Lady Gaga takes the cover of Vanity Fair. She tells Vanity Fair: ‘I can’t commit to being an adult- I’m not ready.’
One of the main reasons I subscribe to Vanity Fair is the intelligent articles. I get my monthly dose of politics and economics. This month is no exception, there are brilliant articles to help you understand the economical crisis and a brilliant article on George F. Kennedy.
I really enjoyed Henry Aldord’s article on manners. It’s a sample from his book, Would it kill you to stop doing that?

- Vanity Fair take Celine Dion out to lunch and she tells them she has over 3000 pair of shoes.
- There is a brilliant article on Rick Perry, can he comeback?
- Salman Rushdie on Lewis Carroll’s struggle to write his second book. ‘Follow that syndrome’ and how it helped him. Great piece.
- The Japanese workers cleaning up Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant.
- Rebecca Eaton, who has put her stamp on Downton Abbey and Upstairs Downstairs amongst others.
- Michael Ovitz and his (alleged) failed takeover of IMG from the late Teddy Forstmann.
- The wonderful Christopher Hitchens debates whether the phrase ‘what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger’ has merit.
- The Queen and Prince Phillip in love. 16 pages on the blossoming of their love.
- And P.D. James answers the Proust Questionnaire.
Marie Claire has Kelly Rowland on the cover. She talks Beyonce, men, music and admits she has cellulite.
There is a lot of clothes and shoes that will help you plan your wardrobe for next year, and lots of sparkly stuff for Christmas.
There is also a 2011 in review. Most magazines do this in December, watch out for Frosts.
- Why famous men cheat, and does it sound like your man? Good article, and Lizzie Cundy tells Marie Claire how it felt when her husband cheated on her. Forgive and forget?
- Four style savvy women share the party prepping secrets.
- Janine di Giovanni goes in search of the truth about Aisha Gaddafi.
- Should you tell your boss if your pregnant?
- Matt Smith interview.
- Who finds you the perfect date?
- Jean Shrimpton’s Life story.
- Amy Manson on the things she loves.
- Future proof your looks.
- Dakota Fanning’s beauty rules.
- There is a very informative article on hormone problems, their symptoms and treatments.
Florence Welch take the cover of British Vogue and is interviewed inside. She tells Vogue: ‘I don’t think I’ll ever be polished. I’m integrally slightly scruffy. You know, you meet those women who are so cool? I’m striving for that so much!”.
- In Vogue’s scrapbook there is a guide to flowers and their seasons and lots of floral dresses.
- Sarah Lund from The Killing is interviews and asked about THAT jumper.
- Women under siege, stories from women in Libya.
- The new generation of female drummers.
- Designing Duos.
- Michael Kors
- The Frieze Art; pictures and interviews from the art world’s fashion week.
- Nomi Rapace interview.
- Steven Spielberg and the cast for Warhorse.
- Vogue’s great escapes. A brief history of Vogue shoots in foreign countries.
- Three beauty hotshots show you how to par-down your make up bag.
- Fast track your workout.

Glamour has X Factor’s Tulisa on the cover. She says ‘I don’t think I am anything like Cheryl, except we can both put a bit of volume in our hair’. She also says that she likes to ‘stick up for other women’. Which makes Frost like her. A lot.
- Dermont O’Leary interview.
- Don’t fear your fashion ghosts.
- Get your dream job in 2012.
- How to get blogged about.
- The truth about food intolerance.
- 3 Health problems you can fix yourself.
- Can dating pro Matthew Hussey find you a man?
- Tamara and Petra Ecclestone.
- There is a good article on the rise of those awful pay day loan companies, beware of them at all costs!
- Hollywood female stereotypes, a funny article by Mindy Kaling, writer of the US Office.
- The truth about Hollywood stars selling their bodies when times get tough.
- Give your closet a January detox with Danni Minogue.
- Nicki Minaj interview and photo shoot.
- How to get your s**t together. Sort out your wardrobe, make up bag, and everything else in your life.
- Josh Duhamel interview.
- The stars of 2012.
- Your everything guide to skin.
- Nicole Scherzinger on health and beauty.
- The Devil in your diet: The low-down on sugar. Did you know that sugar has 4kcal per gram? There is also no difference between brown and white sugar.
- 12 dinners for £50.

Tatler has Florence Brudenell-Bruce is on the cover. The girl that got away, Prince Harry’s ex tells Tatler that ‘one day everything will drop and I won’t be able to earn a living in my bikini’.
- Free travel guide.
- Rigby and Peller give Tatler their Mood Board.
- What the recent overhaul of the royal succession means for the aristocracy.
- Santa Sebag Montefiore launches a new skiing clothes line.
- The Posh Commune.
- Ella Hughes goes to an orgy.

- Charles Gilkes and Duncan Stirling launch yet another party venue.
- Quentin Letts sketchbook: Yvette Cooper.
- Russian Billionaires at the High Court. Abramovich and Berezovsky go head to head.
- Emma Freud reviews toasters.
- Dafydd Jones on 30 years of chronicling the art crowd.
- Writers on manners.
- Joanne Lumley on her beauty routine.
- Jo Malone on what she loves.
Gwen Stefani is on the cover of Instyle and is interviewed. Did you know she is friends with Angelina Jolie?
- Where style starts: statement earrings.
- Josephine de la Baume on her style.
- Actors at the Toronto Film Festival.
- Fashion insiders reveal what they cannot live without.
- Tom Ford and Kate Bosworth. Tom has just launched a new make up range and Kate models
- Instyle Shopping rules; jeans, vintage, lingerie, jewellery.
- Instyle meets Jenna Lyons from J Crew.
- Beyonce’s body rules.
- Christmas Prep.
- Megan Fox Up Close. Her beauty secrets.
- Gizzi Erskine is In Style’s new columnist.