Tag: funding

University Fees-ability by Josh Edwards

Another period of A-level results has passed and thousands of students will be heading to University over the next 4 weeks.  But is a degree strictly necessary? For many it isn’t. It wasn’t for me initially, but as my career aspirations altered, a degree became the minimum requirement for my next goal. Three years ago, …

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AudaCity of Fashion launches coffee mornings offering free crowd funding advice

Need money for your fashion business? Then you need to book in to  “AudaCity Coffee Mornings” for a one-to-one free consultation to discuss how crowdfunding could be the solution to your funding issues AudaCity of Fashion offers a revolutionary approach to the support of fashion creativity in London. As a reward based crowdfunding platform dedicated …

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Perry Bhandal on Interview With a Hitman | Film Interview

What inspires you? Music is my biggest inspiration. Sequences just appear fully formed in my head as I listen, whether it be movie soundtracks, modern classics or just rock and pop. Snippets of life experience also play a big part. For example I was in India with my family in 2003 and we were visiting …

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Nuno Bernardo Interview; On Collider

Nuno Bernardo describes Collider as “Lost meets Terminator”. At Frost Magazine we are super excited about this multi-media story. Nuno is very inspirational and, according to BBC, “Nuno Bernardo is a leading world expert in New Media”.We also have the web series exclusively before anyone else does, so keep an eye out for it and …

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Frost Magazine