Making Space For a New Baby.

Checking off all the boxes to prepare for the arrival of your new little one is extremely important. Selecting your baby’s name is always a priority but can be a tough choice. A name that has meaning behind it can be special to you and your baby. French names have been known to have a unique meaning behind them and are very popular. Naming your boy or girl with a French baby name is sure to imbue them with innate style, grace and elegance. After you have picked a name, it is time to focus on getting your house in order to prepare for the pending arrival of your new baby.

Buy toy boxes and teach your children to put things in the boxes. The boxes can be stackable and plastic, or a toy chest. Whatever suits you and your life works. I try to put things away by category, all trains in one box etc. This invariably ends up with a few toys mixed up but you can but try.

Regular charity shop trips. I find keeping a charity shop bag or box around helps. Anytime your child grows out of a toy, or moves on to something else, put it in. I also put duplicates in. Sometimes your child will be given the same kind of present. They do not need three tea sets!

If I learnt anything about keeping a tidy house it is to have  good storage options. I recommend using Now Storage self storage. Packing things up and putting them into storage is a great option. Some things cannot be parted with and other things you will need in the future.

Clothes are a special thing. Even when my children grow out of their clothes I find it hard to part with them. I get emotional and have even cried when getting rid of their baby clothes, it is embarrassing to admit. It is important to store clothes properly, otherwise they end up mouldy or moth-ridden. I use vacuum bags. They keep out moisture and insects. Perfect!

What are your storage tips?

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Don’t Let Renting Hold Back Your Interior Design Ambitions

The Big Ben Wall ClockinteriorsIf you are living in rented accommodation, it’s often tempting to put your interior design ambitions on hold. You may think, for example, that as it’s not your property then any efforts you make will be wasted. However, with a little bit of creativity and ingenuity you can still create a beautiful interior design scheme, one that you’re happy to live with, even if you are staying in a rented house or flat.


Refresh the décor


One option that is quick, cheap and simple is to refresh the paint in the various rooms. Using white or magnolia paint throughout is unlikely to upset the letting agent or landlord, though it always makes sense to check beforehand, especially if you find that the landlord or a previous tenant has made a bold statement by using striking colours or patterns. Generally, property owners will be more than happy to benefit from a refreshed interior that’s free of charge. They will also know that their tenant respects and wants to look after the property.


Personalise the space


Pale, neutral shades will provide a good backdrop for your possessions as these are what will make your rented accommodation feel like it is your own space. This doesn’t necessarily result in a cold or sparse atmosphere as once you add your own personal accessories you can make the space your home. To warm up the rooms add your chosen decorations, such as colourful artwork and family portraits, which will help make any house or flat feel like home.


Make good use of all the storage available, including any shelves. Fill these with your favourite books, games and DVDs as well as other personal artefacts. Even if you are living in a furnished or partially furnished property, you can still cover floors with your own rugs and sofas with your preferred cushions, blankets and throws. By making the most of personal touches, there is no need to consider that rented property necessarily presents a design limitation.


Buy flexible furniture


Remember that every item of furniture you buy for the property (unless you are replacing something that you have broken) is your personal possession and can be taken with you when you go. This means that additional pieces that you like represent an investment. Be sure to exercise caution in this respect, though, as things that might look fine if you are in a spacious property, such as a king size bed, very large wardrobe or enormous sofa, may not fit so easily into a smaller one; as far as seating is concerned, modular sofas or individual statement pieces are much more versatile.


Make it your own


With a splash of paint and a little imagination, you can really make any place into a home. If you love colour, then white or magnolia surfaces provide you with the ideal palette to be dressed by curtains, rugs, cushions and throws. Add to this your favourite artworks and artefacts and you’ll finally feel like you’re really home.




Sky Planters: Hang Your Plants Upside Down | Cool Interior Ideas

We were bowled over when we saw these amazing planter that let your plants hang upside down. They look bloody awesome. Unique and stylish. Just like the ancient hanging gardens of Babylon, the Sky Planters let your favourite foliage hang from the heavens; they’re safe, stylish and save space on the sill.

Utilising a revolutionary reservoir system to save water, coupled with a sturdy installation kit (included), these upside-down-pots are an intriguing talking point for any nearby nurserymen or horticulturalists who happen by.

The Sky Planters

Choose from three sizes, and transfer your existing pot plants to the Sky Planters with a minimum of fuss. Perfect for home, work or anyone looking for a new perspective on their favourite flowers


The Sky Planters cost from £14.99 at