Tag: Labour

Packing Your Hospital Bag with the Natural Birthing Company

Natural Birthing Company, pregnancy, birth, labour

Did you know that September and early October are the most popular months for births?   With more mums-to-be going into labour this month than any other time of the year, Natural Birthing Company have put together a Birthing Essentials Kit to help these new mums prepare for the day. We love the Natural Birthing Company …

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How I Finally Got My Natural Birth.

working mother, mother, working, freelance, blogger, mummy blogger, blogger, parenting blogger, blogger, writing,, pregnancy, birth, childbirth, hypnobirthing, Catherine Balavage, trauma, childbirth, women on childbirth

As I write this it is my sons fifth birthday. He is happily playing with his new toys and his toddler sister is playing with a train track. The pain of my sons birth has lessened this year. The pain is not as searing. I wanted a natural birth with my son. I had gone …

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Exclusive Paddy Ashdown Interview ‘I Am Devoted To The Liberal Democrats’

Here is part three of our exclusive Paddy Ashdown interview. Take a look at part one and two. That’s a good answer. In your diaries you are clear about how close you were to Labour before and after the ’97 election, and that PR was the price of coalition. Given that the Lib Dems eventually …

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Exclusive: Paddy Ashdown On Clegg, The Tories, The Liberal Democrats & The NHS

Part two of our Interview with Paddy Ashdown. Here he talks about politics. Part three will be up tomorrow. Let us know what you think. Part one, where he talks about writing and his books,  is here. Do you mind if I ask you some political questions as well? No, go on. Would you prefer …

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Bringing Back That Old Looks After Giving Birth

After giving birth, no matter how difficult was your labor; it’s only natural to take it slow with everything. This especially goes for bringing back your old-self before the birth of your child. For the past nine months, your looks have drastically changed, as it should according to the laws of Mother Nature. Getting back …

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Share Your Experience Of Childbirth For Catherine Balavage’s New Book

Frost Editor Catherine Balavage is looking for women- and some men- to share their experience of childbirth with her. This will be for Catherine’s new book Women On Childbirth. Catherine had a traumatic birth experience and wants to write the book to help other women know what to expect, but also how to have a …

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Giving Birth – The Real Story

Giving Birth – The Real Story 72% of mums-to-be are nervous about giving birth Over half of respondents (61%) said their births didn’t go according to plan The biggest fear (27%) about giving birth was medical complications affecting themselves or their baby Almost a quarter (22%) found their birth partners more annoying than helpful For …

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It Used To Be No Blacks, No Dogs, No Irish, Now It Is No Tories

The election results of 2015 were shocking, but not as shocking as the reaction from the left. The level of bile and hatred has been truly shocking. I have seen signs on shops saying no Tories, signs requesting that Tories declare their political beliefs so they can be charged more, calls for Tories to be …

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Frost Magazine