Packing Your Hospital Bag with the Natural Birthing Company

Did you know that September and early October are the most popular months for births?


With more mums-to-be going into labour this month than any other time of the year, Natural Birthing Company have put together a Birthing Essentials Kit to help these new mums prepare for the day. We love the Natural Birthing Company and think their products are fab.

Natural Birthing Company, pregnancy, birth, labour

Packing a hospital bag can feel like an impossible task, so to make it just that little bit easier the Birthing Essentials Kit contains everything that they may need when they go into labour.

The Natural Birthing Company Mama’s Moments Birthing Essentials Kit, £20,,,,

All designed to relax your body and soothe any soreness, they’re the perfect products to keep handy. Relax and Breathe, and Sleepy Mama have been designed to soothe your body and mind. Along with Bottoms Up which is formulated to provide relief to any soreness down below. Finally, Cool it Mama will be their labour companion, providing coolness whenever they feel they need it.


How I Finally Got My Natural Birth.

working mother, mother, working, freelance, blogger, mummy blogger, blogger, parenting blogger, blogger, writing,, pregnancy, birth, childbirth, hypnobirthing, Catherine Balavage, trauma, childbirth, women on childbirth As I write this it is my sons fifth birthday. He is happily playing with his new toys and his toddler sister is playing with a train track. The pain of my sons birth has lessened this year. The pain is not as searing. I wanted a natural birth with my son. I had gone to an antenatal class at the hospital and they had skipped over most of the birth part due to time constraints. The one thing they did cover was pain relief, and it all looked awful. Even the epidural which they said was the ‘only thing that actually works’ looked so invasive. A catheter? No thanks. I would have a natural birth. It would hurt, but it would be worth it. 

The birth itself was a series of little mistakes leading up to an emergency C section. I ended up having pethidine and an epidural. I have always been sensitive to drugs. I hate the feeling of being high, but by the third day of labour I could not take anymore. The midwives bullied me for taking drugs saying, ‘how much more pethidine is that baby going to have?’, but at no point did anyone induce me during my over eighty hours of labour until the very end. One midwife shouted and screamed at me at the top of her lungs while my water broke. I was bullied, abused and I thought my child and I were going to die. We both almost did. 

That is not what I want to talk about today. Today I want to talk about what happened two-and-a-half years later: I got my VBAC. Having a natural birth with my daughter was the most healing experience of my life. I was thankful it was at a different hospital with better staff. 

The trauma from my sons birth lead me to research childbirth and talk to as many women as I could about their experiences. This lead to me writing my book Women on Childbirth: Tips and Experiences from Women who Have Done it. I read everything I could about natural birth as I did not want another C section or any drugs. A book I recommend is The Positive Birth Book from Milli Hill. I was humbled when Milli was kind enough to contribute her birth story to my book. I also have to mention the team at St George’s who were so supportive. I cannot thank them enough. 

I decided to try hypnobirthing and I read everything I could about it. I was confident I could breathe the baby out of my vagina as long as I was in the right environment. I knew if I was as calm as possible things would go well. I wanted the room to be as dark as possible. I did not want any drugs as they slow down labour. I refused to have anyone other than my husband there. I was treated terribly by the midwives at the other hospital and I knew that it would be partly luck if I got a good midwife or not. I was not going in on just luck however: I was going in empowered with information and a confidence in the abilities of my body. 

I was in labour for over twenty-four hours but most of that was the early labour part which is not as bad. The pushing part was a few hours but it seemed to go faster. I was so surprised when the amazing midwife Elle told me I was ten centimetres. During my last birth I did not even get to five. The breathing really helped with the pain. 

Did it hurt? Of course it did, but a natural birth is only more painful in the moment. It does not hurt as much afterwards and the recovery is much quicker. The moment I pushed out my daughter and she was on my chest was one of the proudest moments of my life. The female body is an amazing thing and we need to have confidence that our bodies can do what needs to be done, but we also deserve to have the right environment to birth in so our bodies are able to do that. Birth rights are human rights. 


Exclusive Paddy Ashdown Interview ‘I Am Devoted To The Liberal Democrats’

Here is part three of our exclusive Paddy Ashdown interview. Take a look at part one and two.

That’s a good answer. In your diaries you are clear about how close you were to Labour before and after the ’97 election, and that PR was the price of coalition. Given that the Lib Dems eventually went into coalition with the Tories, with just a promise of a referendum on AV, how do you think events would have unfolded if you’d accepted a similar deal in ’97?”

I don’t know. I mean I can’t take you through the what would have happened parts of history. I suspect the circumstances would have been very different if we also had the referendum on a sensible system rather than a lesser sensible one. I don’t think you would have had the leading party in the country at the time deliberately doing what they could at the time to destroy the motion and the national newspapers at the time supporting them. That is the ‘what would have happened’ bits of history and we could all spend hours deciding how the world would be different  if Britain hadn’t won the battle of Waterloo; It’s very interesting but it doesn’t bear much relevance.

Paddy_Ashdown_3You also said in your diaries that you were worried that the party would start with Gladstone and end with Ashdown, what do you think was your greatest achievement as the Liberal Democrat Leader?

I have never ever believed that I am a good judge of my own achievements, I leave that to others to decide on what your achievements are. I was very proud to lead the Liberal Democrats for eleven years, I loved it, I am devoted to them. I was also very proud to be the International High Representative in Bosnia for the British Government.  No doubt I made mistakes in both of those jobs, probably quite a lot of them. When you have the privilege of doing jobs like that you can use it to your advantage and I quickly realised what I was good at and what I was bad at.

What do you think will happen with the Liberal Democrats in 2015?

I actually think all the polls now are wrong. I have to rely, as I always have done, on the good judgement of the british electorate, I think we have a good story to tell, we have been in government, everyone said we couldn’t do it. I think we have been more united than the Tories, tougher than the Tories, and played a really serious role in bringing our country through a crisis. If I know the British electorate at all well, when the moment comes, I think we’ll reap the dividends of that. I also think that the British electorate probably, having had the benefit of the coalition may not be very happy returning to absolute power in anybody’s hands. Also, having a coalition of some sort forces people to work together instead of spending all their time scratching each other’s eyes out. Maybe that is a much better system than what we had in the past. Those two things will help us I think.
Who Is Your Favourite Politician?

I think as someone said to me; ‘Who is my hero?’ and I said William Wilberforce who is as unlike me as you could possibly get, apart from Gladstone of course, who is the greatest Prime Minister this country has ever had both internationally and domestically, he was a man who said, “We did not march across the law of anti-slavery, we did not march towards a monument in the distance, we gathered friends like flowers along the way.” and I think he was an extraordinary politician.

Do you think we should have intervened in Syria?

No, I don’t. I’m against intervening in Syria while the opposition is so fractured and defused. Anyways, they’re being funded by extremist elements and encouraging extremist elements so, no, I thought that would lead us towards an engagement in what I think is a widening religious war. I did however think we should intervene in defense of one of the principles pillars of international law; a prohibition on the use of chemical weapons that has stood since 1926 and strained even Hitler and Stalin, and I thought that unless we were prepared to show strength to Assad, not by intervention because we wouldn’t have done, but there was a price to pay that was painful for breaking this principle of international law, then it would only have encouraged the wider spread of chemical weapons. So, no, I don’t think we should have intervened in Syria but I do think we should defend International Law and indeed one of the most important pillars of the international law that preserves some semblance of civilised behaviour in the prosecution of wars.

You testified against Slobodan Milosevic. Was that scary?

No, it wasn’t scary. It was more scary being bombarded by his troops. I mean, I testified about being in the middle of the Albanian villages when they were being bombarded by the main battle units of his army, that was much more scary.

I can understand that. You have done a lot of different things in your life. What is your favourite?

I think there is nothing I’ve done that will match my sense of pride of being a member of parliament for my own community of Yeovil. There is no thing you could ever do that matched being the representative in Westminster of the community you live in and love. So if somebody said you can have one line to put on your gravestone it would be ‘Member of Parliament for Yeovil’.

What was it like being an intelligence officer?

I was a perfectly ordinary diplomat

What is the best advice you have ever received?

Never stop learning.

Thank you Paddy.

 What do you think?

Exclusive: Paddy Ashdown On Clegg, The Tories, The Liberal Democrats & The NHS

Part two of our Interview with Paddy Ashdown. Here he talks about politics. Part three will be up tomorrow. Let us know what you think. Part one, where he talks about writing and his books,  is here.

Do you mind if I ask you some political questions as well?

No, go on.

Would you prefer the Liberal Democrats to side with Labour at the next election?

That is a matter not for me or my preference but it is a matter for the British electorate voting in the ballot box.

Do you think Nick Clegg has been true to liberal values?

Absolutely. I think he is remarkable. I think he is…I am devoted to the man, I think he is one of the most brilliant politicians in Britain today. Hugely, publicly, under-rated. He’s got very, very good judgement. He’s got extraordinary courage and he is a liberal down to the marrow of his bones. So I think he’d undoubtedly make the best Prime Minister that you could have today.

He has a very hard job. Doesn’t he? 

It’s a thankless job. I did it for eleven years and let me tell you it is the most thankless job  because you represent the only philosophy: liberalism, that makes any sense.

He has it tough because generally people don’t seem to like the Tories

No they don’t like the Tories and I don’t like them either. I spent my life fighting them. If the public elects a coalition where the only coalition that can have a majority in the House of Commons inherently, mathematically, adds up to ourselves and the Tories do they really want people that don’t listen to them?, the public democratic view. And you better ask yourself what they like best. Do they really like the complete and utter corrupt mess this country was left in by Labour, which would have bankrupted young people for the next twenty years or do they like two parties that put aside their differences for the national interest and work together to get us out of the worst recession we have had since the 1930s and back on the path of growth. Which of these two would you prefer?

I agree with that, Labour left the country in a very big mess.

Absolutely. People have likes and dislikes in politics and what I’m interested in is doing what’s right for my country. That is what I have always been interested in and if the Liberal Democrats pay an electoral price for that, and I think they will by the way, if they did, if I was doing what I believed to be right for my country and helping it out of a crisis then I am proud of that and that’s what politics is for.

Do you think the Liberal Democrats made an error over tuition fees?

Yes, they made an error by promising it when it couldn’t be delivered. We’ve been in opposition for a hundred years, we haven’t been in government, so of course from time to time decisions which were driven to a certain extent by opportunism. I said at the time that we were making a promise that I didn’t think in the economic climate could be delivered. If we had been in government by ourselves I think we might have decided to sacrifice other things in order to deliver what we promised but we weren’t in government, we were in coalition. So, no, neither parties manifesto has been in operation. Both parties have had to make some compromises. I don’t call that anti-democratic. I call that the operation of democracy.

Do you think the NHS is being privatised?

What concerns me more than anything else isn’t who owns the NHS but how the public is served. How the citizen is served. For instance, even under the last government, under Mr Blair’s government, I had to have some health checks done and I went to a private organisation run under contract from the health service as an alternative means of delivering health services, that is; free at the point of delivery health services, and they did a wonderful job. Now I could have gone to a health service hospital, it’s all paid out of our taxes, it’s all paid by the national health service. One of those organisations was privately run, one was publicly run. It doesn’t matter who runs it. I don’t believe in private health but if there is a private provider providing to the health service under health service conditions and they can do it better for the costumer, then that is surely what you want. I mean I don’t believe the argument that says private/public is the necessary argument. I am strongly in favour of public services being offered free at the point of delivery and paid for on taxation, but who actually runs the organisation that delivers it is far less important to me than how well the citizen is served.

I agree with that. That is a question we get asked a lot but I got an MRI on my back and it was done through the NHS via a private company and they did an amazing job. Very professional, very quick.

Yes, that’s right. If you had a monopoly public service I don’t even think it would be a better public service. It needs competition. It makes people live up to the mark. I bet you there were more people abused and receiving bad service and ignorant service when the NHS was a public monopoly. I don’t believe in public monopoly. I believe in things being paid for either by taxation, free at the point of delivery but then who does that?, providing it is subject to inspection and national control is a matter of irrelevance.


Bringing Back That Old Looks After Giving Birth

After giving birth, no matter how difficult was your labor; it’s only natural to take it slow with everything. This especially goes for bringing back your old-self before the birth of your child. For the past nine months, your looks have drastically changed, as it should according to the laws of Mother Nature. Getting back in shape will require your patience and some time as to get the best results. There is no need to rush with fitness routines and diets, on the contrary, the best results are achieved in a long run.

Therefore, here are some tips on how to get back in shape after giving birth:

Start with baby steps

Little by little, some easy-to-do activities can help you begin with the workout. Before six weeks have passed, it is not recommended for women who gave birth by a C-section to engage in any sports activities. Generally, they can start with workout only after bleeding has ceased. Don’t urge yourself to start right away with the intensive workout, but rather start with baby steps. Some simple activities like walking or yoga only a couple of months after giving birth are a good idea.

Listen to your body

Always listen to your body because it knows just what type of pressure it can handle. With crunches, you might put the pelvic floor under a lot of pressure which can lead to health issues later one. Pilates is not the best choice either. Do an exercise that will make the muscles of the pelvic floor stronger e.g. Kegel exercise. You can do this on a daily basis. If the abdominal separation occurred, consult a health care specialist on how to proceed with the physical therapy.

Breastfeed and burn calories

No need to give your baby its bottle just yet. Actually while continuing to breastfeed, your body will burn a staggering number of calories. Some studies suggest loosing up to 500 calories only by breastfeeding. In addition to this as being a fast weight loss method, breastfeeding will help to tighten the uterine muscles as well. Therefore, while breastfeeding, along with caring for your baby; you will be taking care of the weigh. When you think about it, it’s a win-win situation, for you and for your baby, too.

Even at home, make yourself at the gym

Needless to say, since the baby has come, your free time has never been so limited. After you find a balance between sleep time and baby time, try to find some free time and use it to work out in the comfort of your home. Motivate yourself with the right sports equipment like the yoga tights & pants by Lasculpte . With the right outfit, you will be able to move easily and keep track on your progress. Nowadays, exercising at home has never been easier with online workouts tutorials. Not to mention that you can even find various healthy diets and recipes.

The power of protein

Protein is considered as an energy booster because it helps to obtain muscles mass. It is often recommended to mothers who are breastfeeding as well as to pregnant women. Using it can help you   not only build mass but lose calories, too. Therefore, protein powder for weight loss is a quite effective weapon in this battle. When buying a protein powder, make sure it doesn’t contain sugar substitute. Always consult your doctor about which protein powder you should use and do not neglect to get your regular protein intake from food e.g. fish, eggs and meat.

Getting back in shape

Getting back in shape is indeed a hard work, physically and emotionally. One thing that you have to remember is that it’s all about patience and taking it slow in the beginning as to get the optimal results later on. So, take your time. Listen to your body and act according to it. Start with your workout at home. Get your energy up with enough protein intake. Many women tend to put themselves under pressure in order to look like a red carpet celebrity just a couple of months after giving birth. Never fall for that. Indeed, it’s a hard task to get back in shape, but being a full-time mom is even harder.


By Ian Pearson


Share Your Experience Of Childbirth For Catherine Balavage’s New Book

childbirth, birth, labour, labour tips, labor, childbirth book, what to expect, catherine BalavageFrost Editor Catherine Balavage is looking for women- and some men- to share their experience of childbirth with her. This will be for Catherine’s new book Women On Childbirth. Catherine had a traumatic birth experience and wants to write the book to help other women know what to expect, but also how to have a better birth. This will be Catherine’s fourth non-fiction book. She also writes fiction books.

If you would like to be included we would need your experience in 400-1000 words approx (although word count can be flexible), a biography and then some labour tips. Email your experience to

Thank you in advance to contributors.

Deadline is 1st April 2017.


Giving Birth – The Real Story

Giving Birth – The Real Story

  • 72% of mums-to-be are nervous about giving birth
  • Over half of respondents (61%) said their births didn’t go according to plan
  • The biggest fear (27%) about giving birth was medical complications affecting themselves or their baby
  • Almost a quarter (22%) found their birth partners more annoying than helpful

giving birth, birth, childbirth, the truth about giving birth

For most women, experiencing pregnancy and giving birth will be one of the most momentous times of their lives, but this doesn’t come without a certain amount of worries and anxiety. New research from The Baby Show with MadeForMums, which will be returning to Kensington, Olympia from the 21st to 23rd October, revealed that 72% of mums-to-be were nervous about the prospect of giving birth with the biggest worry cited as medical complications (27%)  affecting themselves or their baby. This was followed by 18% saying they were scared of unwanted interventions (e.g. inductions, caesarean section or forceps) and then 17% saying they were anxious about not being able to manage the pain.

The research found that while most mums-to-be will stay close to home the nearer the due date gets, some babies are keen to get things moving in unusual or inconvenient places. Of the mums surveyed, 42% went into labour in their home, with 28% in hospital. These were some of the more unusual findings;

  • Tube station escalator
  • Car showroom
  • Whilst watching a live rugby match
  • On the A1 motorway
  • In IKEA

While the majority of women (92%) chose to have their partners by their side in the birthing room, when it actually came to the labour, almost a quarter (22%) of people admitted they found their birthing partner more annoying than actually helpful, either falling asleep or playing games on their phones whilst mum does all the hard work! Senior midwife, maternity educator and managing director of Marie Louise Maternity, Marie Louise Hurworth says: “Being a birth partner is one of the most important jobs you could have. But it can be challenging and should be taken very seriously. Being there and sensitive to her changing needs will go a long way and set the foundations for your new family. Even if you are unsure of how to help, stand nearby and make eye contact to let her know you are there and willing to help at any opportunity. One of the most important things is that you don’t become disconnected; remember to participate throughout the journey.”

When asked for amusing labour stories The Baby Show were inundated with funny anecdotes from women across the UK including;

  • Nina Motylinski-Davies from East Sussex said: “What kept me going throughout my horrendous labour experience was the fact my husband, who after not getting the opportunity to try the gas the first time round, was determined to have a go this time. Put simply, he got absolutely off his face. He climbed into the birthing pool naked, asked the midwife for a margarita, text my Mum saying he could murder a curry when she was actually asking how I was doing, and then danced around the room to Neil Diamond! I look back and laugh now….”


  • Clare Boss from London told The Baby Show: “With my first baby, the fire alarm in the hospital went off which resulted in two firemen coming in to check on the room whilst I was legs akimbo and mid-push!!”


  • Laura Jackson from Cheshire explained her dramatic birth story: “I opted for a home birth and hired a birthing pool but sadly never got round to using it! I woke in the middle of the night with a small leak, one week over due, which turned out to be my waters breaking. I woke my husband who immediately started filling up the birthing pool whilst I called the hospital who said the midwives would take around an hour to get to my house. Within moments I had a really strong contraction and suddenly I knew my baby’s head was already out. I was desperate to get into the pool but it wasn’t full and my husband was having problems with the valves. He was in complete disbelief and just said ‘the heads not out’ whilst staring at the front door thinking this would make the midwives appear! Thankfully he snapped into action because with the next contraction he literally had to catch our baby. Such an amazing experience but personally I felt it was a shame for happening so fast…”


Wing Yan Lee, Marketing Manager at The Baby Show says: “Birth plans can be a contentious subject and as our results show many births don’t go according to plan. However, most experts would still agree that planning and looking into your birth options is essential, allowing you to prepare and feel in control of your birthing experience, no matter what direction it takes. We have midwives on hand throughout the show who are able to answer any questions or concerns, no matter how big or small, regarding your pregnancy, birth and beyond.”

Marie Louise continues: “Each and every woman is different and has specific individual needs so there is no one rule for all when it comes to labour and birth. As healthcare professionals we focus on women’s individuality and are guided by what women tell us; we then use technology according to the woman’s history and verbal communication to ensure we do our very best to make the entire process as safe, easy and calm as possible. It’s natural to be nervous about your birth and potential intervention but always remember that our aims are reflective of yours to have a happy, healthy mum and baby.”

Once you’ve arrived home and settled into a new routine, another subject you may be thinking about is sex… Am I ready? Will my partner be expecting sex straight away? Will it be hurt? Will it be the same?

The highest number of couples surveyed chose to wait between six weeks to three months before having sex again (42%) whilst one in five (20%) waited just 0 to six weeks. Reassuringly, a quarter of new mums said they didn’t feel self-conscious about their bodies during sex post-baby, and 29% said at first they did but their partners made them feel comfortable and relaxed.

Marie Louise says: “Guidelines suggest that women wait until they “feel ready” to have sex after birth but there isn’t enough discussion about it. Once again, everyone is different and has a unique experience during childbirth. You may have had a home water birth with no complications or you may have had a forceps delivery in hospital. If you have had a C-section, for example, you may feel ready mentally but your wound may need more time to heal. Or maybe you don’t feel ready mentally but your body has healed well. The most important thing is that you do what’s right for you at the right time and always ask a health professional if you are concerned.  If you are experiencing pain during sex postnatally don’t just put up with it, talk about it.”

From the 21st to 23rd October the biggest pregnancy and parenting event of the year, The Baby Show with MadeForMums, will be returning to Olympia, London.  The Show is the must-attend event for mums and dads-to-be and new parents, with over 200 exhibitors showcasing all the latest essentials for your new arrival, plus a stage programme jam packed with fashion shows and informative talks by renowned baby experts.

Advance tickets are available from £12.25, while on-the-door tickets cost £20.  For more information visit

Opening times:

Friday 21st, Saturday 22nd and Sunday 23rd October, open from 10:00am-5:30pm each day.



It Used To Be No Blacks, No Dogs, No Irish, Now It Is No Tories

The election results of 2015 were shocking, but not as shocking as the reaction from the left. The level of bile and hatred has been truly shocking. I have seen signs on shops saying no Tories, signs requesting that Tories declare their political beliefs so they can be charged more, calls for Tories to be fired from their jobs. More famously the Women of World War Two memorial on Whitehall was vandalised.  by anti-Tory protesters who graffitied ‘Fuck Tory scum’ on the monument. Could there be a more disrespectful way to make a statement? I am not so sure. Although leftie darling Laurie Penny didn’t seem to have a problem with it.

My husband was sure Labour would get in and that there would be a coalition. You are wrong I said, you are forgetting about secret Tories. The truth is, tories have been openly discriminated against for years. In fact, they are one of the few people you can openly discriminate against and it is ‘okay’. The other is white working class males. (See Chavs: The Demonization of the Working Class for details). There certainly is an irony there.

In 2010 I campaigned for Conservative MP Zac Goldsmith.  I campaigned for Zac because I thought he was a good, decent guy who could do good. I would have campaigned for him no matter what political party he was running for. The amount of abuse I got for campaigning for a Conservative was quite something. I lost friends and even work (I am an writer and actor. Both professions are notoriously left-wing). Even my own father commented that I was ‘no longer his daughter’. To this day we never talk about politics or my campaigning.

Social media is ablaze with comments about the destruction of the NHS (Spending actually increased under the last Conservative/Liberal Democrat coalition) and comments about welfare cuts. The amount of status updates and tweets I have seen saying how anyone who voted Tory should be ashamed of themselves and are now responsible for the cuts and coming destruction is shocking. My friend Jeremy Drysdale referred to it as an ‘echo chamber’. People with the same thoughts and beliefs following other people with the same thoughts and beliefs, living in a bubble of their own political making. ‘You are an actor’. another said, which explains just how much left wing abuse and bullying I saw. But I am also friends with Conservatives so I get a more balanced view. My Conservative friends have been dignified in their silence. They are also some of the most decent, generous, caring and moral people I have ever met.

Truth is, I don’t hang my mast to any specific political party but I believe in Conservative values: small government, aspiration, working hard. What I don’t agree with is 11.3 million people being called ‘Tory scum’ just because they have a different political belief. There are even calls for a new voting system even though Labour won with less votes in 2005. Where was the protesting then? The Labour majority in 2005 was 66 with 35.2% of the vote and the Conservative majority in 2015 was 12 with 36.9% of the vote. The alternative voting system was rejected by the British Public four years ago. Now because some people did not get the outcome they want they are crying foul.

Truth is, as this excellent article by Byrony Gordon says, the left are just bad losers. You can’t abuse people with different opinions from you just because you didn’t get what you want. The truth is, both Ed Milliband and Nick Clegg were gracious in defeat. If only their followers did the same.

 What do you think?