Reviewed By Margaret Graham
Crikey- is it me, or is running a blog harder than it looks? by Margaret Graham Read the: The Ultimate Guide To Becoming a Successful Blogger by Catherine Balavage and cut out the stress. Catherine is the owner and editor of Frost Magazine, and I am her contributing editor. Working on a blog, or online magazine as …
Oct 20
A Day In My Writing Life: Lynne Hackles
I’m a busy writer, working under several different names. Here’s my typical day. Wake at 5am, do a thirty minutes run, thirty minutes housework and then sit and write until five in the afternoon. Some days I take a ten minute break for lunch. And, if you believe that, you’ll believe anything. The truth is …
Oct 09
Brigid Hains On The Launch of Aeon | Interview
Why did you set up Aeon? Paul and I set up Aeon because we believed that we live at a point in history when people are questioning their own and their society’s values and beliefs, and in our view the only way to work through this is by having open conversation and debate about questions …