We have fallen completely in love with this delicious ice cream which is healthy for you and the planet. It is all of the indulgence with 60% less calories and sugar (they use stevia and other natural ingredients) than regular ice cream. The warm weather is coming and there is no better way to celebrate …
Tag: healthy
Aug 17
Joe Wicks’ Guide to Staying Healthy, this Summer
Wondering how to keep up your healthy new habits as lockdown rules begin to ease, Joe Wicks aka The Body Coach has shared his top tips on keeping a healthy mind and body – plus 4 tasty recipes! The tips accompany a new study by food box company Gousto which reveals that 58% of Brits …
Feb 12
5 Things That Helped Me Get Fit & Healthy | Wellness
When someone decides to go on a health kick there is usually a reason why. A health scare, a baby on the way, or maybe seeing a picture of themselves and thinking they need to lose a few pounds. My first health kick started when I was trying to get pregnant with my firstborn four …
Jul 03
Mindful Chef Recipe Box Review
Food delivery boxes are now huge business. People are getting everything from ingredients to whole meals delivered. The latter is what the Mindful Chef does, but with a twist. They do healthy recipe boxes which take out the hassle of cooking. They deliver all of the ingredients and from prep to plate it all takes …
Oct 27
Two Chicks Chirps Review
We tried these new snacks and we thought they were great. As moreish as crisps but healthier. Give them a go. Our favourite was the sour cream & onion. For fans of spice, the smoky jalapeño flavour is hot. The sea salt & cracked pepper is also good and very peppery indeed. Free-Range High Protein …
Apr 13
This Month’s Health & Beauty Picks
Here are our top health and beauty picks for this month. Cawston Press Juice Three new juices from Cawston Press. Sweet Greens, Sunshine Blend and Radiant Roots. These are a delicious and unique fruit and vegetable blend. They taste great and are super healthy. They are free from added sugar, sweeteners, preservatives and colourings. What …
Mar 20
Grill Market Lomax Review
For those healthy bunnies in West London, there is a new place in Chelsea to fill your body up with the best British produce. This is the second Grill Market site and it is situated on the ground floor of the Lomax’s flagship location. All the meat is free range, British and bred to the …