oscar winners 2013Following the success at the Oscars of both Argo, a big pat on the back of Hollywood, and Life of
Pi, an ‘international’ film with no recognisable big name star, Jonathan Brown looks at whether Hollywood is still the centre of the film Universe.


Hollywood is Cinema, right? After all, despite every country having its own awards ceremony, the
Oscars are still seen as the pinnacle of the film making world – at least to the studio marketing men.

Even though film wasn’t created in the US, it’s where it became what it is today. If fact, some of the
big original Hollywood studio are still around today, and, despite flagging profits, are as influential as ever. To be classified a big blockbuster, you need to take over $300m ‘domestic’ , ie in the USA.

Even if you flopped abroad, a good take at home could be enough to make a success. Even in Britain,
films like Skyfall are sold as the ‘Number 1 USA Box Office Hit’, even if they only spent one weekend at the top and just broke even.

The American box office was, and still is, the judge of commercial success, in the way the Oscars
were the mark of critical success (there’s an argument that the Oscars are way of the pulse of new
and exciting cinema, but that’s a different article).

But the tide is turning. America, as a country, is suffering more than most in the economic downturn,
and, while Hollywood continues to spend more and more on their blockbusters (the recent Twilight
movie cost £120m!), the people spending the most of their hard earned wages going to see these
blockbusters is moving.


While America still is the biggest single market for movies, and is far ahead of its closest rivals,
the ‘Overseas’ market is becoming a bigger cash cow.

Let’s have a look at the numbers. The usual ratio for a movie is around 40% of its takings from the
US and 60% from overseas – roughly. Ten years ago, in 2002, just four of the top ten highest grossing
movies took more than 60% of their box office from overseas, with two films (Signs and My Big Fat
Greek Wedding), taking less than half.

In fact, My Big Fat Greek Wedding took 76% of its taking from the US. And I’m assuming the other
24% from Greece.

Skip forward ten years, to 2012, and seven films took over 60% from overseas with Ice Age 4 taking
82% from overseas. Compare this to the first Ice Age move, which took only 54% from ‘foreign’ box
office and the swing becomes hugely noticeable, and important.

It’s the same if you compare 2011 and 2001. In 2001, there were just two films making over 60% of
its box office from foreign markets, while in 2011 there were nine films.

In 2009, box-office behemoth Avatar took 72% of £2.7bn from overseas. Ten years earlier, The
Phantom Menace, the new Star Wars movie the world had been waiting for, took just 54% from said

If we go even further back, to the days of ET and the original Star Wars, the take is even slimmer,
with overseas counting for just 45% and 40% respectively.

Some of the shift can be accounted for by long term word of mouth, or even self-fulfilling prophecy.
Many of the big sequels, especially animations, have made huge amounts overseas, while their
domestic take, while still massive, hasn’t grow as fast.

When a film has been classed as a hit in the US, companies are a lot happier pushing the sequels
overseas. Also, while many overseas viewers might not have caught the original at the cinema, the
may have bought the DVD, seen it on TV, or downloaded it.

However, you don’t need to be a hit in the US to be a hit abroad. A textbook example of how foreign
markets can make a film a success is the recently released, and hugely divisive, Cloud Atlas. Directed
by the Wachowskis and Tom Twyker, the film has been classed a huge flop. On a budget reported to
be around $100m, it opened to just $9m in the USA.

As the US is so opening weekend focus (film takings tend to drop off by around 40-60% per
weekend), the chances of it making its budget back in America were pretty slim. It went on to earn
just £27m in total – domestic.

However, the film, set across various countries with a cast from across the world, has made a very
decent $80m overseas – so far. The $80m take does not include the UK, France, Japan and Australia.
This could easily add another £10-20m to its take.

Some of this change, especially from the 70’s/80’s, is the arrival across the world of the multiplex
cinema – meaning more films, more showings, and more attendees in the foreign markets. Factory
cinema, if you will.

However, this doesn’t account for the change in the past ten years. These changes are partly due to
two main factors – one is the new middle classes in the emerging markets like India, China and South
America, where people are starting to get some Rupees, Pesos or Yuen in their pockets, and having
the free time to spend it.

Secondly, is the move in America away from cinema to home viewing. Companies like NetFlix are
drawing people away from the multiplex and into the living room, despite desperate Hollywood’s
attempt to keep them with the introduction of the ultimate cinema experience – 3D.

This has seen cash intake increase slightly, due to higher ticket prices for 3D films, but attendances
are still dropping.

And why wouldn’t they, when you’ve had vast improvements and reduction of costs of home cinema
systems, or just a decent TV, and the reduction in time it takes for a film to go from the cinema to
online. People are realising they’d rather wait a couple of months and watch it on their home 3D
system, instead of paying $20 for a cinema ticket.

The Future

So, what does this mean for the future of blockbusters? I can see two possible outcomes.

The Hollywood studios could start to tailor their films more for foreign markets, using casts,
locations and directors from across the globe.

While Hollywood is keen on using foreign actors, they always tend to be the bad guy – maybe we’ll
see a few more leading actors from across the globe in mainstream Hollywood movies.

Or, more cynically, it could mean that distributors start to buy up more screen space in foreign
cinemas, pushing out locally made films.

However, on the evidence, especially in the foreign markets with an established film industry, this is
not the case. In 2009, four of China’s top ten grossing films where from China. China does however
limit the number of foreign movies able to be released a year.

In India in the same year, seven where from India (and one of the other ones was Slumdog

So, maybe there is a balance to be struck. Maybe Hollywood can start to look outwards, taking
influence from a world of cinema, while still pumping in the big bucks to bring the big spectacle.

The Tailor-Made Man | Theatre Review

The Tailor-Made Man, set in Hollywood during the 1930s, is a musical theatre show, which
still strongly maintains the quality of a play.

Exceptionally staged – at the Arts Theatre in London, West End – its creative team,
includes super talented choreographer Nathan M. Wright who, in between his many credits,
also counts the mass movement choreography of the London Olympic & Paralympics


The stars studded musical production has brilliant actors in the leading roles: Faye Tozer, Mike
McShane and Dylan Turner. Faye Tozer (from the band pop band Steps) delivers
an outstanding and energetic performance certainly not inhibited by the vocal tone
variations the part requires and the upper class mannerism of the early 20th century. Also,
starring undying talent Mike McShane and classically, impeccably beautiful, as much as
skilled, Dylan Turner that has already landed roles in Mamma Mia! (Prince of Wales)
and Grease (Victoria Palace) just to mention a few. Full of character Bradley Clarkson
also gives a captivating and dynamic performance. Worth a mention is Kay Murphy
who gives a funny and outstandingly performance in the role of Pola Negri, the famous Polish actress.

Claudio Macor co-wrote ‘The Tailor-Made Man’ book with Amy Rosenthal, adapted
the play and directed it. ‘The Tailor-Made Man’, was nominated for Best New Play in 1995 and
for writer of the year and then some years later was made into a musical. The music is by Duncan
Walsh Atkins and Adam Meggido.

‘The Tailor-Made Man’ is a true old Hollywood story that brings back memories of when
the homosexuality was far from being socially accepted. It is the true story of William ‘Billy’ Haines who was a movie star at MGM, and then became a famous interior designer in Hollywood. It highlights the emotional difficulties, openly declared gay men had to go through including work discrimination
and episodes of verbal and physical violence, all of this surrounded by the Hollywood
creative melting pots of sophisticated artists and a bit of sentimental twist.

The musical will run for a limited eight weeks season until the 6th of April.


Written by Paola Berta

Oscars 2013 | The Highlights

We love the Oscars here at Frost, so we put together some of the best videos and pictures into a post for you. Enjoy!

The winners:

Best Picture Winner: Argo (Grant Heslov, Ben Affleck, George Clooney)
Best Actor in a Leading Role Winner: Daniel Day-Lewis (Lincoln)
Best Actress in a Leading Role Winner: Jennifer Lawrence (Silver Linings Playbook)
Best Director Winner: Ang Lee (Life of Pi)

The Outfits:

Seth MacFarlane’s best moments.

Ben Affleck’s acceptance speech.

The Les Miserables cast singing

Although Jennifer Lawrence falling over was not a highlight, how she dealt with it afterwards was. She once again proved that she is down to earth and gracious.

ABC News did a very good recap.

We are super proud that Brit Adele won an Oscar for Skyfall. Here is a great interview with her.

What did you think about the Oscars? Did you agree with who won?

Uggie, Hollywood Canine Superstar, releases “My Story”.

On the 30th of October 2012 Uggie attended his book launch at the London Kensington Waterstone bookstore.

‘My Story’ is a must read book, autobiography of ‘The Artist’ Oscar winning film canine star Uggie which went from originally abandoned and later adopted dog to spoiled celebrity Hollywood Icon.


Credit: Tenee Attoh

Uggie, recently retired from movies work, is the first dog in history that had his own paws put in cement at the historic Grauman’s Chinese Theatre, planting him next to the handprints of Hollywood’s royalty.


Uggie – adopted by animal trainer Omar von Muller, which is also Uggie’s manager -wrote his book with the human help of, English celebrity biographer, Wendy Holden.


Credit Simone Lezzi

The book, published by HarperCollins, has been sold to America, France, England (where it can be found in Waterstones and WH Smiths bookshops) and, in 2013, will be published also in Italian.


Since Uggie was adopted and became a star, he wants to let people know they should

adopt a dog rather than buying one. Even if the dog will not became a big star on the

screen, he will still be a big star in the house, within the family. If you need to buy, buy a book, Uggie says!

Find out more about the book writer at:

Find out more about Omar von Muller at: www.miamioffleash.com


Article written by Paola Berta
Photography by Simone Lezzi and Tenee Attoh



Robert Pattinson ‘Not Talking To Kristen Stewart’

Robert Pattinson is no longer in communication with his girlfriend of three years Kristen Stewart after she had an affair with married director Rupert Sanders. Sanders directed Stewart in Snow White and the Huntsman. Sanders also directed his supermodel wife and mother of his two children, Liberty Ross, in the film. She played Stewarts mother. Awkward.

Stewart issued a public apology to Pattinson after US Weekly pictured her kissing Sanders and driving from the home she shared with Pattinson to a car park, where she picked up Sanders. Sanders was seen ‘kissing her all over her body’.

Stewart said in an statement:

“I’m deeply sorry for the hurt and embarrassment I’ve caused to those close to me and everyone this has affected. This momentary indiscretion has jeopardized the most important thing in my life, the person I love and respect the most, Rob. I love him, I love him, I’m so sorry,”

Sanders said in a statement:

“I am utterly distraught about the pain I have caused my family, My beautiful wife and heavenly children are all I have in this world. I love them with all my heart. I am praying that we can get through this together.”

Pattinson has moved out of the house the couple shared in Los Feliz. The two are schedules as presenters at the MTV Music Video Awards in September. Should be a fun night.

Caggie Dunlop On Spencer, Music and The Kardashians.

Caggie Dunlop and Catherine Balavage

I met Caggie Dunlop at the W Hotel for a VIP screening of the short film she is starring in for Impulse’s new fragrance ‘Loving Words’, which smells amazing and you can read about here. I had a brilliant, fun chat with Caggie. She is the kind of girl who you feel would make a brilliant friend: lovely, smart and talented. After the interview has finished Caggie says that our interview was the best of the evening. Shucks: thanks Caggie.

Catherine Balavage: You must be very proud of the film.

Caggie Dunlop: Yeah, I am really proud of it. I actually only saw it for the first time this evening just before everyone arrived so I was a bit nervous, but I really loved it. I thought it was great. I think it is a lovely story

Quite French

Very French. Well that’s the theme and my styling is very Brigitte Bardot. I think that really lends well to it.

What is your favourite film?

True Romance.

What are you wearing? You look Stunning.

Virgos Lounge. They are an online store which is kind of vintage inspired. They do really pretty little dresses. And this is from my clothing line. [points to necklace].

You are really branching out into different areas: you have a sex column for the Evening Standard, you have the clothing line, and the acting.

And music.

Yes, that is how we first saw you wasn’t it?

Yeah, I have a lot going on, but I am not doing the Evening Standard anymore. It was very fun doing it but I am not doing it anymore.

It was very Carrie Bradshaw

Yeah, and it was great and it was fun playing that role but I really think music is where I want to go.

What would you choose between singing and acting?

Everyone asks me this. It is like saying ‘choose between your mum and your dad’, but in terms of career I don’t know, but if you said to me: ‘you could never sing again’ I would have to choose that over acting because I love singing. It just makes me happy to sing on my own. It came about quite randomly. When I sang on the show that was the first time I had ever sang in public. I have had to decide what I really want to do.

How was the acting experience?

I went to drama school and I studied acting so for me it was kind of what I wanted to do, and then when Made in Chelsea came along I got side-tracked from the acting because that was what was available to me at that point in time. The acting world is quite a tricky one. You really have to work it out. I had a great opportunity on Made in Chelsea. The acting is definitely something I want to go back to.

What does your Tattoo mean?

Sanatana Jiva. It means the never-ending and the never beginning spirit, and this [points to tattoo, specifically to the ‘J’ bit] this was for a boy who I’m not seeing anymore! [No!] It’s fine, I’m not bothered. It’s a nice tattoo.

Are you seeing anyone now?

No. I am very very spinster single

Aw, you are too young to be a spinster.

I’m happy being single.

You have so much going on with your career….

Yeah, it’s kind of like I need to focus on that at the moment and I don’t have time to focus on a relationship unless I find someone who has a complete understanding about what I am doing.

What is your clothing line called?
ISWAI. [Spells it out] I.S.W.A.I.

How did you come up with the name?

It’s an acronym for ‘It Started With an Idea’. The idea of it is about starting something new and organic with new talent, so young designers who are at school or university are designing the clothes. They get involved and hen they design an idea that I give them.

It that your motto in life?

I think so, yeah. It’s a very good one. It’s a more business thing. Though maybe not in an ethical situation.

You were the first one to leave Made in Chelsea

Yes I was

You were the biggest star and the main focus. Do you think it was a good idea to leave?

Leaving? A lot of people would argue that ‘why would you leave something when you were the central character and it was at its height of popularity and you just walk away from it with no explanation’. For me I stopped believing in what the show was about. It was a very good opportunity but I always wanted to do different things. I am very grateful for what it gave me and what I gained from it. Now I can go and become my own person.

It really has an effect on your own life and that’s not necessarily a good thing.

A lot of people are leaving now. Hugo’s leaving.

Yeah, Hugo’s leaving. I don’t know how much longer it will last but I wasn’t enjoying it and my heart wasn’t in it anymore and if something doesn’t feel right you have to go with your gut.

Would you do anymore reality TV like Spencer is doing with The Bachelor?

I would never do anything like that show. I’m not saying there is anything wrong with Spencer doing it. We are very different people, but I actually value my privacy. That could be considered a ridiculous thing to say coming from a reality TV show. I would never close any doors but it’s not in my plan. If it was something more documentary, like my music, something like that.

Who is your favourite film director and if you could work with any director who would it be?

Woody Allen or Tarantino. I think that would be a pretty crazy experience.

Did you enjoy making the film?

Yeah, I enjoyed making the film. We had to do it in a day, and it was a full on day. It was raining really badly but morale was up.

Do you have any plans to go the Hollywood Route?

I haven’t been to LA yet. So I can’t really say whether I would end up there. Watch this space. Maybe in a few years time.

Do you think doing Made in Chelsea helped you learn how to be in front of a camera?

Yes, I mean I studied method acting so it was all about being private in public. With Made in Chelsea you are having very private moments with five cameras on you. It is more staggered than people imagine. If you know anything about filming you know that you can’t create those scenes just by us walking into a bar and following us. It is all quite organised. In that sense it was helpful but then reality TV doesn’t really help in acting. It’s probably more acceptable in America.

Do you watch any reality TV like Keeping Up With The Kardashians?

I do, I love the Kardashians. I am so excited. Has the new season started now?

I think so. I saw a poster.

I do love that and I like the American ones. I don’t really like the English ones.

What do you think of Kim dating Kanye West? Are they a good couple?

I think they are. It’s nice that they were friends for ages. They are the ultimate power couple.

They are.

I’m surprised but they seem really into each other.

What’s next for you?

I am realising an EP hopefully in September. So I am developing that at the moment, which is really exciting, because for once I am in the public eye for something that I am putting out. The music is taking centre stage at the moment, but I would love to do some short films on the side and slowly developing that on the side.

Grabbing it with both hands.

Exactly, you only have one life.

What are your musical influences?

Ah, I listen to a lot of Matt Corby, who is this Australian singer who is very singer/songwriter: guitar and vocals, but also there is something quite challenging about his music, it’s really quite beautiful. I also love Jessie Ware. I have been listening to her a lot.

Do you still spend a lot of time in Chelsea?

Yeah. I was in Sloane Square today. I do spend a lot of time there, but because of what I am doing I am kind of all over. If I am gigging [ I could be in] Manchester or Shoreditch. I do love Chelsea.

Who is your favourite actor and actress?

Michael Fassbender in terms of actual ability. I think he is amazing. In terms of who I fancy: Ryan Gosling, but he is also a very good actor. He is a bit more mainstream. An actress…who was the girl who was in The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo.

Noomi Rapace

Yeah, her. I watched that for the first time the other day and I was blown away by it.
She’s brilliant.

She is fantastic. She was in Prometheus too.

No! She’s not! I was watching an interview with her and she was talking about how Ridley Scott picked her, and she said something about the Girl with the Dragon Tattoo. I was thinking ‘why has he picked this random women? ‘

She’s brilliant.

Yeah, She’s fantastic.

Are you going to do anymore writing?

Not in that nature. I would like to write a poetry book which is half poetry, half what is was like growing up. I’ve written poetry since I could write so I have volumes of poetry. Poetry is such an under-rated thing.

How do you keep fit?

I am quite bad. I go through phases of being hard-core. There is a place on the Fulham Road that I have joined called Lomax. I go there and they kick your ass, but in a good way.

What beauty products do you like.
Loving Word by Impulse, Elizabeth Arden Eight Hour Cream.

Temptation Island by Victoria Fox | Book Review

This book is the first ever ‘bonkbuster’ I have ever read. I am more of a serious sort when it comes to books. So what did the bonkbuster virgin (ahem) think of her first foray into the genre? I enjoyed it.

I read a lot of magazines and the more I read the more I though that Victoria Fox knew something I didn’t. The book is entertaining, glamorous and on the right side of believability. I still believed in the plausibility of the story within the context. The book follows the lives of three female superstars as they get caught up in the scandal of the century, with plenty of murder, celebrity backstabbing and salacious affairs, it epitomises pure escapism.

In the middle of the Indian Ocean, a secret island exists for the elite. Exclusive to the rich and famous and owned by one of the richest men on earth, it provides a sanctuary from the glare of the media spotlight to a lucky few. Three of the world’s most famous women, drawn by the luxury and glamour of its shores, are about to unearth a series of shocking secrets that will change them forever.

Aurora Nash is LA’s wildest teen tearaway. Riotous, hedonistic, self-seeking, she’s totally out of control. After rehab, therapy and a jail sentence achieve nothing, her desperate parents, America’s best-loved country and western stars, decide that a strict British boarding school is their last resort. They pray for change: the world can never know the truth behind their only daughter’s birth. But Aurora is set to learn the earth-shattering facts for herself, as soon as she sets foot on the Island.

British actress Stevie Speller is one half of Hollywood’s golden couple, who famously got her big-break by accident, whilst helping her flat-mate Bibi at a New York audition. Now Stevie’s the toast of Tinseltown and Bibi’s married to the film industry’s most sleazy and sordid magnate, Linus Posen. When Linus is found dead in Bibi’s bed, the press screams murder and Bibi is hounded out of town. Escaping with Bibi to the Island, Stevie will do whatever it takes to protect her friend, guilty or otherwise.

Lori Garcia is a world-famous supermodel, picked from obscurity by the darling of the fashion industry and married man Jean-Baptiste Moreau. After a devastating encounter between the two, Lori will stop at nothing in pursuit of his affections. But it’s not until she reaches the Island that Lori learns who Jean-Baptist truly is. Lori discovers he’s involved in a scandal more desperate than she could imagine – one that is spreading through Hollywood like wildfire.

Another thing the book did was trigger my memory about certain celebrity and stories. When I interviewed Victoria she mentioned the controversial theme and said she wanted to know what people thought. I don’t want to give too much away here but I definitely recommend this book. Although it is over 600 pages it is a fun and entertaining read. I found the book hard to put down and it also made me think.

The book is a bit of an eye-opener, true or not. Temptation Island is a worthy successor to Jilly Cooper and Jackie Collins: a bonkbusting fantastic read: pure escapism.

Temptation Island

Has Hollywood Gone Potty for Limeys? How the Brits Conquered Hollywood.

A few weeks ago I attended a fantastic industry networking event in Manchester. Among the exhibitors was Industry Hollywood, a company whose sole aim is to help British actors to grow their exposure across the pond. They told me that UK talent is in real demand over in the “Land of the Free”.

So this got me thinking; is this actually true and, if so, why?

Take a gander at the casts of some of the most popular shows on American network TV and you’re sure to come across a fair few Brits. Archie Panjabi in The Good Wife, Linus Richie in Law and Order, Louise Lombard in CSI – this is just a small selection of Brits to “crack” the US drama scene.

The same can be said of many Hollywood movies, with the re-jigged Batman franchise, the upcoming Man of Steel, The Amazing Spider-Man and recent Oscar contenders such as The Social Network all featuring British performers taking roles that could easily be played by Americans.

So, on the surface at least, Hollywood has indeed gone potty for the “Limeys”. But why?

Could it be a cultural thing? In the UK, we have a long and noble theatre tradition, with actors cutting their teeth on stages across the nation before making the move to TV and onto film. In the US this tradition is often reversed. Might this create a different “style” of performance that is now “in vogue”?

In a 2007 interview for the Radio Times, Stephen Fry talked about the difference between American and British actors; “[Take] the supreme relaxed authenticity of a James Stewart or a George Clooney compared with the brittle contrivances of a Laurence Olivier or a Kenneth Branagh, marvellous as they are”

I would certainly agree that you can, at times, see a distinct difference in style when a British actor is dropped into an American TV drama. Take Christopher Eccleston’s short stint in Heroes – he sticks out like a sore thumb. There’s nothing wrong with his performance but it’s certainly different to those around him; he’s performing a role (brilliantly) while those around him are “inhabiting” their characters in a far more comfortable fashion. I’d say the same about the wonderful Hugh Laurie in House.

Now I’m a firm believer that good acting is good acting and I’m wary of the notion that we Brits are in any way “better” than our American cousins. But does our different tradition and altered style make us more attractive to US casting executives? Is there a fashion for “Brit style” acting at the moment?

Maybe not.

In an interview for the Caledonian Mercury, Scottish TV producer Andrea Calderwood, who now works in the US TV Industry, gives another theory; Cost.

“,… Producers are always on the look out for new talent which won’t break the budget. Enter stage right all those eager and ambitious British actors hungry for that Hollywood breakthrough.”

Are we really just “White Mexicans”, a phrase that is apparently doing the rounds in LA?

Toby Hemmingway, a British actor making huge strides in his career over in America, might have a few words to say about that. In a recent interview for the Guardian, he claimed that British actors benefitted from being more resilient.

“It’s the natural pessimism. Being a good loser. Americans think 15 minutes of fame and it’s all over or it’ll make you. Brits are more dogged and realistic”

It’s an interesting idea; that Brits are more tenacious in their attempts to find work. But is it true?

And, indeed, should we be complaining if we’re simply “cheaper” as long as it get us the work?

Let me know what you think in the comments below0.

This article was originally published at www.tim-austin.co.uk