Tag: Harley street

Get Stunning Results with the Revolutionary ‘A-Lift Facial’ by Nouveau Skin Therapy

A firm, facial favourite with Celebrities and Beauty Therapists alike, Nouveau Skin Therapy focus on bringing the most effective, natural and scientific developments in anti-ageing skin rejuvenation to consumers and salons across the UK. They’re committed to cater for a wide range of skin goals and with their revolutionary £30 A-Lift Facial, you’ll be stunned by …

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Wayne Rooney: is he thinning again?

After spending £30,000 on his hair transplant in June 2011, Wayne Rooney’s hair transplant is always making headlines with recent being that it appears to be thin again. However Harley street hair loss expert Warren Vaheeswaran thinks otherwise. He thinks that Wayne’s Hair transplant has changed the UK hair industry for the better. A year …

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Frost Magazine