So the every spoiled Frost toddler has yet again had his eyes light up. A train fanatic at the best of times, he spends hours building his train sets and playing with his trains. So this Hape The Rainbow Route Railway and Station Set was sure to be a hit, and, boy, was it so. It is the ultimate train set. There is a little of everything to keep the toddler entertained for hours while you have a G&T, sorry, I mean, get on with work or chores. There is a musical element in the shape of a xylophone and tambourine track, as well as some puzzle tracks. The track is bright and fun with plenty to educate as well as entertain. We cannot say just how much we love this train set for little ones. It is the perfect gift for any special occasion. Frost loves, and so does the Frost toddler.
Hape inject a pop of bright colors with added fun and entertainment, transforming your traditional train sets into something like never before with The Rainbow Route Railway and Station Set. Perfectly suited to your toddler’s attention span around every corner excitement awaits as children aboard a journey fuelled with music and color!
With The Rainbow Route Railway and Station Set little ones have everything they could ever need, perfect for all those budding railway enthusiasts. Creating music to your ears, this set includes a number of musically interactive elements. Find your way through the bead maze then journey onwards taking the bumpy road across the tambourine track, but beware it isn’t just all fun and games as a problem solving puzzle await, sort the different shapes to venture safely back.
But what’s missing? Every railway set needs a station, and how about decoration? Why not add some beautiful trees to your railroad? With this 30 piece set nothing has been missed to create the ultimate experience.

Creating an opportunity for little ones to work in perfect harmony, this set encourages interaction between peers, ideal for entertaining the kids this summer and getting some peace and quiet. There is no mistaking the fact that this track is sure to head to the top of the toy box.
As a treat for both the eyes and ears with the sights and sounds track, Hape‘s railway collection can grow along with your little ones as you add additional tracks and elements to suit the development of your child, sparking imagination and creativity in the youngest of railway fans.
The Rainbow Route Railway & Station Set is suitable for ages 18M + and is available to buy online from Amazon.
Designed first and foremost for the child, Hape make only the best for your little ones. Using only natural materials and water based paints while exceeding quality and safety standards, make an investment that matters to encouraging endless fun and laughter.