Happy Mammoth Hormone Harmony Review

Happy Mammoth Hormone Harmony  £54.99 happymammoth.com

I am always wary of supplements even though I tend to be a sucker for them. Sounds like a contradiction? It is, but I won’t put just anything into my body. I had heard of Happy Mammoth and the reviews I have read are brilliant. So I jumped at the chance to review their Hormone Harmony supplement.

I can’t say how impressed I am. I have had three babies and the youngest is two. Losing weight has been hard, especially around my belly. I had an emergency C section and I also have an underachieve thyroid. I exercise as much as I can and try to eat enough protein. I took Happy Mammoth Hormone Harmony for a month and my stomach is flat. It definitely reduced my bloating and fluid retention. While supplements aren’t for everyone this one definitely worked for me. I loved it and I’m considering using it long term. Great stuff.

Contains a blend of plant extracts shown to relieve symptoms of Menopause, decrease symptoms of premenstrual tension, and support reproductive hormones.

  • Reduces bloating and fluid retention in 1 to 3 days
  • Eliminates hot flashes in as little as 4 to 7 days
  • Induces deep, uninterrupted sleep in 5 to 7 days
  • Starts shifting hormonal weight in 15 to 30 days

The Menopause Is A Mystery For One In Five Women… Kira Survey Reveals Dangerous Knowledge Gap


Two out of five women who have gone through the menopause admit they were not prepared for the hormonal upheaval that comes with the change of life, and only one in four women aged 40 to 60 is confident she knows enough about the way hormones affect her daily life.

Although this milestone is a health challenge every woman will face, for many women menopause remains shrouded in mystery according to new research from Kira the women’s supplement specialists, has revealed. The research which surveyed 1,000 women found that one in five (21%) respondents said they did not understand the change of life. Perhaps not surprisingly, uncertainty is more common among women aged 20 to 40, with a third (32%) admitting they are not confident they understand the menopause.2


But shockingly, almost one in ten (9%) of women in the age range where they are likely to be experiencing some symptoms, or may already have stopped menstruating, admit they are not sure what the menopause is.


Of those who had already gone through menopause, almost half (47%) felt they were not properly informed. One in four (25%) admitted they were not prepared and almost one in five (18%) did not seek advice on the health implications and symptom control.

The implications of these insights are alarming as the hormonal changes associated with menopause can have a huge impact on health and emotional wellbeing.

On average, women in the UK reach menopause — which is defined as a year without a period— at the age of 51.  As levels of the hormone oestrogen fall, it triggers a range of symptoms including hot flushes, night sweats, heart palpitations, headaches, disturbed sleep, headaches, mood swings, depression, loss of libido, vaginal dryness and urinary tract infections.


Dr Catherine HoodBut there are also unseen changes. Dr Catherine Hood a women’s health specialist and an advisor to Kira says: “The incidence of coronary heart disease — which is Britain’s biggest killer — rises dramatically after menopause.  This is because oestrogen raises beneficial HDL cholesterol, lowers unhealthy LDL cholesterol, and improves heart and vascular function, so as oestrogen falls after menopause women lose all those heart-healthy benefits.


“Bone density also falls, which increases the risk of osteoporosis and fractures. One in two women over the age of 50 will break a bone. Worse still, of the 70,000 osteoporotic hip fractures each year, about 30% of patients will die within a year due to causes related to the fracture.


Dr Catherine Hood adds: “The lack of awareness surrounding menopause which this research has uncovered is very worrying. Ignorance is not bliss, it is being blind to the health challenges which come with the menopause. It also means women are blind to the positive steps they can take to bolster their health and relieve troublesome symptoms.”


“You don’t always have to resort to Hormone Replacement Therapy, and some women should not as there are times it can actually increase the risk of heart disease.


“If you prefer a more natural approach, there are supplements and herbal remedies which have been shown to support health and wellbeing and counter common problems such as hot flushes, night sweats and sleep disruption.”


Kira, one of the most trusted names in women’s’ supplements, has developed a range of products which support health and wellbeing during this time of change.

Kira’s traditional herbal products are fully accredited and carry the Traditional Herbal Registration (THR) logo — which ensures they are made to the same exacting standards expected of pharmaceutical medicines. THR accreditation guarantees you receive the same dose every time and the remedy is free from any harmful additives.

Dr Catherine Hood in summary notes: “A healthy diet and plenty of exercise can also make menopause more manageable, but busy lifestyles mean a little extra help from a supplement or herbal remedy is often beneficial.

“Many of my patients say they find herbal remedies helpful, however the quality of these products can vary dramatically, so I would strongly advise against buying any herbal product that does not carry the THR logo.”



Menopause marvels from Kira…

Kira Menopause relief (this product falls under the traditional herbal registration).

Every Kira Menopause relief tablet contains a consistent, standardised 6.5mg extract of Black cohosh (cimicifuga racemosa l), which is the equivalent of up to 55mg of dried root. A member of the buttercup family, black cohosh is also known as squawroot because Native Americans used the dried roots and underground stems, known as rhizomes, to relieve hot flushes, night sweats and other symptoms of menopause.

A 12-week double-blind placebo-controlled trial of 304 women with menopausal symptoms found black cohosh relieved symptoms more effectively than placebo.  A smaller study, also double-blinded with a placebo control, found that black cohosh was as effective as HRT at controlling hot flushes and other menopause symptoms.

You should not take Kira Menopause relief if you are:

  • suffering from liver or kidney disease (e.g. hepatitis, jaundice or cirrhosis) or if you have suffered such problems in the past.
  • suffering or have previously suffered from an oestrogen-dependent tumour
  • are of child-bearing age and not using contraception
  • are lactose-intolerant
  • are pregnant or breastfeeding
  • are allergic to any of the ingredients.
  • Under the age of 18 years

Kira menopause relief is available from Holland & Barrett RRP £10.20 


Kira Body Balance 40+

A vitamin complex designed to support bone health in women aged 40 plus. High-strength calcium (850mg), fluoride and vitamins D3 and K1 help support bone health and teeth Research has shown that calcium supplements reduce bone loss associated with advancing age and when vitamin D is taken with calcium it appears to reduce the risk of fractures by as much as 43%.  Vitamins B6, B12 and folic acid help reduce tiredness and fatigue and support the immune system, while copper helps maintain connective tissue which keeps skin supple and helps maintain the pigments in the hair.

Kira Body Balance 40+ is available from Boots RRP £15.39


Kira Restful sleep (this product falls under the traditional herbal registration).

As many as three out of five post-menopausal women report problems with insomnia while symptoms such as hot flushes can undermine sleep quality.  The root of Valeriana officinalis L has traditionally been used for the temporary relief of sleep disturbances due to symptoms of mild anxiety. Meta-analysis, a super study which combined the findings of 18 randomized controlled trials, found these “suggest valerian would be effective for a subjective improvement of insomnia”.

Each Kira Restful sleep tablet contains 300mg of the dried extract of valerian root (valeriana officinalis L.) — the equivalent of up to 1,800mg of the herb.

Do not take this remedy if:

  • You are pregnant or breastfeeding
  • You are allergic (hypersensitive) to any of the ingredients (see section 6)
  • You are under 18 years of age
  • You are already taking a medicine which makes you feel drowsy

Kira Restful Sleep is available from Boots & Waitrose RRP £6.99 

Five Simple Steps To Beat Baby Blues Naturally

Five simple steps to beat BABY BLUES naturally

It comes from nowhere and catches you off guard.  Those feelings of being vulnerable, emotional, sad, tearful and sensitive may make it difficult to believe that it is supposed to be the happiest time of every woman’s life.

Don’t worry, you are not alone! Postnatal anxiety, also known as ‘baby blues’, affects 85% of women and may occur on the day of the birth, the day after or not at all. Despite those overwhelming feelings, remember it is a normal reaction after having a baby.

‘Crying and confusion are experienced by most women and are partly due to the hormone changes experienced during the labour and can also be connected to when the milk comes through. But for some 15% of women, this despair and tearfulness continues and develops into post-natal depression’, explains Dr Marilyn Glenville, the UK’s leading nutritionist and an author of The Nutritional Health Handbook For Women.

Before you start worrying, follow these five simple steps to beat baby blues naturally and start enjoying motherhood!

Take a break

Make sure you find time to rest. Permanent sleep deprivation is the biggest cause of anxiety and low mood. Instead of catching up on all those chores that have piled up, try to coordinate your rest periods with your baby.

‘You may need to ask for help with the housework and other chores so that you can have time to rest, sleep, eat properly and also spend time getting to know your baby. It is a good idea to get out the house on your own; it can feel quite overwhelming to suddenly have someone depending on you twenty-four hours a day. Giving birth may bring up unresolved emotional issues from the past that needs to be dealt with. Counselling may be very helpful if this has happened’, Dr Glenville suggests.

Keep your sugar levels at bay

It is important that you make sure that you are eating little and often. Keeping your blood sugar in balance is crucial for helping you through this time as it directly affects mood and energy. ‘Aim to eat complex and unrefined carbohydrates as part of your main meals – this means choosing brown instead of white (wholewheat bread, brown rice and wholemeal flour). Don’t forget about breakfast, porridge and oatmeal is a good choice. Do reduce and preferably avoid stimulants including tea, coffee, chocolate, smoking and canned drinks with caffeine’, explains Dr Glenville.

Too much copper is no good news

Mineral imbalances or deficiencies can also contribute to ‘baby blues’. One of the most important nutrients during this difficult time is zinc.

Zinc and copper are antagonists, which means that high levels of copper reduce zinc and vitamin B6. Once you are pregnant, copper levels in the blood tend to rise dramatically and remain high for up to a month after giving birth as it stimulates the uterus.* This can cause what feels like depression: extreme fears, anxiety, sleep problems, paranoia and even hallucinations. ‘High levels of copper that decrease zinc can be dangerous, especially for a new mum, as she may be already low in this mineral after giving birth. Zinc deficiency can cause stretch marks, white spots on fingernails, decreased wound healing, loss of appetite and low mood. Make sure you are taking good multivitamins and minerals, the ones you took during pregnancy are fine but add some extra zinc’ (recommended daily intake is 50mg of zinc a day), advises Dr Glenville. Try Nature’s Plus Zinc (www.nutricentre.com, £8.59).

Fatty acids

During pregnancy, women are constantly being deprived of fatty acids because of the physical demands of growing fetus. ‘Omega 3 fatty acids are proved to increase levels of serotonin so they are essential in fighting depression and anxiety. Try to include salmon, avocado and nuts in your daily diet. If you don’t like fish, choose a good quality omega-3 supplement such as Omega 3 by Quest Vitamins (www.revital.co.uk, £6.19).’ recommends Shona Wilkinson, Head Nutritionist at www.nutricentre.com.

Balance your hormones

‘Try to take milk thistle every day to support the liver and gall bladder. This powerful herb can help the liver to deal with toxins and process excess hormones from the body. In addition, it is an excellent promoter of milk production, so will help with breast-feeding as well’, says Shona.




Help with Back and Pelvic Girdle Pain in Pregnancy

newborn-216723_640Pregnancy is a life changing, joyous, emotional and exciting journey for most women. However, approximately two-thirds of women experience back pain and almost one-fifth experience pelvic pain during pregnancy. This pain often increases with advancing pregnancy, interfering with daily activities, work and sleep. Fortunately this condition is treatable, it is important to seek treatment sooner rather than later. Prompt diagnosis and treatment is key to successful resolution of symptoms.

The hormones released during pregnancy to prepare a women’s body to grow a baby and give birth, soften and relax the soft tissues of the body (eg. muscles, ligaments). This increased softening increases your joints’ range which means that they do not receive the same protection from the ligaments as before. It is this, coupled with the weight of your growing uterus that may cause backache or sciatica.

Symptoms of back pain and PGP

Back pain can be felt in the upper, middle or lower back. It is probably most commonly felt in the low back during pregnancy and can vary from an occasional ache to a constant sharp or nagging pain in any of these areas.

Pain in the pelvis is described as pelvic girdle pain (PGP), used to be known as symphysis pubis dysfunction (SPD), but this implied that only the pubic bone was involved, which is often not the case.

A range of symptoms can be described as PGP and they vary in intensity from woman to woman and even pregnancy to pregnancy.

The main symptom is pain;

  • pain over the pubic bone at the front in the centre
  • pain across one or both sides of your lower back
  • difficulty and/or pain walking, waddling gait
  • clicking or grinding in the pelvis with movement
  • pain when weight bearingWomen may experience pain anywhere in the pelvis or into the front of the thighs. These symptoms tend to increase and intensify with walking, standing, sitting, moving the legs apart, standing on one leg (think getting dressed into socks, underwear), climbing stairs and turning over in bed. Symptoms vary from mild to more severe needing support with crutches or a wheelchair.What causes back pain or PGP? For most women PGP is a mechanical problem; there is often asymmetry in the pelvis, with one joint becoming stiffer or more mobile than the others. It is more common in women with a previous history of PGP/low back pain. In approximately 9% of women with PGP the cause is purely hormonal and this tends not to respond to treatment.

When might back pain or PGP start?
it can start at any stage of the pregnancy, it may come on gradually or start quite suddenly. Sometimes symptoms will disappear or improve with rest.

How do I know if I have PGP?

Diagnosis of this painful condition is based on the location of the pain and by taking a careful history of your symptoms.

Will back pain or PGP affect my baby?

No, it will not affect your baby. However, it is important, however that the midwives caring for you are aware that you have back or pelvic girdle pain.

What can I do about PGP?
It is important to remember that whilst PGP is common, it is not normal, but is treatable;l Often resolving within a few treatments.
Firstly, tell your midwife, or whoever is responsible for your antenatal care, and then seek treatment sooner rather than later. Prompt diagnosis and treatment is key to successful resolution of symptoms.

Meanwhile plan your day carefully, avoiding too many trips upstairs, remain active with the limits of your pain, avoiding activities that increase your discomfort. Rest is important, rest more frequently, try sitting for activities that normally require standing ie ironing. Try sleeping with a pillow between the legs, or use the pregnancy cushion known as ‘dream genie’.

What can I do about back pain?

Seek treatment sooner rather than later. Try to find a McTimoney Chiropractor who is experienced in treating women during pregnancy and ask them for a few safe exercises you can perform at home. Wearing support tights or a belly band can often give enough support and relief without having to resort to an actual back or belly belt. Try sleeping with a pillow between the legs or under the legs in early pregnancy when you may still be sleeping on your back.

A multi faceted approach is need to treating both conditions. After taking your medical history and examining your back and pelvis, treatment takes the form of gentle mobilization of the pelvis and spine where appropriate and sometimes acupuncture or soft tissue mobilization. This should be followed by gentle exercises and ergonomic advice. The McTimoney approach is gentle and safe for both mother and baby.

In one study, women receiving chiropractic care through their first pregnancy had twenty-four per cent shorter labour times and subjects giving birth for the second or third time reported thirty-nine per cent shorter labour times. In another study, the need for analgesics was reduced by fifty per cent in the patients who received adjustments. In addition eight-four per cent of women report relief of back pain during pregnancy with chiropractic care.

Finally, if you are experiencing back or pelvic pain, McTimoney Chiropractic treatment is a safe and effective way to relieve your symptoms, preparing you for the exciting journey of pregnancy and childbirth.

Article credit: Penny Henderson DC MSc MMCA FRCC
Chiropractor and Medical Acupuncturist

Active Chiropractic Clinic
Lister Surgery, 8 The Parade, St Helier, Jersey, JE2 3QP
and Quennevais Parade, St Brelade, Jersey, JE3 8FX

Tel: 01534 617987
Web: www.activechiropracticjersey.co.uk



Interventions for preventing and treating pelvic and back pain in pregnancy Pennick et al 2007.Cochrane Review.

Pelvic Girdle Pain and Low Back Pain in Pregnancy: A Review.
Era Vermani, FRCA*; Rajnish Mittal, FRCS†; Andrew Weeks, MRCOG

© 2009 World Institute of Pain, 1530-7085/10/$15.00 Pain Practice, Volume 10, Issue 1, 2010 60–71

European guidelines for the diagnosis and treatment of pelvic girdle pain. European Spine Journal. June 2008, Volume 17, Issue 6 pp 794-819

Vleeming A, Albert H.,Ostgaard C., Sturesson B,. Stuge B
Rosenberg Stacey Dr., Natural Pregnancy, Natural Baby.2008. GibsonsChiropractic.com

Henderson C., Macdonald S., Mayes’ Midwifery, A textbook for Midwives.,Thirteenth edition., 2004.,Bailliere Tindall




The 5 Secrets To Avoiding Acne

amandaeliasFrom Facial Therapist, Skincare Expert & Bravura London founder, Amanda Elias

With hormones going haywire, teenagers can really suffer from a multitude of problems, one of which is dreaded acne. From mild to severe, acne can be extremely traumatic at such a sensitive age but it really is best to address the problem as early as possible and to get your teenager in to a good skincare regime as soon as possible; prevention is much better than cure.


Cleansing is extremely important but choosing the right product is essential.

Avoid cleansing wipes which don’t cleanse the skin thoroughly enough. Older teenagers tend to prefer a cleansing wash that’s applied and rinsed but younger teens don’t always rinse properly, in which case a light cream cleanser removed with a clean face flannel works best.

Application is important, when teaching a younger teen ensure they massage all over the face and neck, close to the hairline and behind the ears and neck. Cleanse twice in the evening and once in the morning.

Use a gentle treatment daily for acne prone skin; if dryness occurs use the product every other day. If your skin burns or feels itchy, gets very red or you break out in a rash, discontinue use.


A thick fringe (bangs) may be fashionable but it can cause outbreaks in young, oily skin.

Wash the fringe every morning and clip it off the face in the evening and to sleep; trapped dirt and oil will introduce bacteria in to the skin which is why it’s essential to keep any hair that touches the face as clean as possible.


When spots have a head it is so tempting to squeeze but squeezing will not only introduce bacteria in to the open wound but popping the skin could leave a scar, think of what happens when you pop bubble wrap, imagine your skin with that tear in the surface! Neat tea tree oil applied directly on to the spot can help reduce bacteria and dissolve the blockage on the surface. Perform a patch test on the jaw line before applying tea tree all over as it can cause irritation in sensitive skin.

Avoid strong acne products which can irritate sensitive, young skin. A product such as the Dermaflannel (£11.99, www.bravuralondon.com) is perfect because it gently exfoliates and helps to remove excess oil and dirt from the pores without the need for any harsh chemicals.


Although skincare can help control and heal breakouts, a healthy and active lifestyle can play a big part.

Vitamins and herbal supplements can also play an important role when combating any skincare complaint; a visit to an herbalist or a specialist in vitamins and supplements could be beneficial in balancing the hormones which in turn will control acne.

Make sure anything that comes in to contact with the face is clean; face flannels, towels, hands! And remember to change your pillow regularly.


In teenage skin where acne is very severe, the best option is a visit to the Doctor who will usually recommend a course of antibiotics.

Unleash The Power Of The Female Brain | Book Review

Unleash the power of the female brainThe brain is probably the most underrated organ and the one that is most taken advantage of. Yet everything we do affects our brain.

Renowned neuropsychiatrist and best selling author Dr Daniel G. Amen has written a comprehensive guide to the female brain. The amount of stuff I learned was amazing. The book says that all is needed is 12 hours to a radical new you, and I agree with their claim. I have already made changes in my life because of this book.

Dr Amen has based this breakthrough guide on research from his clinical practice. The book has pictures of brain scans throughout. These brain scans are ‘before’ and ‘after’, like make-overs for the brain. The book is a health guide that every women should read because, as Dr Amen says, “success in everything you do starts with a healthy brain.”

Dr Amen also talks you through harnessing the strengths of the female brain and overcoming the vulnerabilities. He tells you what to eat, and what not to, how to control your cravings, how to sooth your brain and even how to prepare for pregnancy and raising your children in a brain-healthy way.

This book put my diet under the microscope and made me realise that all of the stress I have been under, and my habit of craving junk food is stopping me achieving my full potential. Although sometimes Dr Amen came across as (only slightly) preachy. No one can be a saint all the time and I still believe that a little bit of what you fancy won’t do you any harm. Despite this I could rave on and on about the book, but I won’t; I will just say that it is a must read. I will be reading it again. It certainly did change my life and make me appreciate my brain.

Unleash the Power of the Female Brain: Supercharging yours for better health, energy, mood, focus and sex

This is how the book breaks down:

1. FALL IN LOVE WITH YOUR FEMALE BRAIN: Care About Your Brain More than Any Other Body Part
Hour 1 Exercise – Boost brain envy – Hang anchor images of why you want to have a healthier brain

2. HARNESS THE UNIQUE STRENGTHS OF THE FEMALE BRAIN: Use Your Intuition, Collaboration, Empathy, Self-Control, and a Little Worry to Give Yourself a Great Advantage
Hour 2 Exercise – Recruit Your Team and Make Your Worries Work for You – this is what I would call a form of the Serenity Prayer which is a consistent go-to in my life

3. ADOPT THE AMEN CLINICS’ METHOD FOR OPTIMIZING THE FEMALE BRAIN:: Know Your Brain, Important Numbers, and the Four Circles for Ultimate Success
Hour 3 Exercise – Get Assessed: CBC and on Amen’s website (SPECT optional)

Part One: Balance Estrogen, Progesterone, and Testosterone
Part Two: Balance Thyroid, Cortisol, DHEA, and Insulin
Hour 4 Exercise – Take the Hormone Questionnaires and Inventory Your Healthy and Unhealthy Hormone Habits

5. FEED THE FEMALE BRAIN: Flatten Your Tummy and Boost Brain Reserves by Healing Your Gut and Eating Brain-Healthy Superfoods – Treat Food as a Drug because it is one
Hour 5 Exercise – Provide Therapy for your Kitchen (Food/Diet)

6. SOOTHE THE FEMALE BRAIN: Put an End to Anxiety, Worry, Depression, and Perfectionism
Hour 6 Exercise – Get ANT Therapy and Answer the Work’s Four Questions

7. GET CONTROL OF THE FEMALE BRAIN: Conquer Cravings, Weight Issues, and Addictions
Hour 7 Exercise – Embrace Your Failures (Turn bad days into good data)

8. UNDERSTAND ADD AND THE FEMALE BRAIN: Learn to Treat the Hyperactive “Boys'” Condition That Ruins Female Lives
Hour 8 Exercise – Know Your Focus and Energy Robbers and Boosters

9. BE BEAUTIFUL ON THE INSIDE AND OUT: Learn Strategies to Help Your Brain and Body Look Amazing – Stop the Negative Chatter and Make a Plan to Look and Feel Amazing
Hour 9 Exercise – Get a Massage and Enjoy a Sauna

10. UNDERSTAND SEX AND THE FEMALE BRAIN: Optimize Your Brain for Greater Pleasure, Deeper Relationships, and Lasting Love
Hour 10 Exercise – Be the Director of Your Pleasure

11. GET YOUR BRAIN READY FOR BABIES AND CARING FOR THEIR BRAINS ONCE THEY’RE HERE: Prepare for Pregnancy – and Unleash the Power of Your Daughters’ Brains
Hour 11 Exercise – Indulge in Special Time

12. CHANGE YOUR FEMALE BRAIN, CHANGE THE WORLD: Realize That It’s Not About You – It’s About Generations of You
Hour 12 Exercise – Create Your Own Genius Network