Tag: is sugar evil

Time To Give Up Sugar? Mentor Me Off Sugar Days 24, 25 and 26

The last weekend of my no sugar diet is coming up. At midnight on Sunday I will be at the end of a 28 day Mentor Me Off Sugar Programme ran by the excellent Laura Thomas of Happy Sugar Habits. I never thought I would get this far and I flirted with the idea of …

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Time To Give Up Sugar? Mentor Me Off Sugar Days 22 & 23

So I am on the last week and I am also allowed fruit and dark chocolate now. This past three weeks I have noticed differences to my health and I am now aware at just how much sugar I was putting into my body. Answer: lots. Food companies seem to put sugar in everything. I …

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Time To Give Up Sugar? Mentor Me Off Sugar Day 20 & 21

So this diet has broadened my horizons. Sure I might be a bit sick of bread and gasping for tea with sugar and a lemonade in the sun but I am looking at the positives. I am eating a lot of eggs and even made my first omelette. My fiancée used the yolks for something …

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Time To Give Up Sugar? Mentor Me Off Sugar Days 10 & 11

sugar, early death risk, dangers of sugar, i

Still going! Which is quite surprising to me. Yesterday went well. I have been trying to get my taste buds to like tea without sugar. I’m not there yet but Laura is confident that one day I will be. It hasn’t been completely no fun. I had a roast chicken for dinner and I still …

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Time To Give Up Sugar? Day 6 and 7

I am at the end of week one and Laura is happy with me. Laura is a reformed sugar addict and Mentor Me Off Sugar is her programme. She also has an excellent website. My first call was with Laura today and she talked me though what I could and could not eat. I filled …

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Time To Get Off Sugar? Mentor Me Off Sugar Day Four

This has gotten interesting and a little bit complicated. Yesterday after getting a cup of tea to stop myself fainting I remembered I had an event. And Events equal cocktails and canapés. Thankfully none of the canapés were sweet, but the cocktails, I assume, were. I am not sure if they break the diet or …

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Time To Give Up Sugar? Mentor Me Off Sugar Day Three

So yesterday was hard. The latter part anyway. I was okay until lunch times when, as I wrote yesterday,  I felt nausea and fainty and had a cup of tea. That made me feel better for a while and then for the rest of the day and night I had the most awful headache. Like …

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Time To Give Up Sugar? Mentor Me Off Sugar Day Two

Day two and I am okayish. I have taken it better than I thought I would. Yesterday, apart from a cup of tea in the morning, I had no added sugar. However, I still seemed to eat a lot of sugar. It is in everything so when I say I am on a no sugar …

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