Tag: IVF

When is the best time to get pregnant?

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Trying to conceive or even planning when to get pregnant can be a difficult topic. But, why should it be? The Fertility Partnership (TFP), one of the UK’s largest IVF providers and fertility specialists, shares some insight into the best time to get pregnant and factors to consider when planning for a new addition to …

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How old is too old to have a baby? 44, according to British women

How old do you think is too old for a woman to become a mother? Well new research conducted by the Private Pregnancy UK Show reveals that when it comes to having babies, British women believe that 44 is “too old” and should be the cut-off point. This is despite social factors such as focusing …

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How To Improve Your Chances of Getting Pregnant

Some woman get pregnant easily but for others it can be a long and difficult journey. Now I want to start this article off with pointing out that I am not a doctor, but I have researched the subject and I got pregnant as soon as my husband and I started trying. I have combined …

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Struggling To Get Pregnant? Losing Weight Will Help

One of the many reasons that women, and occasionally men, come to see me for weight loss advice is because they want to start a family, but are struggling. Did you know that obesity is a major cause of difficulty getting pregnant – and can increase the risk of miscarriage or problems during pregnancy and …

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Jaime King Talks About Infertility & Enduring Five Miscarriages

Jaime King may be a very happy mother now but she endured years of painful infertility and five miscarriages due to PCOS & Endometriosis. The Hart of Dixie star shared her struggles to become pregnant. “For all the struggling women & moms out there that think they are alone – This is the truth about …

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How To Find The Right Egg Donor

Choosing to build a family using egg donation requires careful consideration. Egg donation can be a wonderful option, but you will need to take the time to explore the many complex issues and feelings involved in selecting a donor. The characteristics you desire in a donor will be unique to you and based on your …

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Young People Using Fertility MOTs

An increasing number of young people are discovering the benefit of ‘fertility MOTs’, consultants have said, even if they have no immediate plans to start a family. Patients can come in for fertility advice even if they aren’t yet trying for children, and have a full range of tests so they can decide when they …

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The Kitchen Baby | Book Review

The Kitchen Baby is about the author delivering his fifth child on the kitchen floor of the family’s Kent farmhouse without medical assistance. It also tells the story of how the author became a father. Five times! Through infertility, going broke and all of the problems that holding a relationship together brings. It is a …

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Frost Magazine