Tag: great

The Power of Plants: eco-friendly, 100% natural and organic cleaning products

organic, eco friendly, cleaner, cleaning , environmentally friendly

Anyone who reads Frost regularly will known that I am a fan of sustainability. Anything that is good for the environment and cuts down waste has my attention. I also hate nasty chemicals and the fact that most mainstream cleaning products come in single use plastic bottles. Not okay.  Squeeky cleaners caught my attention because they …

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Half Pint Glass | Great Christmas Ideas

At Frost we have been reviewing hundreds of things. We are more snowed under than a December day but, never fear, it is all worth it to bring you the best Christmas Gift Ideas. We are doing all of the work so you don’t have to. First up is this awesome Halfpint Glass. It is …

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Goat Riding a Man Riding a Bike | Video

This is something you don’t see everyday: a goat riding a man riding a bike. The goat seems to be enjoying it, casually looking around on it’s journey in Addis Ababa in Ethiopia. The video has had 150,000 hits since Wednesday. What do you think?

Frost Magazine