Freeze away your skin tags with NEW Cryotag

skin tags, get rid

Skin tags are annoying and embarrassing. I tried the innovative Cryotag and it worked well. I was impressed. I would recommend it to anyone who has skin tags. It is easy to use even for me who is rubbish at health stuff.



Highly Commended at The Beauty Awards 2017, in the Beauty Innovation of the Year category, Cryotag is the NEW fast and effective skin tag remover. Developed by world-leading innovators with 20 years’ experience in cryotherapy and skin tag removal.

Using technology trusted by doctors and dermatologists, Cryotag is a clinically proven new treatment. Within seconds of the applicator being applied to the skin tag the base will begin to turn white, signalling the skin tag has been frozen. This method will instantly freeze the core of the skin tag and the skin tag will fall off in as little as one treatment, usually within 2 weeks. No more expensive trips to the dermatologist, or risky or unpleasant DIY methods!

Skin tags affect up to half of the population, and are small pieces of soft skin raised or hanging off the skin. The skin tags often appear in areas of the body where clothing is likely to rub such as around your neck, chest and under arms. Even though skin tags are very common, they can be irritating and leave individuals feeling self-conscious.

Removing skin tags with Cryotag is a fast and easy 4 step process:

  1. Begin the treatment by firmly twisting the precision-tip applicator into the bottom of the cap.
  2. Insert the applicator and cap into the Cryotag canister. Press the cap down for 3 seconds and you will hear a hissing sound.
  3. Remove the applicator and cap and hold the tip facing down for 15 seconds to allow the applicator to reach the correct temperature.
  4. Grasp the skin tag with tweezers provided and gently pull it away for 40 seconds. Apply the applicator to the stalk of the skin tag.

Most skin tags will fall off within two weeks of the first application, leaving you with a healthy-looking skin.

The Cryotag skin tag remover is available in Boots stores and online at  Also available from If your local Boots store doesn’t stock Cryotag, they can order it for next day delivery.

Cryotag RRP £21.95. Contains 12 applicators for up to 12 skin tag treatments

Cryotag is intended only for the removal of skin tags. If you are unsure whether it is a skin tag, always consult the GP first. There are also clear guidelines on the Cryotag website and packaging.



The Ultimate Guide To Clearing Your Clutter

Last year I became quite obsessed with decluttering. In fact, thanks to Marie Kondo I think we all did. I have never liked being surrounded by a lot of stuff. I have always hated clutter. Which is why I am feeling rather proud. My husband and I have got rid of thousands of things. There are still a few things earmarked to go, but we are the closest to minimalism we have ever been. The flat looks fundamentally tidy even though we have a toddler. Things are also much easier to find and we have even made some money selling things. Here is my quick, but comprehensive, guide to decluttering. It will change your life, trust me.

You need to put things into different bags,boxes or piles. The options are: Recycle, Sell, Keep, Mend, Give to Charity.


You don’t have to do it all at once so don’t get overwhelmed. You can do a room at a time, or even just a drawer of cupboard. Slow and steady is just as good as one full-on day.

My biggest tip is to keep a charity bag somewhere you can easily access. Put things in there you want to get rid of, and then when it is full you can take it to the charity shop. 

You can make decluttering fun by doing it while you watch your favourite TV show or listen to music. You can even get all of the family involved. Getting rid of old stuff always feels great.

Declutter for 5-10 minutes everyday. It all adds up.

Put the handle on the hanger in your wardrobe in one direction, if you wear the item, turn the handle around. Wait a certain amount of time, say, six months, then throw out everything you have not worn.


You can give away unwanted stuff while doing good for the environment via


Get rid of all your old phones. Just remember to delete your personal information and remove the SIM card. There are plenty of good websites and companion websites which will give you the best price. I use Just make sure you check out their reputation on

You can also sell old ink cartridges. The amount you can earn is so low that I would give them to chairty instead. Cash for Cartridges pay for old ink cartridges but you have to set up an account, the withdrawal limit is £25, and their prices are so low it would take an age to get there.

Personally I think it is better to donate them to the British Heart Foundation. You can download their free post label here. Other charities that take old printer cartridges include the British Institute for Brain Injured Children, RNLI, Barnados, Sense, and the World Cancer Research Fund.

I have sold all of my old gadgets. After removing my personal data of course. I used as I found they had the best prices. There are other places of course., and even Apple itself will buy your old technology. It is best to remove your old hard drive before selling your old computers. Note that Apple will give you a gift card in return. They also recycle things for free that they do not buy, including PCs. marketplace allows you to sell books, DVDs and some other stuff. They do take a huge fee however, a massive 17.25% commission. The good news is that it is free to list. They also give you a postage credit which does not always cover the cost of posting the book, then take it away in fees.

You can also sell by Car Booting. Car boot sales are not the best place to get the top price. I have never done it personally but there will be plenty in your area. Just do a search. They tend to charge a fee to pitch up your car and sell. I would mark your prices up a bit as people like to haggle.

Other good places to sell your stuff.


Facebook groups

There is even a sell option on Facebook. You can also join groups and sell your stuff on the group.

The best way I have found of getting rid of stuff is to give it to charity. You do good and give back to the community while clearing out your home. Win win.

You can donate pretty much everything. For instance, the RSPB, DHIVERSE and the World Owl Trust will take old stamps. Your old glasses and sunglasses can go to charity shops. Branches of Boots Opticians and  Dolland and Aitchinson usually have recycling bins for old glasses. You can donate your foreign currency. RNIB will take it. Help the Aged, Marie Curie and Age UK will even take old currency that can no longer be changed. Many charities will also take your old phones.

Take your old clothes to a charity shop or a local clothes bank. H&M, Uniqlo and Marks & Spencer’s all take old items of clothing.

It is best to sell furniture on, Facebook groups or other local resources. Furniture and homeware does not hold its value well. If you do want to get rid of your furniture and don’t want to sell it do not spend hundreds getting someone to take it away for you. We were quoted over £400 for someone to come and take our furniture away. I donated it to the British Heart Foundation instead and they came and took it away for free.

When it comes to donating furniture the Furniture Reuse Network will take your goods and then distribute them to a charity organisation in your area.  Oxfam and the British Heart Foundation also take furniture. You can also try Freecycle and Freegle where you offer your good for free to anyone who can collect them.

Gone For Good is a great social enterprise that puts people in touch with charities that will come and take away their furniture or anything else they want to donate. You use the Gone For Good app by taking a photo of your unwanted stuff on our phone and then one of the charities will come and take the goods away based on your postcode. The app is free to use and the charity will pick up your goods for free too. Great for people who don’t have a car.

When you give stuff to charity make sure you sign up for Gift Aid. This allows the charity to claim an extra 25p for every £1 you give and also lets you get some money off your tax bill. Don’t do it unless you pay tax though, you will have to pay the extra gift aid. To learn more about tax relief and gift aid go here.

My last tips are to get rid of old change via self services machines. No, the staff from the supermarket don’t like it but as long as you don’t overdo it I am sure it will be fine. I also find the best place for selling stuff. Even if there are some people on there that just want to steal your stuff. I send valuable things signed for. My other, and biggest, tip for decluttering is also the one that is best for the environment: stop buying so much crap. Seriously. I rarely buy anything these days other than food and it has changed my life. My sure everything has a place and goes back into that place. Everything else can be sold or given to charity.
Thank you for reading. Please add your own tips below.

Secret Saviours Review: Does It Prevent Stretchmarks? UPDATED

Secret Saviours range reviewThere are a lot of horrible things that come with pregnancy: nausea, sickness, rib pain, exhaustion, but most of these are not permanent. Unlike stretchmarks. These horrible little things take ages to fade and become silvery lines. You can get them for a few reasons and men get them too. To start off our new parenting section we started to review stretch mark products. We decided to review Secret Saviours after attending the launch at 34. Secret Saviours comprises of a Multitasking Support Band, which is used with a specially formulated Day Gel and Night Cream. Does it prevent stretchmarks? Let’s find out.

I start using Secret Saviours when I was 24 weeks pregnant. Everyday I apply the day cream, wear the band and then take if off and apply the night cream in the evening. It’s a bit of a fuss, let’s be honest. But if it stops stretchmarks then it is completely worth it. The band does not fit well to begin with. I measure my bump and I am a size small and the band is a large. It is not uncomfortable but ruins the silhouette of a lot of the clothes that I wear. The pattern is visible under most clothes, making me look like I have a spotty belly. As I said, it is quite cumbersome but if it works it will be worth it.

I am now 32 weeks pregnant and happy with the results so far. I have noticed two stretchmarks a couple of inches below my belly button. I was very annoyed and upset when I saw them but I don’t even think they would be visible if I was wearing bikini bottoms. Still annoying though. So apart from a few stretchmarks which are not very visible, so far so good. I can’t say the system completely works as I have obviously gotten a few stretchmarks but it is possible that it could have been a lot worse. I will update this post as I go along.

The band is not uncomfortable and can also work as a pregnancy band/belt. It is quite sticky when you take it off at night because the day cream you use is tacky to help the pads stick. There are times when I just want to put my clothes on and not bother with the whole thing but so far I feel the results have been more than worth the effort. I will update after the pregnancy to let you know the final results.

You can get the premium Secret Saviours pack here.


I now have my baby, a son called Luke. Did diligently using the pregnancy band and creams work? I believe they made a difference. I did not come out of the experience with no stretchmarks. Small person + big baby is a recipe for lots of stretching, but the stretchmarks came late in the pregnancy. It is a bit annoying wearing the band everyday, but I actually think it helped my back. I think many people will get different results from Secret Saviours, even the makers said at the press launch that some women will get stretchmarks no matter what, but for most I think Secret Saviours pregnancy band and creams will make a difference.


British medics have designed a unique product which is scientifically proven to help prevent stretch marks during pregnancy.

The Secret Saviours Multitasking Support Band, which is used with a specially formulated Day Gel and Night Cream, reduces the risk of getting Striae gravidarum — the medical name for these unsightly scars – by 70 per cent.

Seven out of ten women who use this innovative under bump and lower back support will be spared these angry red marks which eventually fade to silvery pink, but stubbornly refuse to go away.

And if stretch marks do occur, the severity of them is reduced dramatically, a study presented at the American Academy of Dermatology has confirmed.


Stretch marks are scars left by tearing below the surface of the skin and once you have them, without resorting to a tummy tuck, you have them for life.

TV doctor and GP Dr Chris Steele notes: “Stretch marks are very common in pregnancy, with some studies suggesting as many as nine out of ten mothers-to-be develop these unsightly streaks, but they can also spring from teenage growth spurts and rapid weight gain.

“It’s impossible to predict who will get them, although multiple pregnancies, ethnicity and family history all increase the odds of getting Striae gravidarum,, as doctors call them. And while many mums-to-be massage in moisturisers and oils in the hope of heading them off, there is very little evidence most potions and lotions will make any difference.,”

Secret Saviours was invented by leading vascular surgeon Mr Stephen Barker and an expert in tissue engineering at University College, London. It is the first product of its kind with clear scientific proof of effectiveness.

A trial, at the Institute of Maternity and Gynaecology at Tucuman in Argentina, recruited 159 women who were between 12 and 14 weeks pregnant. Half used the Secret Saviours system and the other half did not use any creams or devices to provide a control group for comparison.

Independent clinicians who saw the women at the end of their first trimester and around their due date assessed any stretch marks using a scale of zero to ten, with zero being no marks and ten being multiple, highly visible scars.

In line with studies examining the incidence of stretch marks, 66 per cent of women in the control group developed Striae gravidarum, with most scoring a seven for severity. But two out of three women who used Secret Saviours had no sign of stretch marks and those which did were very minor in appearance, with most scoring just four.

Commenting on Secret Saviours, mum of two and women’s health expert, Dr Catherine Hood, notes: “The secret of the Secret Saviours system is its Multitasking Support Band lined with pads arranged in a random pattern which gently grip the stomach and literally redirect stretch marks.”

“Secret Saviours works by equalising pressure points within the skin and helping to prevent any tiny tissue tears from forming within the dermis, the inner layer of skin which contains blood and lymph vessels.

“But if they do, the Support Band provides a gentle barrier of bumps which block the path of any minor tears which could spread along straight lines of stress and turn into full blown stretch marks.”

Dr Catherine Hood adds: “The skin-saving support provided by the Multitasking Support Band is enhanced by the addition of Secret Saviours’ Day Gel and Secret Saviours Night Cream. Both are formulated using ingredients such as Centella asiatica and vitamin E, which have been shown to support skin healing.

“There are no parabens, PABA, animal ingredients, synthetic colours, mineral oils petroleum or paraffin in either the Day Gel or Night Cream.”

Vascular surgeon Mr Barker promises: “We cannot guarantee Secret Saviours will stop all stretch marks, but we can guarantee that it will significantly reduce the risk of developing them and minimise the appearance of any which do appear.”

As an added bonus, the Secret Saviours Multitasking Support Band also provides some welcome under-bump support, which has the added bonus of reducing lower back ache — a common problem in pregnancy.




Remescar Review

Scars and stretch marks can really get you down. We should all love our flaws but sometimes it is not easy, especially when in a prominent or inconvenient place. We reviewed Remescar and Remescar Stretch Marks to see if they made a difference.

Remescar says it is a clinically proven treatment that offers a completely new approach and remarkable results in treating new and old scars.


Remescar stretch marks is an innovative silicone based cream which improves and corrects all types of stretch marks.

A clinical study performed by an independent laboratory showed that it reduces up to 50% of stretch marks severity on stomach, hips and legs in just 28 days!*

By releasing a long lasting and thin silicone barrier it will not only cover the affected skin but also protect the skin and moderate inflammation. It will lead to an excellent integration of the cream into the skin as well. In addition, the moisturizing and reconstructive ingredients will generate immediate and long term hydration of the skin, and optimize the skin’s natural moisture balance.

Thanks to these properties and to its medical device technology, Remescar stretch marks will also reinforce and visually improve the skin surface.

Silicone based cream for the treatment and prevention of stretch marks

Medical Device Technology
Treats existing stretch marks
Reduces up to 50% of stretch marks severity in just 28 days
Prevents new stretch marks
Silicone film treatment
Immediate and long term hydration
Visually improves the skin surface
Makes the skin stronger and more resistant
With skin reconstructive properties

Does it work? Yes, it gives a genuine improvement. Stretch Marks look much better and do fade, it also seems to stop new ones appearing. 

Remescar Silicone Stretch Marks Scar Cream is available here.


Remescar is an easy to use silicone stick designed for scar care. Remescar releases a transparent, thin and silicone base film which creates an ideal healing protective barrier. This helps to maintain the skin’s moisture balance, while aiding the healing of scar tissues resulting from surgery, burns, injuries, acne and stretch marks.

Use Remescar to reduce a scar’s length and height, to soften and flatten the scar tissues, to restore the skin to a more normal colour and texture and to relieve burning, tingling and itching sensations.

Remescar combines the best of both the medical and cosmetic worlds.

The easy to use silicone stick leaves behind an invisible, transparent thin film which creates an optimal protective barrier for the scar to heal and helps to maintain the skin’s moisture balance.

The patented composition of Remescar is based on 3 ingredients that are clinically proven to have a beneficial effect on scars:

The silicone film shield hydrates, protects and restores the upper layer of the skin and stimulates collagen production. It increases the scar elasticity and reduces the redness and itching.
β-glucan has strong calming, protective, and hydrating properties. Besides these properties, it’s an excellent film former. The combination of β-glucan with polymeric film formers such as PVP (Polyvinyl pyrrolidone) and PVA (Polyvinyl alcohol) help to accelerate the wound healing process.
Besides the film formation, which is the first and most important action of Remescar, it also contains strong UV filters. It is widely known that scars need to be protected from UV radiation. That is why Remescar incorporates powerful UV-A and UV-B filters.
Remescar reduces new and old scars.
It smoothens and softens the scar tissues.
It helps to restore the skin to a normal color and texture.
It relieves burning, tingling and itching sensations.
It’s a convenient and easy to use stick applicator.
It’s for all areas of the face and the body.
It’s invisible upon application and can even be worn under make up.


Does it work? So far we think so. It has made a visible difference to skin. We will continue to use and give an update in a few months.  

Remescar Silicone Scar Stick is available here.



Remescar Review: Does It Get Rid of Stretchmarks?

remescarstretchmarksreviewApparently a huge number of men are suffering from stretch marks as they try to get buff Hollywood bodies in the gym.

30% of customers buying anti-stretch mark products are now male and experts say demand is being driven by men in their mid-30’s ‘pumping iron’ causing their muscles to grow too rapidly for their skin. There has been a growing trend in men – inspired by the likes of Hollywood actors such as Hugh Jackman – to look more masculine and beefy by pumping iron, with fitness magazines advocating ‘quick bulk up’ workouts to get speedy results.

The most susceptible area for men to get stretch marks when they work out is under the arms, where their upper chest and front shoulder muscles connect, due to  the fact that these areas tend to expand more in proportion to the rest of the body. The more pumped up the muscles become, the more the skin stretches.

We were sent some Remescar Silicone Stretch Marks Cream. to review. It is an affordable, non –invasive and clinically proven treatment that has a noticeable effect on scar reduction, most notably a 50% reduction in stretch marks by the people who used it clinical trials. So did it work? Let’s find out from our writer.

“I used this as suggested on the pack. Twice a day. I have to say that it does fade them. I have been using for about a month and there is definitely a difference. It says on the pack that you should use it for 2-3 months but I have already noticed a difference. I like it. I think it is great stuff. I will buy more when it runs out.”

So there you so. Stamp of approval from our (male) writer. Remescar also works on women.

£24.95 for silicone scar cream (100ml)

Remescar Silicone Stretch Marks Cream is available here and Boots stores nationwide and

Dr. Beckmann Review: Keep Your Clothes Stain-Free

We love fashion at Frost so it goes to say we hate stains that ruin beautiful clothes. So when we got sent products from Dr Beckmann to review we were pretty pleased, but could it save some of our beautiful clothes? Let’s see.


First of all were the Stain Devils. Developed to be tough on stains, yet gentle on fabrics, getting to work in just three minutes. The reason they are so great at removing stains is because each devil is specifically formulated for a particular group of stains.

We got sent the three stain devils with clear instructions on which one works on each stain. There is even a fridge magnet with a list of what stains you can use with each devil, very handy. They work in just three minutes and work on over 40 stains. They saved an expensive designer dress and numerous shirts so far. They even offer you your money back if the stain doesn’t come out.

Dr. Beckmann’s research has shown that over 38% of 1,000 women would throw a garment away due to a stain – potentially costing the nation an amazing £8.74 billion a year!


Colour & Dirt Collector stops colour running. So you can wash your jeans without any moments of panic. This ingenious little sheet is perfect for those ‘what if’ moments of washing, as it prevents colour runs, so colours stay brighter for longer. Easy to use and it really works. No ruined clothes here.


Dry Clean Only – for those garments that are Dry-Clean only. Just pop one of these handy sheets in the tumble dryer with your dry clean only clothes and out it comes, perfectly fresh and winkle free. Saving time and most importantly money on those costly dry cleaning bills. This was our favourite. We hate dry clean only garments as they are expensive and time-consuming to clean. Dr Beckmann’s Dry Clean Only is brilliant, ingenious and really works. We’ll be buying in bulk.  A must for fashionistas.

Stain Devil Survival Kit £3.99, Colour & Dirt Collector £2, Dry Clean Only £3.49 From Ocado

How to Stop Being a Couch Potato and Start Enjoying Life



It’s no joke: a sedentary lifestyle can contribute to numerous preventable causes of death. A person who is seated for over five hours a day is put considerably more at risk of contracting cardiovascular disease than one who exercises for even just four hours per week. Furthermore, lack of exercise can cause depression or anxiety. If you want to start enjoying life you have to stand up and say no to being a couch potato.


Here are some useful ideas to help you get up off the couch and back in the game:


  • Avoid eating on the settee. The more you get used to doing this the more time you will be able to spend on the couch. Try to make a habit of setting aside time for meals away from the TV.
  • Rest and relaxation are integral ingredients of a healthy and happy life, but too much idle behavior will do you no good in the end. When you go to sit down in front of the TV, set yourself a limit on the time spent in front of it.
  • Get rid of your unwanted DVDs and video games. You’ve seen or played them all before and it’s time for something new. You can sell them easily on and use the money for a gym membership or a bicycle.
  • Why not watch TV while riding an exercise bike and THEN see how many episodes of Prison Break you can watch in a row!
  • Studies have shown that prolonged periods of little or no movement inhibit the effectiveness of one of the key enzymes which break down blood fat. If your occupation requires you to spend lots of time sitting down, make sure to periodically stand up and stretch your legs.
  • Apply the principle of active transport to your daily life. We spend too much time in a sitting position, even while travelling. Walk or ride a bike, leave early and take the scenic route to work and you’ll feel the benefits of a greater sense of wellbeing.
  • Get a hobby. Count up the hours you spend on the sofa in a year and think what you could do with that time. If you cut out just an hour of TV time every day just imagine what you could achieve in a year. Whether it’s Ping-Pong or marathon running, find something to suit you and stick at it.
  • Join a sports team. It could be at your local soccer club or it could be as simple as forming a bowling team with good friends. The commitment necessary to be a valued team player will give you the encouragement you need get off the settee regularly.

Everybody needs time to relax and a good long couch session every now and again can be good for your state of mind – but too much is detrimental to your health. Don’t think of it as a loss of relaxation time, but rather as time gained socialising, improving your health and extending your lifespan


Manuka Doctor ApiClear Blemish Cream Review

Mille Mackintosh

Everyone has the occasional break out no matter how good their skin is. I am no exception. The last spot cream I used seemed to take the occasional spot I got and multiply it so my usually clear skin had a bit of a freak out. Enter Manuka Doctor ApiClear Blemish Cream. I had high hopes for this as I have previously reviewed their face mask. It also has Made In Chelsea star Millie Mackintosh as a fan.

Millie Says, I won’t be going to anywhere this year without Manuka Doctor’s ApiClear Blemish Cream. Breakouts often occur during festivals and holidays and so having this to instantly soothe my skin is a lifesaver! It is so easy to use – I just pop it in my bag and know that my skin will stay blemish free.

The cream has UMF 18+ Manuka Honey, witch hazel, vitamin E and Propolis. It is calm and cooling and non greasy. It doesn’t have any nasty parabens or SLS.

I use it on the occasional pimple and it does speed up the healing process. My skin looks a lot better. Considering how inexpensive it is (£5.99 from Holland & Barrett) I will be buying this when it runs out. A great little cream that helps clear up spots quickly.

Top marks.