Tag: Long-Term

Living with the long term effects of cancer

Cordelia Galgut

I couldn’t possibly have imagined, when writing my latest book, Living with the long term effects of cancer, last year, from my dual perspective as psychologist and woman who has had breast cancer, that we would all be facing a pandemic such as this appalling Covid19 one we are now enduring. This situation is a …

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Sun Damage – Short-Term and Long-Term Effects By Dr Kathleen Thompson

Last time we discussed sunburn and sunscreens. But what if, despite all efforts, you get sunburned? First reduce inflammation. Take anti-inflammatories (eg ibuprofen) and apply bland moisturisers. Cool the affected skin with wet cloths, and keep hydrated.  (Pure) aloe vera may help. Vitamin E may reduce on-going skin-cell damage, which can continue even after sun-exposure. …

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