I have a confession to make. I find the whole snobbish going to university thing stupid. If you want to actually study something or be a doctor, then obviously go and reach your potential, but one of the things I find most stupid about social pressure is that everyone should go to university. At least …
Tag: Mark Zuckerberg
Oct 06
Visionary Steve Jobs Dies At 56
‘Remembering that you are going to die is the best way I know to avoid the trap of thinking you have something to lose’ Steve Jobs, 2005 The world mourned today as Steve Job lost his eight year battle with cancer. He was only 56. Steve Jobs was called a ‘visionary, who had changed people’s …
Dec 16
Facebook to add facial recognition to tagging {Social Networking}
Following the news that Mark Zuckerberg has been named Time Magazine’s Person of the year 2010, Facebook are continuing their “we’re developing it whether you like it or not” mission and have announced their latest development. Facial recognition tagging for photos will make it easier and quicker to tag people in photos. Similar to the …