30 Days of Gratitude Day 29 #30daysofgratitude

Today I am grateful for the opportunity to put my feet up. Mostly because it rarely happens! Like most working parents I am always on the go. In fact I spent the entire Easter Weekend working. Pretty sucky. But I did get my novel away and get a lot done. But life is about more than career and ticking off your to do list. Life is about joy and happiness. My happiest times are always with my boys. So this week I will be finding the time to put my feet up and relax. If my workload and baby allow it, I will be grateful.

30 days of gratitude

Catch up on other days:

Day 1.
Day 2.

Day 3.

Day 4.

Day 5.

Day 6.

Day 7.

Day 8.

Day 9.

Day 10,

Day 11.

Day 12.

Day 13.

Day 14.

Day 15.

Day 16.

Day 17.

Day 18.

Day 19.

Day 20.

Day 21.

Day 22.

Day 23.

Day 24.

Day 25.

Day 26.

Day 27.

Day 28.

What are you grateful for?



30 Days of Gratitude Day Twelve #30daysofgratitude

Yesterday I had quite a stressful day. If only I made a list of things I was sick of, I thought, it would be so much easier than my gratitude list. After I thought this I began to wonder if it was true. Life is hard for all of us, no matter how it looks on the outside. We all have problems and stress. Sometimes our inner world is full of pain and turmoil will those on the outside look at us thinking we have it all together, or envy what we have. There are some emotions I never allow myself to indulge in: envy and jealousy are two of these. If someone has something that I want, I either go and get if for myself, or I deal with it in a mature way. We don’t all get what we want, and neither should we. So today I am grateful for what I do have. As I write this the sun is coming in through the blinds and some beautiful roses my parents bought me for my first Mothers’ Day are on the table. It is a Saturday so my husband is at home. This is when I am most happy: when I have my family around me. So today I am grateful for being loved enough to be sent flowers, grateful for my boys, and grateful just to have so much to be grateful for. Even if, on bad days, I feel that it can not rival all of the things getting on my last nerve.

gratitude, grateful, roses, white roses, flowers

Catch up on other days:

Day 1.
Day 2.

Day 3.

Day 4.

Day 5.

Day 6.

Day 7.

Day 8.

Day 9.

Day 10,

Day 11.

What are you grateful for?



30 Days of Gratitude Day Four #30daysofgratitude

The small pleasures in life are often the best. So today I am grateful for tea. The bigger the mug, the better. I am so British and few things make me more happy than a good cup of tea. In fact, a bad one will do. That is how much I love tea. It solves (almost) everything. As C.S. Lewis said: You can never get a cup of tea large enough or a book long enough to suit me.

tea, #30daysofgratitude , 30 days of gratitude


Catch up on other days:
Day 1.
Day 2.

Day 3.



30 Days of Gratitude Day Three

It is quite hard to make the ceiling in your home look interesting but I have added a filter which seems to make it look like the sky. Anyway, that brings me to day three of my 30 Days of gratitude: having a roof over my head. With the migrant crisis and a rise in homelessness, having a place to call your own is something to be grateful for indeed.

30 days of gratitude #30daysofgratitude

Catch up on other days:
Day 1.
Day 2.

What are you grateful for?