Tag: Human rights

Watch Live Gael Garcia Bernal Q & A Today.

TODAY – FILM STAR GAEL GARCIA BERNAL TAKES PART IN LIVE Q AND A AHEAD OF UK LAUNCH OF OSCAR-NOMINATED FILM ‘NO’ Gael García Bernal, the star of the Oscar-nominated film ‘NO’, will take part in a Q and A with Amnesty International to be broadcast live on YouTube at 3.45pm today, ahead of the …

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TUTU MAKES A STAND – Calls for Bush and Blair to be Tried Over Iraq

Writing in the Observer on Sunday, former Noble Peace Prize Winner Desmond Tutu has called for George Bush and Tony Blair to be tried over the Iraq war. The move follows Tutus decision to pull out of a leadership summit in Johannesburg because he refused to be on the same stage as Tony Blair. He …

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Is China Buying The World? | Book Review

This short book is more than food for the brain, it is fascinating, a snapshot of history. Touching on a popular subject and often asked question by the global media; Is china buying the world? Peter Nolan’s well researched short book is full of facts and weighty political and financial debate. Nolan certainly knows his …

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“Yeah, I know what I said but… come on, play fair Infidel!”

Carlos the Jackal, the notorious terrorist and assassin of the latter part of the last century hasn’t got a nail clipper and he’s peeved. It’s mainly because he’s doing a lot of press and he wants to be presentable, after all, it’s a basic human right to have as much chance of meeting Louis Theroux …

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UN Says Cutting Off Your Internet Could Breach Human Rights

Frank La Rue, the UN Rapporteur for the promotion and protection of the right to freedom of expression, has argued that removing somebody’s internet access deprives them of a basic right. Mr La Rue presented his report, ‘on global access of the internet as a medium for freedom of expression, to the UN Human Rights …

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The world’s best known political prisoner pays tribute to the world’s largest human rights organisation and looks forward to the day Amnesty no longer exists Amnesty International, the world’s largest human rights organisation, is celebrating 50 years of work on Saturday 28 May 2011. In a message to Amnesty International, Aung San Suu Kyi, Burma’s …

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