I am a long-time fan of Leigh Turner, having read his book Palladium and Lessons in Diplomacy – Politics, Power and Parties. He’s a very interesting person and I recommend following him on Instagram.
Tell us about you.
I became a writer in 2002. That was the year I began a four-year break from full-time work at the British Embassy in Berlin to look after our children, then aged eight and ten, so my diplomat wife could work full-time. She took over my job in the embassy. I’d begun my first novel, Eternal Life, in 1986. That was when the British Embassy in Vienna, where I was then working, got its first word-processor. I thought: ‘wow – you can edit your work before printing it! That’ll make writing much easier.’ Of course, it didn’t. But although I made some progress with my writing while I was working full-time as a diplomat, in Vienna, Moscow and Berlin, I found taking a break from full-time work transformative.
In the four years from 2002, I started writing for the Financial Times, sold two treatments to a film company, attended writing courses, and wrote two novels. When I returned to the Foreign Office full-time in 2006 as Director of Overseas Territories (Saint Helena, Bermuda, the Falklands & Co), then as Ambassador to Ukraine, I continued to write.
Unfortunately, the Foreign Office hated me trying to publish fiction and be a diplomat at the same time. They even threatened me with disciplinary action if I persisted after a bust-up in 2014, when I was working as British Consul-General in Istanbul. I started publishing excerpts from my romantic comedy The Cheat on-line. They objected to the rude words! It was a difficult situation.
So the freedom to write what I wanted was a factor in my deciding to retire in 2021 and focus full-time on writing. Since then, I’ve published three books: Palladium, a thriller set in Istanbul; The Hitchhiker’s Guide to Diplomacy – Wie Diplomatie die Welt erklärt (a series of life lessons, in German, based on my 42-year career as a diplomat and civil servant – the subtitle means “How diplomacy explains the world”), and Lessons in Diplomacy – Politics, Power and Parties, an English version of the same book.

What’s your writing routine?
I’m a bit manic, to be honest. Every morning, after a bit of yoga, I walk my partner to her work, then sit down until lunchtime to write. In the afternoons and sometimes in the evenings I focus on writing-related jobs, including organising book tours and social media – I have a website, a podcast, and post on TikTok, YouTube, Instagram and Linkedin. My “Lessons in Diplomacy” videos on TikTok have the best response – I work hard to publish good stuff for my 5,000 followers! Linkedin yields most speaking opportunities, including talks about “Lessons in Diplomacy”. I always make time to attend schools and universities, in particular, to discuss the book and answer questions.
You have written non-fiction and fiction. What is your favourite?
I love both! Creating characters and stories in fiction is a thrill. I love to work late into the night on a scene, then review what I’ve written in the morning, and find that characters, apparently independently, have led the story into unexpected places. Writing Lessons in Diplomacy was a different experience. The months of painstaking research, scouring my records, fact-checking and – above all – choosing the most fun, enlightening stories to illustrate the “life lessons” that make up the book, was rewarding. Like other writers, I sometimes worry that I’m putting too much of myself on display. When the publishers urged me to include even more Russian honeytrap stories about my travels to Novosibirsk, Vladivostok and elsewhere from 1992-95, I declined. But maybe if there’s ever a Volume 2 I’ll go further.
I loved Lessons in Diplomacy. What are your hopes for the book? Do you want to help people become diplomats?
The aim of Lessons in Diplomacy is three-fold. I wanted a book about diplomacy that was fun to read, opening up the truth about diplomatic life to the non-expert. Too many of us have a stereotypical view of upper-class twits swanning round the globe. Diplomacy is changing fast, including many more women and other under-represented groups becoming diplomats and ambassadors.
The book is also designed as a collection of life lessons from diplomacy. It’s not for nothing that the book includes chapters on “How to craft a career”, “How to drink wine and know things”, and “How to know people”. The skills and attributes that make a good diplomat can be applied to many – perhaps all – jobs and careers. I hope people find it useful.
Finally, I hope the book is a breath of fresh air for anyone studying politics or international relations. Many academic textbooks about diplomacy are written by great academics who have never been a diplomat. Others are written by great diplomats who have never written a book. I’m hoping readers will find Lessons in Diplomacy both useful and a great read.
You have lived an exciting life. What made you go into diplomacy?
My parents’ life was a lot more exciting than mine! They moved in 1951, as young adults, to northern Nigeria, and later to Lesotho, in southern Africa. Living in different countries instilled in me a deep interest in what made countries tick, as well as a restless desire to travel. Diplomacy was an obvious job choice, and I had great fortune in getting into the Foreign Office – on my second attempt. But as I say in Lessons in Diplomacy, “Don’t judge a book by its cover.” The jobs I did before the Foreign Office – in the Department of the Environment and the Treasury – were some of the most exciting I ever did – far more so than most Foreign Office jobs!

I loved how you took some time out to be with your children. Do you wish more men would do this?
The four years I spent looking after the children full-time, while my wife took my job in the British Embassy in Berlin, were the best four years of my working life. I was able to form a deeper bond with my children, to look at the world in a different way. I encourage all men to take seriously the option of some time out to help raise their kids. I recognise that not all parents have jobs that allow them to stop work for four years; or enough income for one parent to support the family. But do explore the options! Many women thought a man taking time off to bring up children was fabulous. But many men were hostile. They seemed to feel threatened by what I was doing.
Who are your favourite authors and books?
I’m an eclectic reader. I immensely enjoy modern thrillers such as Lee Child or Vince Flynn. But I also love romantic thrillers – I recently enjoyed books by Sophie Kinsella and Mhairi McFarlane. And I have a soft spot for the classics – I’m nearing the end of a “read all books by Dickens” campaign, and love anything by Anthony Trollope. I’ve written a lot about Trollope on my rleighturner.com blog – although he’s a 19thC writer he has a lot to tell us about relationships, gender and power.
What advice do you have for aspiring writers?
Persevere, and train your writing skills! Submitting books to agents and publishers is a cruel, unrelenting slog. But you have to keep doing it in the hope that one day, your painstakingly constructed work will see the light of day. There’s also the option of self-publishing, which I have tried, and which can work brilliantly. But it’s worth trying for a “traditional” publishing route first, if you can, to give your book the best chance.
I’m also a huge fan of honing your art. Writing courses are great ways to get feedback on your work, and mutual support. I go on courses regularly, and am even teaching on one in September 2025, in Lesbos, Greece. Details of the Lesbos course, and on other writing courses I’ve attended, and recommend, are on my blog.
Writing groups are also terrific. I’m in a virtual group with five writers from the US and Canada that meets every month. Their comments on my work have helped me improve my writing. They’ve also strengthened my self-belief – invaluable!
What’s next?
I’m currently working on a trilogy of romantic comedies I call the “Diplomats in trouble” series. I’m excited about it, although, as always, it’s not yet certain it will ever see the light of day. My hero Angus is a protagonist many test readers, mostly women, love to see try, and fail, and try and try again, to find love and a meaningful relationship in the chaos that is modern life. Watch this space.
Leigh has also written extensively about Russia’s war on Ukraine, in his book “Lessons in Diplomacy” and on his website.