The last weekend of my no sugar diet is coming up. At midnight on Sunday I will be at the end of a 28 day Mentor Me Off Sugar Programme ran by the excellent Laura Thomas of Happy Sugar Habits. I never thought I would get this far and I flirted with the idea of …
Tag: is sugar evil
Aug 28
Time To Give Up Sugar? Mentor Me Off Sugar Days 22 & 23
So I am on the last week and I am also allowed fruit and dark chocolate now. This past three weeks I have noticed differences to my health and I am now aware at just how much sugar I was putting into my body. Answer: lots. Food companies seem to put sugar in everything. I …
Aug 25
Time To Give Up Sugar? Mentor Me Off Sugar Day 20 & 21
So this diet has broadened my horizons. Sure I might be a bit sick of bread and gasping for tea with sugar and a lemonade in the sun but I am looking at the positives. I am eating a lot of eggs and even made my first omelette. My fiancée used the yolks for something …
Aug 15
Time To Give Up Sugar? Mentor Me Off Sugar Days 10 & 11
Still going! Which is quite surprising to me. Yesterday went well. I have been trying to get my taste buds to like tea without sugar. I’m not there yet but Laura is confident that one day I will be. It hasn’t been completely no fun. I had a roast chicken for dinner and I still …
Aug 11
Time To Give Up Sugar? Day 6 and 7
I am at the end of week one and Laura is happy with me. Laura is a reformed sugar addict and Mentor Me Off Sugar is her programme. She also has an excellent website. My first call was with Laura today and she talked me though what I could and could not eat. I filled …
Aug 08
Time To Get Off Sugar? Mentor Me Off Sugar Day Four
This has gotten interesting and a little bit complicated. Yesterday after getting a cup of tea to stop myself fainting I remembered I had an event. And Events equal cocktails and canapés. Thankfully none of the canapés were sweet, but the cocktails, I assume, were. I am not sure if they break the diet or …
Aug 07
Time To Give Up Sugar? Mentor Me Off Sugar Day Three
So yesterday was hard. The latter part anyway. I was okay until lunch times when, as I wrote yesterday, I felt nausea and fainty and had a cup of tea. That made me feel better for a while and then for the rest of the day and night I had the most awful headache. Like …
Aug 06
Time To Give Up Sugar? Mentor Me Off Sugar Day Two
Day two and I am okayish. I have taken it better than I thought I would. Yesterday, apart from a cup of tea in the morning, I had no added sugar. However, I still seemed to eat a lot of sugar. It is in everything so when I say I am on a no sugar …
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