As an actor, continual training is important. So I have interviewed Paul Burton, Ronnie Le Drew and Leoni Kibbey who will both be doing masterclasses for pro active actors at the famous Elstree Studios.
Paul Burton
1) Tell me about the Masterclasses
There are currently four masterclasses scheduled and each one is being held at Elstree Studios in Borehamwood, Hertfordshire, WD6 1JG
Actress, filmmaker and film & TV casting director, Leoni Kibbey, is taking an initial three masterclasses. They are:
Leoni Kibbey – Masterclass For Actresses:
Date: Monday 23rd May 2011
Times: 11am – 7pm
Description: An enjoyable and intensive one-day masterclass for actresses aged 18+ only! This will be a chance for you to gain valuable industry advice, practise your audition technique and hone your screen acting skills. You should come away with a better understanding of the industry and how to market yourself and increase your chances of being cast. It will be a fun and practical day and there will be opportunities to practise your acting skills and receive constructive feedback in a positive environment.
Leoni Kibbey – Screen Acting Masterclass:
Date: Tuesday 24th May 2011
Times: 11am – 7pm
Description: A one-day masterclass for actors and actresses aged 18+ with lots of opportunities to practise your screening acting skills using a full-range of film, TV and commercial scripts. This will be a very practical masterclass where you will learn by ‘doing’ as well as watching your fellow classmates. Techniques, terminology and other useful advise to help further your career as a screen actor or actress will all be included as part of the day.
Leoni Kibbey – Audition Masterclass:
Date: Thursday 9th June 2011
Times: 11am – 7pm
Description: A one-day masterclass for actors and actresses aged 18+ where you will learn about the different types of audition. You will also find out the best way to apply for a job and gain an understanding of how agents and casting directors deal with applications. The day will also educate you on what to expect at an audition and how to improve your skills and confidence.
Each of Leoni’s masterclasses costs just £55 each and includes a two-course lunch (vegetarian option) with a fruit juice.
Meanwhile, former Rainbow puppeteer, Ronnie Le Drew, will be running a special one-day masterclass on Friday 3rd June 2011. This will be a chance for any aged 18+ to learn more about the art of puppetry.
Ronnie Le Drew – Puppetry Masterclass:
Date: Friday 3rd June 2011
Times: 11am – 7pm
Description: Set to be taken by puppeteer Ronnie Le Drew (best-known for having operated Zippy in the Thames TV children’s show, Rainbow), this special one-day masterclass will include an opportunity to operate glove puppets, rod puppets and marionette puppets and to explore the potential that each has to offer. The day will also include the showing of video clips from Ronnie’s theatre, film & TV career which spans forty years. There will also be time for a Q&A session. Set to take place at Elstree Studios where Ronnie worked on the Jim Henson film Labyrinth in 1986, this masterclass will be a unique opportunity for anyone aged 18+ to explore and find out more about the exciting world of puppets.
A place on Ronnie’s masterclass costs just £50 each and includes a two-course lunch (vegetarian option) with a fruit juice.
2) What’s your background?
Gosh, that could take hours to explain! I have twenty-two years of experience running a variety of my own theatre, film, TV and radio projects. I’m basically a self-employed writer, filmmaker and film & TV historian. You can found out more about me at:
3) How important is it for actors to keep training?
I think it is very important. I personally believe each of the masterclasses which are holding will benefit actors and actresses (yes, despite being only 37, I am old fashioned and still use both titles!) a great deal. I think learning new skills is also essential in this industry. As a director I am always more impressed when I get an application for an actor or an actress who has shown to continue to take extra training and learn new skills post drama school. It shows that they are hardworking and serious about their careers in what is obviously a very competitive world.
4) Is it exciting to be at Elstree studios?
Yes, so many of my favouirte films have been made at the complex since 1924, so to be walking down the same corridors and using the same rooms and areas used by my favorite actors, actresses, producers and directors is a great thrill. I never tire of walking through the gates and entering the studios. And the management have been so supportive to me over the last few years.
The Masterclass Project – Website:
To request further details and a booking form, please email Paul Burton:
Leoni Kibbey
1) Tell me about the masterclass
I was really pleased to be asked by Paul Burton to teach on his masterclass sessions. He runs a variety of masterclasses for actors and actresses which are taken by experienced professionals from the world of theatre, film & television at Elstree Studios, in Hertfordshire.
2) What will you be teaching at the masterclasses?
I am teaching 3 different day long courses – each day will be fun and practical, there will be lots of chances to perform and get involved. I am certainly more ‘get up and do’ than ‘sit down and listen’. One of the classes is a casting master-class just for women and then there are two for anyone age 18+ – a screen acting day and an audition technique day. I think having an understanding of the industry is as important as talent and these masterclasses will help develop both as well as give you an opportunity to practise your skills and receive honest constructive feedback.
I often run casting workshops which last just a couple of hours. I am looking forward to giving a more intense day long workshop as it gives the actors a chance to learn more and to totally immerse their day in the world of casting as well as for me to learn more about them as actors and actresses.
I think they are very good value and having lunch included is an added bonus. For full details on the courses go to the masterclass website:
3) As an actor yourself, what do you think the benefits of continual training are?
It keeps your skills honed. It keeps you fresh as an actor. It allows you to make contacts and meet new people. I think a workshop session is a great way to learn because by watching others you also get a good measure of your own ability and what you may need to work on as well as learning from others.
4) How do you think the masterclasses will help people in their career.
It will give them a better awareness of the industry and how to approach work and auditions. It will give them pointers on how to improve their acting and I think any opportunity to meet a casting director is another step closer towards getting a job. In this relaxed, fun environment it will hopefully allow people to show the best of their talent throughout the day.
5) What is your background?
I trained as an actress at Mountview Theatre School, graduating in 1998. Since then I have worked as an actress, casting director and now producer. I am a busy multi-tasker and I understand all aspects of the industry and I enjoy passing that on in a workshop setting. I now regularly cast commercials and tv projects and feature films – including the multi-million pound feature film Shakespeare’s Daughter which I am about to begin casting.
Ronnie Le Drew
1.Tell me about the master-class
I was asked by Paul Burton to run a days master Class on Puppet
manipulation. we talked about how many students?,Time for Q and A and
an opportunity for showing clips from my professional work over many
years, all this and lunch too ! of course the answer was “yes”.
2. What will you be teaching at the master-classes?
The day will begin with a short introduction, and then straight
into the manipulation of Glove puppets, Rod puppets and Marionettes
(String puppets) each of the different kind of puppet requires a
individual skill. which I intend to pass on to the students. Learning
all this will take more than a days course, but I hope to leave
knowing that each student will have a knowledge of the basic
performance possibilities of each puppet.
3, As an actor yourself, what do you think the benefits of continual training are?
I am a puppeteer first with some acting skills, the benefits of
continual training are the same for both actor and puppeteer. Learning
new skills only enhances your knowledge and opens one’s eye’s to new
opportunities, which can only be a good thing for both an actor and
puppeteer one never stops learning, to do so will inhibit one’s
professional career.
4. How do you think the master-classes will help people in their career?
I hope to add to the actor/performer new skills which in today’s
theatre, film and television, is essential. Actor/performers are
regularly asked what else can you do other than act !
5.What is your background?
I started as an apprentice puppeteer at the Little Angel Theatre
way back in the 60’s and went on to work in Television Film For more
information do see my web page :-
6. What is your specialty?
My Specialty is performing, directing, and teaching Puppetry in
all it’s forms. It has been my profession for all my working career
and continues to give me tremendous pleasure.
“When Ronnie Met Zippy” the
utterly splendid biography of Ronnie Le Drew to be published march