Another period of A-level results has passed and thousands of students will be heading to University over the next 4 weeks. But is a degree strictly necessary? For many it isn’t. It wasn’t for me initially, but as my career aspirations altered, a degree became the minimum requirement for my next goal. Three years ago, …
Tag: funding
Oct 07
AudaCity of Fashion launches coffee mornings offering free crowd funding advice
Need money for your fashion business? Then you need to book in to “AudaCity Coffee Mornings” for a one-to-one free consultation to discuss how crowdfunding could be the solution to your funding issues AudaCity of Fashion offers a revolutionary approach to the support of fashion creativity in London. As a reward based crowdfunding platform dedicated …
Aug 09
Perry Bhandal on Interview With a Hitman | Film Interview
What inspires you? Music is my biggest inspiration. Sequences just appear fully formed in my head as I listen, whether it be movie soundtracks, modern classics or just rock and pop. Snippets of life experience also play a big part. For example I was in India with my family in 2003 and we were visiting …
May 29
Nuno Bernardo Interview; On Collider
Nuno Bernardo describes Collider as “Lost meets Terminator”. At Frost Magazine we are super excited about this multi-media story. Nuno is very inspirational and, according to BBC, “Nuno Bernardo is a leading world expert in New Media”.We also have the web series exclusively before anyone else does, so keep an eye out for it and …